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Should Greece have bases in Cyprus?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Should Greece Militarise Cyprus by deploying troops and having military naval and air force bases in Cyprus?

Total votes : 36

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:59 pm

runaway wrote:[...]
You have to learn Turkish in your schools

You may be interested to know that Turkish is taught as an optional foreign language at Greek Cypriot high schools. I seem to remember seeing a figure quoted of about one in fifteen high school students who are currently studying Turkish.
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Postby Liontaroui » Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:05 pm

Since your guy decided to allow the TC to come South, Turkish has overtaken most other languages as an option in school, as has happened in the North with Greek.
Unlike the North, the opposition hasnt tried to BAN the teaching of Turkish because of 'budget cuts'.
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Postby Byron » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:18 pm

miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:Greece is welcome to have as many bases in south cyprus as she wishes. She is far from being a threat to Türkiye militarily. Only Lebanon or Syria may be disturbed. And it is unlikely that bankrupt Greece will be after any bases in tiny Greece nowadays. :lol:

Well then, if Greece is not a threat, then why don't you invade a Greek island or 2 so that we can see how good you are against a nation that is armed to its teeth? Go On! :wink:

41 Greece $ 32,100 2009 est.
99 Turkey $ 11,200 2009 est.

If Greece is bankrupt, then what does that make Turkey?Image

You don't watch any international news channels in south cyprus? Greece is making headlines for nearly 2 months for manipulating economic figures and they are in deep crisis. By the way Türkiye is world's 16th biggest economy and last time I checked Greece was not among the top 15. :lol: :lol:
I voted NAI for Greek bases in south cyprus. After all, Cyprus is a Turko-Greek island. They have every right to be there. Long live Turkish-Greek brotherhood.

If Turkey is the 16th biggest economy, only due to the fact it is a large market of some 70 million people, then why is Turkey's GDP per capita only 1/3 of Greece's?

If it were not for the fact that Turkey is occupying Cyprus illegally, then we may have started a charity fund raising for Turkey on this forum, to help feed a a few starving Turks! :lol:

Why don't you withdraw from Cyprus so that we can send you some urgently needed food and blankets? :lol:

Being a big economy is not just about having a large market. But of course what would a south cypriot know about it?

Mama Greece has no industry. You can only market your sun,sea and sand. Even in that one you've fallen behind. I remember Greece having a bigger tourism industry in 90s. 2009 figures say Türkiye attracts 26 million tourists and Greece only 16 m. Export your south cypriot donkeys to Greece and let's all pray for bankrupt(and corrupt) Greece to improve. 8)

Do a bit of research and you will see that both Greece and Cyprus leave Turkey for dead as they are far wealthier with a far greater GDP per capita.

Let me make it easy for you!

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita ... per_capita

No eat your tin of cat food and go to sleep! :lol:

Going back to the real topic of the thread, let mama Greece open all types of bases in south cyprus. Türkiye is capable of getting 100% of Cyprus in 2 hours, Salonika in 4 and Athens in 24. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What are you waiting for?

Go ahead! :wink:

We haven't decided where to kick the south cypriots yet. Choose your new country: Lebanon, Kosovo, Albania, Makedonija.

You are a foreigner , stay out of Cyprus's affairs !
Incidentally Plonker the correct way to spell Turkey in English is TURKEY !!

Teach me how to spell Makedonija in English as well south cypriot. I am sure you also know the English translation of Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. You will always be a foreigner in KKTC. I know it hurts. 8)

Turk from Türkiye

Exactly !! A bloody foreigner from Turkey poking his nose in our affairs.
Plonker the pseudo state currently under the occupation of a third world nation , a nation whose citizens hide in lorries to get out off , a nation who deliberates months as to whether its women folk should wear a head scarf or not , a nation that still has and tolerates the barbaric practice of honour killings , what exactly is it that you are proud of.
The Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs are a breed so superior to your lot that causes your nation revulsion against the T/Cs because they are a superior breed !

You have a sick soul south cypriot.KKTC language is Turkish (my language), KKTC religion is Islam (my religion), NONE of my TC friends see GCs as brothers or cousins or whatever.They are strangers living in the south of the island. You are living in a world of fantasy. And there is no such thing as Cypriot breed you old fool. Now get lost ignorant breed.

You , peasant , know as much about about the T/Cs as I know of the Martians !
In reality you are , as you know , a bloody foreigner , the likes of you don't belong in CYPRUS , A THOUROUGHLY MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY , G/Cs AND T/Cs , go back to Anatolia peasant or if there already stay there , practice Islam to your hearts content , join Bin Laden , blow yourself up but don't get involved with Cypriot affairs !

