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TCs need solution URGENTLY....

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:36 pm

boulio wrote:at 71/29 under the annan plan 88,000 were to return under g/c admin.the rest only 18% over 19 years in the north.i think many g/c will not return to begin with.and if the do it might be as weekend residents or beach house etc.

that cannot get their properties back will get compensation

can you give examples why they wont get the properties back and how will you compensate?

Return to the north can be in stages as villages are vacated over a shorter period or a register can be taken of those who wish to return or sell.

Wherever building has taken place compensation will be the only viable solution otherwise there will be methem and heartbreak all over again is that what you really want? I would never adovocate throwing GC refugees of TC land after 36 years.
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Postby boulio » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:38 pm

Stages agreed,not decades though

i can see if a t/c built a house on a g/c property because he had to.But i cant see britsh(apostolides)having rights or developers who look to profit.
Last edited by boulio on Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:40 pm

boulio wrote:Stages agreed,not decades though

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Re: TCs need solution URGENTLY....

Postby Malapapa » Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Malapapa wrote:“It is the Turkish Cypriots who are in isolation and need an urgent solution,” he said.

So, what can be concluded from this do you think?

That they’ll just continue pretending not to have a care in the world because that’s how Ottomans are programmed! In laymen’s terms it’s called… stupid! :lol:

No, the misdemeanour of stupidity does not carry a custodial sentence.

Perpetual incarceration in a high-security compound to protect civilised society would only be appropriate for the criminally insane.
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Postby boulio » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:27 am

vp i was wondering what you thought about election of prez and vp(not you :lol: )if it should be on a single ticket or seperate and what you thought aboout cross-voting aplying to their election?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:16 am

boulio wrote:
Soon there is no solution, everyone is wasting their time, neither side is interesting in finding solution and by the look on your leaders face we kno which side the pressure is on, the man ended up in hospital when he heard its either a solution by April or partition.

Partition from who did he hear it from the UN?DOUBTFUL without the ROC signature there will never be one and if there is a agreed partion its going to be something like the ascheson plan you the turkish army on the karpaz penisula.

boulio,the TCs once made the mistake of believing that their rights under the 1960 constitution could not be unilaterally taken away..It was and this was recognised by the UN at the insistence of the big powers because it suited their interests at the time..don't you make the same mistake now in thinking the trnc would never be recongnised unless the GCs agree to it...Strangest things have happened on the international political arena...
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Postby boulio » Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:12 am

bir if it had to come to a security council vote it would never pass.China and France would veto and so would russia possibly.

Can i ask you a question bir,has the republic of turkey ever formally requested the "trnc" to be recognized by the UN?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:29 am

Talat is nervous, and he has his doubt; Turkey is no freind to him, should he turn toward the counterpart, does his constituency support big changes, beyond the vote he may win is he strong enough to stand as a Statesman for them? My best wishes to him, certainly he is likeable, i believe his intentions are noble, but as a Cypriot first, unlike Christofias, he has not described any remorse for the Ignorance expressed in murderous ways as Nationalistic furor. He has not stood up for a way of life which is different, set on this island, Cypriot, ending lawlessness, and ending the dependancy on occupation militarily. from now until then (the election), he must find a way to stir much debate about a "big" issue. enclaves north and south, more settlers as citizens, girne still served by a Turkish authority, the potential for the development of land in Paphos, Larnaca, and other parts south, if he is a "Lame duck", i'm rooting for him, people who love this island do not want to live in fear. He stood for something once... and Mr. X has an agenda for Human betterment too... free from Turkey's isolation, he may be the prodigal son that Cyprus needs to end the Problem's impasse.

Bir...please look at my manifesto, as a point of discussion, consider how enclaves are useful on so many levels, if the "Greeks" got some, and so too the "Turks". Nothing resolves nothing, some displacement must occcur, (Turkish and Greek) allowing for people to return as communities, beyond our Individual Rights (which still must be repected), the Person is important as well; there is no other act that demonstrates our Will as members of a Human Race, Bicommunal, with two levels of governance, and Bizonal by repopulating, better. Furthermore, enclaves allow for all of us a sense of service close by anywhere on the island. most importantly, enclaves add diversity to both as majorities with these as competing forces which seek the attention of their Assembly.

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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:24 am

boulio wrote:vp i was wondering what you thought about election of prez and vp(not you :lol: )if it should be on a single ticket or seperate and what you thought aboout cross-voting aplying to their election?

bulio seriously the one ticket deal imo is the best deal because political ideology is more important than ethnic back round but obviously neither side has matured enough to accept this radical step. Cross voting well as I described before in my offer a island wide vote would mean cross voting in a way in order to get the candidate of your choice into government you would vote for him whether he be in the north or south, all he would have to do is get enough vote to be in the first group past the post.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:16 am

Viewpoint wrote:
boulio wrote:vp i was wondering what you thought about election of prez and vp(not you :lol: )if it should be on a single ticket or seperate and what you thought aboout cross-voting aplying to their election?

bulio seriously the one ticket deal imo is the best deal because political ideology is more important than ethnic back round but obviously neither side has matured enough to accept this radical step. Cross voting well as I described before in my offer a island wide vote would mean cross voting in a way in order to get the candidate of your choice into government you would vote for him whether he be in the north or south, all he would have to do is get enough vote to be in the first group past the post.

The above suggestion would work, VP, as in a Unitary state, so what's the purpose of having a Federation states under BBF if you want to treat it as a Unitary state. You might as well do away with the "trnc" and let everyone live where ever they want as before 1974, and then you can have your wish. At least this way, there's no threat seen by the GCs that you want to take any part of Cyprus for yourself and claim partition at later stage. You are either going to demand for a Unitary state or a BBF state, which they each come with their own set of rules.! What you want to do is to take what suits you the best of both the worlds and leave the rest behind, and then try to take the “high road” by declaring that the GCs does not want a solution. In another words, you want “Heads I win, Tails you lose” scenarios for a settlement. What you want is, "to have your cake and eat it too", or as we say in Turkish (already translated) “Is your mother that much beautiful”.???
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