How well can you speak TC language? How many times have you been to a TC mosque? Who are your favorite TC singers? Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and change his/her religion? Jesus is not God you knew that? Have you heard that Christian Americans killed Muslim Iraqis?

Your answers to above questions:
-not at all
-haven't heard of them
-no way
-no idea
-no, christians can't be terrorists

south cypriot with the funny peasant Greek accent you are such a jerk. TC stands for TURKISH Cypriot have you ever thought about that?

Why on earth should I go to a Mosque , unless attending some sort of civil ceremony.
I know T/Cs far more than peasant Anatolian boy would ever know. Did you know that T/Cs give their daughters one instruction , NEVER bring home an Anatolian peasant !!
I would accept my children to marry anyone but like my T/C compatriots I would strongly advice against an Anatolian peasant , like you.
So now that you know that there is no Allah , God or all the other crap that we were all brainwashed in accepting perhaps you will do us a favour and go join Bin Laden !! He is actively looking for peasant boys to use as flying objects !
Did I ever tell you what a Plonker you are !!

I am not surprised at all that you avoided all my questions about TCs. Since you claim you are one nation and since Turkish is your official language, show us how sincere you are in the unique "Cypriot breed" thing:

-How well do you speak TC language? (How many words I should ask?:))
-How many times have you been to a TC mosque?
-Name us your favorite TC singers.
-Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and convert to Islam?

Prove us how well you have integrated with your TC compatriots south cypriot plonker with the funny peasant Greek accent.

Plonker , I already answered your questions. The fact that most British people have not been inside a mosque it does not mean that they can not connect to British muslims. The fact that most British people do not speak , Bangladeshi , Pakistani , Greek , Spanish and a myriad of other languages that exist in the UK does not mean that they can not connect to either myself or the millions of other Brits whose language they can not speak.
As for my grandchildren marrying a T/C , I have already said that I would be happy with anyone provided he is not an Anatolian plonker like you or a religious nut like Bin Laden.
Any more questions Anatolian boy , now get out of Cyprus the land of the Cypriots .

Qu'est-ce que c'est une chypriote ?
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Postby boomerang » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:20 pm

runaway wrote:
boomerang wrote:
runaway wrote:
boomerang wrote:i was wondering as to why the tcs in this forum don't shut the popsickle up...unless ofcourse they endorse popsickle's views...he tried the same tactics in a greek/turkish forum and actually the turks shut him up, to the extend he doesn't even go there anymore...i expected more from tcs but then again, they might be in total agreance with this moron...

come on guys are you turks?...what?

you liar.How can they shut me up when they share the same view as me??? Go to the forum south cypriot. I'll wait for you there. :twisted:

yeah lets take a walk down memory lane...

[b][QUOTE=runaway,May 21, 2009 08:52 pm]

similar to Srebrenica isn't it?

[QUOTE=domestos,May 22, 2009 12:29 am]Video doesn't say anything. It's a well know fact that more than 500 TCs are lost. But there is no evidence or clue that people on the video were killed.

OTOH 1619 GCs including ordinary people (some of them seen alive in that Adana camp) couldn't return to Cyprus. They are lost. I mean the number of lost GC's is three times more than TC's. Similar to Srebrenica isn't it?

question to you
[QUOTE=Kayakiran,March 29, 2009 10:55 am]Runaway, I don't know much about your background so I cannot make a judgement on you as to why you dispise Greek Cypriots so much.

answer by you
[QUOTE=runaway,March 29, 2009 11:08 am]just an ordinary Turk. south cypriots are the most naive people on the planet. They tried to get rid of the TCs and unite with Greece and thought Turkey would do nothing. Now I don't see the reason why they are barking. These people should learn to behave.[/QUOTE][/quote]

reply to your ramblings
[QUOTE=LOS MAGANDOS,March 27, 2009 11:42 pm]
hahahaha you REALLY dont know SK do you ??? the guy has defended Turks in court newbie boy !!!

why are you bringing in cyprus to this anyway ?

its about the BBP.. and im sorry but they are cunts.. Paps and Eoka is another thread.

then you question again
[QUOTE=runaway,March 28, 2009 12:24 am]I am just questioning the hypocrisy in this forum. I am called a fascist just because I forwarded the message of our GC moderator and changed the name Yazıcıoglu as Papadopoulos. Calling Yazıcıoglu a cunt is OK, but calling Papadopoulos a cunt makes one fascist?[/QUOTE]

hen you are told again
[QUOTE=domestos,March 28, 2009 12:49 am]Can you tell us who called you fascist for calling Tpap a cunt?

Sorry but what you do isn't called questioning the hypocrisy, it's called straw man.[/QUOTE][/quote]

you said
[QUOTE=runaway,March 27, 2009 05:50 pm]BBPli değilim. Hiçbir zaman da oy vermeyi düşündüğüm bir parti değil. Yazıcıoğlu'nu severim ya da sevmem. Domestos Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu'nu sevmiyor olabilirsin. İstediğin kadar küfür de edebilirsin.Ama Kıbrıs Rumunun yönettiği Türk-Yunan forumu değildir bunun yeri. Kendi içimizde başka forumlarda tartışmalıyız böyle şeyleri. Hangi Kıbrıs Rumu ya da Yunan kendi insanını kendi ülkesini bu kadar eleştiriyor bu forumda? Rumun Türklere küfretmesi hoşuna mı gidiyor? İşte Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu'nun ölmesine sevinen Rumun mesajı yukarda. Papadopoulos öldüğünde ne dedin çok merak ediyorum.

Fuck terrorist EOKA member Papadopoulos the TC killer and his supporters. :terminator:

Forumun sahte Türkleri Rum liderinize dil uzattım buyrun linç edin beni. :bow:

you were told once
[QUOTE=westerort,March 27, 2009 08:12 pm]a dead fascist is the only good fascist :tiphat:[/QUOTE]

you were told twice
[QUOTE=domestos,March 27, 2009 08:26 pm]If you're not happy or ready to discuss these kind of things in front of Greek cypriots, you're free to fuck off. Nations and races are all social constructs, I give importance to common values instead of nationality. And I feel myself closer to many GC's than a fascist turk.


you answered back
[QUOTE=runaway,March 27, 2009 09:37 pm]Why should I discuss Turkey's internal problems in front of GCs? Do they discuss how they butchered TCs in front of us? (Needless to say they don't even discuss it among themselves.) Ha bu arada you may want to fuck off to South Cyprus yourself. I will be glad to see your common values with them as a kanıbozuk Turk. Sorry to disappoint you but they will never ever accept you as one of them as they hate your national identity. So as an alternative you may want to go to hell baby. :repost:[/QUOTE]

you get a reply
[QUOTE=domestos,March 27, 2009 10:27 pm]Any development in turkish ultranationalist wing effects our relations with greece and greeks. This is an open forum and If you can't handle Greeks' participation in these kind of subjects, then this forum is not the place for you. If you don't want to communicate with GC's, again this forum is not the right place for you. And if you want to talk about civilians killed by EOKA & EOKA-B, then open a thread and let's talk, enlighten us with your deep knowledge about the historical background and developments in Cyprus conflict, draw logical conclusions. We have a dedicated section for it. You don't have to bring it again and again under every topic.


and another reply
[QUOTE=LOS MAGANDOS,March 27, 2009 11:36 pm]Guilty or not..

as Westy said..

A good Fascist is a Dead Fascist.

Awesome thread by the way ! :yes:[/QUOTE][/quote]
well we all getting the trend...the above answers came for turks, which i feel closer than some of the greeks...needless to say soon after popsickle stopped posting all together, unable to cope getting his ass constantly handed to her...

there are more...[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG you are totally lost on that one. A good fascist is a dead fascist was not directed at me. It was for Muhsin Yazicioglu, dead ultranationalist party leader who lost his life in a heli crash.[/quote]

yeah you stood up for him and secondly we must be in agreeance your ass was handed to you on a platter with the rest... :lol:
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Postby runaway » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:24 pm

boomerang wrote:
runaway wrote:
boomerang wrote:
runaway wrote:
boomerang wrote:i was wondering as to why the tcs in this forum don't shut the popsickle up...unless ofcourse they endorse popsickle's views...he tried the same tactics in a greek/turkish forum and actually the turks shut him up, to the extend he doesn't even go there anymore...i expected more from tcs but then again, they might be in total agreance with this moron...

come on guys are you turks?...what?

you liar.How can they shut me up when they share the same view as me??? Go to the forum south cypriot. I'll wait for you there. :twisted:

yeah lets take a walk down memory lane...

[b][QUOTE=runaway,May 21, 2009 08:52 pm]

similar to Srebrenica isn't it?

[QUOTE=domestos,May 22, 2009 12:29 am]Video doesn't say anything. It's a well know fact that more than 500 TCs are lost. But there is no evidence or clue that people on the video were killed.

OTOH 1619 GCs including ordinary people (some of them seen alive in that Adana camp) couldn't return to Cyprus. They are lost. I mean the number of lost GC's is three times more than TC's. Similar to Srebrenica isn't it?

question to you
[QUOTE=Kayakiran,March 29, 2009 10:55 am]Runaway, I don't know much about your background so I cannot make a judgement on you as to why you dispise Greek Cypriots so much.

answer by you
[QUOTE=runaway,March 29, 2009 11:08 am]just an ordinary Turk. south cypriots are the most naive people on the planet. They tried to get rid of the TCs and unite with Greece and thought Turkey would do nothing. Now I don't see the reason why they are barking. These people should learn to behave.

reply to your ramblings
[QUOTE=LOS MAGANDOS,March 27, 2009 11:42 pm]
hahahaha you REALLY dont know SK do you ??? the guy has defended Turks in court newbie boy !!!

why are you bringing in cyprus to this anyway ?

its about the BBP.. and im sorry but they are cunts.. Paps and Eoka is another thread.

then you question again
[QUOTE=runaway,March 28, 2009 12:24 am]I am just questioning the hypocrisy in this forum. I am called a fascist just because I forwarded the message of our GC moderator and changed the name Yazıcıoglu as Papadopoulos. Calling Yazıcıoglu a cunt is OK, but calling Papadopoulos a cunt makes one fascist?[/QUOTE]

hen you are told again
[QUOTE=domestos,March 28, 2009 12:49 am]Can you tell us who called you fascist for calling Tpap a cunt?

Sorry but what you do isn't called questioning the hypocrisy, it's called straw man.[/QUOTE][/quote]

you said
[QUOTE=runaway,March 27, 2009 05:50 pm]BBPli değilim. Hiçbir zaman da oy vermeyi düşündüğüm bir parti değil. Yazıcıoğlu'nu severim ya da sevmem. Domestos Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu'nu sevmiyor olabilirsin. İstediğin kadar küfür de edebilirsin.Ama Kıbrıs Rumunun yönettiği Türk-Yunan forumu değildir bunun yeri. Kendi içimizde başka forumlarda tartışmalıyız böyle şeyleri. Hangi Kıbrıs Rumu ya da Yunan kendi insanını kendi ülkesini bu kadar eleştiriyor bu forumda? Rumun Türklere küfretmesi hoşuna mı gidiyor? İşte Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu'nun ölmesine sevinen Rumun mesajı yukarda. Papadopoulos öldüğünde ne dedin çok merak ediyorum.

Fuck terrorist EOKA member Papadopoulos the TC killer and his supporters. :terminator:

Forumun sahte Türkleri Rum liderinize dil uzattım buyrun linç edin beni. :bow:

you were told once
[QUOTE=westerort,March 27, 2009 08:12 pm]a dead fascist is the only good fascist :tiphat:[/QUOTE]

you were told twice
[QUOTE=domestos,March 27, 2009 08:26 pm]If you're not happy or ready to discuss these kind of things in front of Greek cypriots, you're free to fuck off. Nations and races are all social constructs, I give importance to common values instead of nationality. And I feel myself closer to many GC's than a fascist turk.


you answered back
[QUOTE=runaway,March 27, 2009 09:37 pm]Why should I discuss Turkey's internal problems in front of GCs? Do they discuss how they butchered TCs in front of us? (Needless to say they don't even discuss it among themselves.) Ha bu arada you may want to fuck off to South Cyprus yourself. I will be glad to see your common values with them as a kanıbozuk Turk. Sorry to disappoint you but they will never ever accept you as one of them as they hate your national identity. So as an alternative you may want to go to hell baby. :repost:[/QUOTE]

you get a reply
[QUOTE=domestos,March 27, 2009 10:27 pm]Any development in turkish ultranationalist wing effects our relations with greece and greeks. This is an open forum and If you can't handle Greeks' participation in these kind of subjects, then this forum is not the place for you. If you don't want to communicate with GC's, again this forum is not the right place for you. And if you want to talk about civilians killed by EOKA & EOKA-B, then open a thread and let's talk, enlighten us with your deep knowledge about the historical background and developments in Cyprus conflict, draw logical conclusions. We have a dedicated section for it. You don't have to bring it again and again under every topic.


and another reply
[QUOTE=LOS MAGANDOS,March 27, 2009 11:36 pm]Guilty or not..

as Westy said..

A good Fascist is a Dead Fascist.

Awesome thread by the way ! :yes:[/QUOTE][/quote]
well we all getting the trend...the above answers came for turks, which i feel closer than some of the greeks...needless to say soon after popsickle stopped posting all together, unable to cope getting his ass constantly handed to her...

there are more...[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG you are totally lost on that one. A good fascist is a dead fascist was not directed at me. It was for Muhsin Yazicioglu, dead ultranationalist party leader who lost his life in a heli crash.[/quote]

yeah you stood up for him and secondly we must be in agreeance your ass was handed to you on a platter with the rest... :lol:[/quote]

I didn't stood up for him as I had never voted for him. I just spoke against your corps stolen ex president.
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Postby runaway » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:27 pm

Byron wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:Greece is welcome to have as many bases in south cyprus as she wishes. She is far from being a threat to Türkiye militarily. Only Lebanon or Syria may be disturbed. And it is unlikely that bankrupt Greece will be after any bases in tiny Greece nowadays. :lol:

Well then, if Greece is not a threat, then why don't you invade a Greek island or 2 so that we can see how good you are against a nation that is armed to its teeth? Go On! :wink:

41 Greece $ 32,100 2009 est.
99 Turkey $ 11,200 2009 est.

If Greece is bankrupt, then what does that make Turkey?Image

You don't watch any international news channels in south cyprus? Greece is making headlines for nearly 2 months for manipulating economic figures and they are in deep crisis. By the way Türkiye is world's 16th biggest economy and last time I checked Greece was not among the top 15. :lol: :lol:
I voted NAI for Greek bases in south cyprus. After all, Cyprus is a Turko-Greek island. They have every right to be there. Long live Turkish-Greek brotherhood.

If Turkey is the 16th biggest economy, only due to the fact it is a large market of some 70 million people, then why is Turkey's GDP per capita only 1/3 of Greece's?

If it were not for the fact that Turkey is occupying Cyprus illegally, then we may have started a charity fund raising for Turkey on this forum, to help feed a a few starving Turks! :lol:

Why don't you withdraw from Cyprus so that we can send you some urgently needed food and blankets? :lol:

Being a big economy is not just about having a large market. But of course what would a south cypriot know about it?

Mama Greece has no industry. You can only market your sun,sea and sand. Even in that one you've fallen behind. I remember Greece having a bigger tourism industry in 90s. 2009 figures say Türkiye attracts 26 million tourists and Greece only 16 m. Export your south cypriot donkeys to Greece and let's all pray for bankrupt(and corrupt) Greece to improve. 8)

Do a bit of research and you will see that both Greece and Cyprus leave Turkey for dead as they are far wealthier with a far greater GDP per capita.

Let me make it easy for you!

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita ... per_capita

No eat your tin of cat food and go to sleep! :lol:

Going back to the real topic of the thread, let mama Greece open all types of bases in south cyprus. Türkiye is capable of getting 100% of Cyprus in 2 hours, Salonika in 4 and Athens in 24. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What are you waiting for?

Go ahead! :wink:

We haven't decided where to kick the south cypriots yet. Choose your new country: Lebanon, Kosovo, Albania, Makedonija.

You are a foreigner , stay out of Cyprus's affairs !
Incidentally Plonker the correct way to spell Turkey in English is TURKEY !!

Teach me how to spell Makedonija in English as well south cypriot. I am sure you also know the English translation of Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. You will always be a foreigner in KKTC. I know it hurts. 8)

Turk from Türkiye

Exactly !! A bloody foreigner from Turkey poking his nose in our affairs.
Plonker the pseudo state currently under the occupation of a third world nation , a nation whose citizens hide in lorries to get out off , a nation who deliberates months as to whether its women folk should wear a head scarf or not , a nation that still has and tolerates the barbaric practice of honour killings , what exactly is it that you are proud of.
The Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs are a breed so superior to your lot that causes your nation revulsion against the T/Cs because they are a superior breed !

You have a sick soul south cypriot.KKTC language is Turkish (my language), KKTC religion is Islam (my religion), NONE of my TC friends see GCs as brothers or cousins or whatever.They are strangers living in the south of the island. You are living in a world of fantasy. And there is no such thing as Cypriot breed you old fool. Now get lost ignorant breed.

You , peasant , know as much about about the T/Cs as I know of the Martians !
In reality you are , as you know , a bloody foreigner , the likes of you don't belong in CYPRUS , A THOUROUGHLY MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY , G/Cs AND T/Cs , go back to Anatolia peasant or if there already stay there , practice Islam to your hearts content , join Bin Laden , blow yourself up but don't get involved with Cypriot affairs !

How well can you speak TC language? How many times have you been to a TC mosque? Who are your favorite TC singers? Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and change his/her religion? Jesus is not God you knew that? Have you heard that Christian Americans killed Muslim Iraqis?

Your answers to above questions:
-not at all
-haven't heard of them
-no way
-no idea
-no, christians can't be terrorists

south cypriot with the funny peasant Greek accent you are such a jerk. TC stands for TURKISH Cypriot have you ever thought about that?

Why on earth should I go to a Mosque , unless attending some sort of civil ceremony.
I know T/Cs far more than peasant Anatolian boy would ever know. Did you know that T/Cs give their daughters one instruction , NEVER bring home an Anatolian peasant !!
I would accept my children to marry anyone but like my T/C compatriots I would strongly advice against an Anatolian peasant , like you.
So now that you know that there is no Allah , God or all the other crap that we were all brainwashed in accepting perhaps you will do us a favour and go join Bin Laden !! He is actively looking for peasant boys to use as flying objects !
Did I ever tell you what a Plonker you are !!

I am not surprised at all that you avoided all my questions about TCs. Since you claim you are one nation and since Turkish is your official language, show us how sincere you are in the unique "Cypriot breed" thing:

-How well do you speak TC language? (How many words I should ask?:))
-How many times have you been to a TC mosque?
-Name us your favorite TC singers.
-Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and convert to Islam?

Prove us how well you have integrated with your TC compatriots south cypriot plonker with the funny peasant Greek accent.

Plonker , I already answered your questions. The fact that most British people have not been inside a mosque it does not mean that they can not connect to British muslims. The fact that most British people do not speak , Bangladeshi , Pakistani , Greek , Spanish and a myriad of other languages that exist in the UK does not mean that they can not connect to either myself or the millions of other Brits whose language they can not speak.
As for my grandchildren marrying a T/C , I have already said that I would be happy with anyone provided he is not an Anatolian plonker like you or a religious nut like Bin Laden.
Any more questions Anatolian boy , now get out of Cyprus the land of the Cypriots .

Qu'est-ce que c'est une chypriote ?

Il pense qu'il sait tout sur les chypriotes turcs mais il ne sait rien. Il est vraiment un plonker ton ami. :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:34 pm

Byron wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:Greece is welcome to have as many bases in south cyprus as she wishes. She is far from being a threat to Türkiye militarily. Only Lebanon or Syria may be disturbed. And it is unlikely that bankrupt Greece will be after any bases in tiny Greece nowadays. :lol:

Well then, if Greece is not a threat, then why don't you invade a Greek island or 2 so that we can see how good you are against a nation that is armed to its teeth? Go On! :wink:

41 Greece $ 32,100 2009 est.
99 Turkey $ 11,200 2009 est.

If Greece is bankrupt, then what does that make Turkey?Image

You don't watch any international news channels in south cyprus? Greece is making headlines for nearly 2 months for manipulating economic figures and they are in deep crisis. By the way Türkiye is world's 16th biggest economy and last time I checked Greece was not among the top 15. :lol: :lol:
I voted NAI for Greek bases in south cyprus. After all, Cyprus is a Turko-Greek island. They have every right to be there. Long live Turkish-Greek brotherhood.

If Turkey is the 16th biggest economy, only due to the fact it is a large market of some 70 million people, then why is Turkey's GDP per capita only 1/3 of Greece's?

If it were not for the fact that Turkey is occupying Cyprus illegally, then we may have started a charity fund raising for Turkey on this forum, to help feed a a few starving Turks! :lol:

Why don't you withdraw from Cyprus so that we can send you some urgently needed food and blankets? :lol:

Being a big economy is not just about having a large market. But of course what would a south cypriot know about it?

Mama Greece has no industry. You can only market your sun,sea and sand. Even in that one you've fallen behind. I remember Greece having a bigger tourism industry in 90s. 2009 figures say Türkiye attracts 26 million tourists and Greece only 16 m. Export your south cypriot donkeys to Greece and let's all pray for bankrupt(and corrupt) Greece to improve. 8)

Do a bit of research and you will see that both Greece and Cyprus leave Turkey for dead as they are far wealthier with a far greater GDP per capita.

Let me make it easy for you!

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita ... per_capita

No eat your tin of cat food and go to sleep! :lol:

Going back to the real topic of the thread, let mama Greece open all types of bases in south cyprus. Türkiye is capable of getting 100% of Cyprus in 2 hours, Salonika in 4 and Athens in 24. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What are you waiting for?

Go ahead! :wink:

We haven't decided where to kick the south cypriots yet. Choose your new country: Lebanon, Kosovo, Albania, Makedonija.

You are a foreigner , stay out of Cyprus's affairs !
Incidentally Plonker the correct way to spell Turkey in English is TURKEY !!

Teach me how to spell Makedonija in English as well south cypriot. I am sure you also know the English translation of Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. You will always be a foreigner in KKTC. I know it hurts. 8)

Turk from Türkiye

Exactly !! A bloody foreigner from Turkey poking his nose in our affairs.
Plonker the pseudo state currently under the occupation of a third world nation , a nation whose citizens hide in lorries to get out off , a nation who deliberates months as to whether its women folk should wear a head scarf or not , a nation that still has and tolerates the barbaric practice of honour killings , what exactly is it that you are proud of.
The Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs are a breed so superior to your lot that causes your nation revulsion against the T/Cs because they are a superior breed !

You have a sick soul south cypriot.KKTC language is Turkish (my language), KKTC religion is Islam (my religion), NONE of my TC friends see GCs as brothers or cousins or whatever.They are strangers living in the south of the island. You are living in a world of fantasy. And there is no such thing as Cypriot breed you old fool. Now get lost ignorant breed.

You , peasant , know as much about about the T/Cs as I know of the Martians !
In reality you are , as you know , a bloody foreigner , the likes of you don't belong in CYPRUS , A THOUROUGHLY MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY , G/Cs AND T/Cs , go back to Anatolia peasant or if there already stay there , practice Islam to your hearts content , join Bin Laden , blow yourself up but don't get involved with Cypriot affairs !

How well can you speak TC language? How many times have you been to a TC mosque? Who are your favorite TC singers? Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and change his/her religion? Jesus is not God you knew that? Have you heard that Christian Americans killed Muslim Iraqis?

Your answers to above questions:
-not at all
-haven't heard of them
-no way
-no idea
-no, christians can't be terrorists

south cypriot with the funny peasant Greek accent you are such a jerk. TC stands for TURKISH Cypriot have you ever thought about that?

Why on earth should I go to a Mosque , unless attending some sort of civil ceremony.
I know T/Cs far more than peasant Anatolian boy would ever know. Did you know that T/Cs give their daughters one instruction , NEVER bring home an Anatolian peasant !!
I would accept my children to marry anyone but like my T/C compatriots I would strongly advice against an Anatolian peasant , like you.
So now that you know that there is no Allah , God or all the other crap that we were all brainwashed in accepting perhaps you will do us a favour and go join Bin Laden !! He is actively looking for peasant boys to use as flying objects !
Did I ever tell you what a Plonker you are !!

I am not surprised at all that you avoided all my questions about TCs. Since you claim you are one nation and since Turkish is your official language, show us how sincere you are in the unique "Cypriot breed" thing:

-How well do you speak TC language? (How many words I should ask?:))
-How many times have you been to a TC mosque?
-Name us your favorite TC singers.
-Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and convert to Islam?

Prove us how well you have integrated with your TC compatriots south cypriot plonker with the funny peasant Greek accent.

Plonker , I already answered your questions. The fact that most British people have not been inside a mosque it does not mean that they can not connect to British muslims. The fact that most British people do not speak , Bangladeshi , Pakistani , Greek , Spanish and a myriad of other languages that exist in the UK does not mean that they can not connect to either myself or the millions of other Brits whose language they can not speak.
As for my grandchildren marrying a T/C , I have already said that I would be happy with anyone provided he is not an Anatolian plonker like you or a religious nut like Bin Laden.
Any more questions Anatolian boy , now get out of Cyprus the land of the Cypriots .

Qu'est-ce que c'est une chypriote ?

ليس الأبله الهجن مثلك
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Postby boomerang » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:38 pm

runaway wrote:
Byron wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
runaway wrote:Greece is welcome to have as many bases in south cyprus as she wishes. She is far from being a threat to Türkiye militarily. Only Lebanon or Syria may be disturbed. And it is unlikely that bankrupt Greece will be after any bases in tiny Greece nowadays. :lol:

Well then, if Greece is not a threat, then why don't you invade a Greek island or 2 so that we can see how good you are against a nation that is armed to its teeth? Go On! :wink:

41 Greece $ 32,100 2009 est.
99 Turkey $ 11,200 2009 est.

If Greece is bankrupt, then what does that make Turkey?Image

You don't watch any international news channels in south cyprus? Greece is making headlines for nearly 2 months for manipulating economic figures and they are in deep crisis. By the way Türkiye is world's 16th biggest economy and last time I checked Greece was not among the top 15. :lol: :lol:
I voted NAI for Greek bases in south cyprus. After all, Cyprus is a Turko-Greek island. They have every right to be there. Long live Turkish-Greek brotherhood.

If Turkey is the 16th biggest economy, only due to the fact it is a large market of some 70 million people, then why is Turkey's GDP per capita only 1/3 of Greece's?

If it were not for the fact that Turkey is occupying Cyprus illegally, then we may have started a charity fund raising for Turkey on this forum, to help feed a a few starving Turks! :lol:

Why don't you withdraw from Cyprus so that we can send you some urgently needed food and blankets? :lol:

Being a big economy is not just about having a large market. But of course what would a south cypriot know about it?

Mama Greece has no industry. You can only market your sun,sea and sand. Even in that one you've fallen behind. I remember Greece having a bigger tourism industry in 90s. 2009 figures say Türkiye attracts 26 million tourists and Greece only 16 m. Export your south cypriot donkeys to Greece and let's all pray for bankrupt(and corrupt) Greece to improve. 8)

Do a bit of research and you will see that both Greece and Cyprus leave Turkey for dead as they are far wealthier with a far greater GDP per capita.

Let me make it easy for you!

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita ... per_capita

No eat your tin of cat food and go to sleep! :lol:

Going back to the real topic of the thread, let mama Greece open all types of bases in south cyprus. Türkiye is capable of getting 100% of Cyprus in 2 hours, Salonika in 4 and Athens in 24. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What are you waiting for?

Go ahead! :wink:

We haven't decided where to kick the south cypriots yet. Choose your new country: Lebanon, Kosovo, Albania, Makedonija.

You are a foreigner , stay out of Cyprus's affairs !
Incidentally Plonker the correct way to spell Turkey in English is TURKEY !!

Teach me how to spell Makedonija in English as well south cypriot. I am sure you also know the English translation of Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti. You will always be a foreigner in KKTC. I know it hurts. 8)

Turk from Türkiye

Exactly !! A bloody foreigner from Turkey poking his nose in our affairs.
Plonker the pseudo state currently under the occupation of a third world nation , a nation whose citizens hide in lorries to get out off , a nation who deliberates months as to whether its women folk should wear a head scarf or not , a nation that still has and tolerates the barbaric practice of honour killings , what exactly is it that you are proud of.
The Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs are a breed so superior to your lot that causes your nation revulsion against the T/Cs because they are a superior breed !

You have a sick soul south cypriot.KKTC language is Turkish (my language), KKTC religion is Islam (my religion), NONE of my TC friends see GCs as brothers or cousins or whatever.They are strangers living in the south of the island. You are living in a world of fantasy. And there is no such thing as Cypriot breed you old fool. Now get lost ignorant breed.

You , peasant , know as much about about the T/Cs as I know of the Martians !
In reality you are , as you know , a bloody foreigner , the likes of you don't belong in CYPRUS , A THOUROUGHLY MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY , G/Cs AND T/Cs , go back to Anatolia peasant or if there already stay there , practice Islam to your hearts content , join Bin Laden , blow yourself up but don't get involved with Cypriot affairs !

How well can you speak TC language? How many times have you been to a TC mosque? Who are your favorite TC singers? Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and change his/her religion? Jesus is not God you knew that? Have you heard that Christian Americans killed Muslim Iraqis?

Your answers to above questions:
-not at all
-haven't heard of them
-no way
-no idea
-no, christians can't be terrorists

south cypriot with the funny peasant Greek accent you are such a jerk. TC stands for TURKISH Cypriot have you ever thought about that?

Why on earth should I go to a Mosque , unless attending some sort of civil ceremony.
I know T/Cs far more than peasant Anatolian boy would ever know. Did you know that T/Cs give their daughters one instruction , NEVER bring home an Anatolian peasant !!
I would accept my children to marry anyone but like my T/C compatriots I would strongly advice against an Anatolian peasant , like you.
So now that you know that there is no Allah , God or all the other crap that we were all brainwashed in accepting perhaps you will do us a favour and go join Bin Laden !! He is actively looking for peasant boys to use as flying objects !
Did I ever tell you what a Plonker you are !!

I am not surprised at all that you avoided all my questions about TCs. Since you claim you are one nation and since Turkish is your official language, show us how sincere you are in the unique "Cypriot breed" thing:

-How well do you speak TC language? (How many words I should ask?:))
-How many times have you been to a TC mosque?
-Name us your favorite TC singers.
-Would you accept your children/grandchildren to marry a TC and convert to Islam?

Prove us how well you have integrated with your TC compatriots south cypriot plonker with the funny peasant Greek accent.

Plonker , I already answered your questions. The fact that most British people have not been inside a mosque it does not mean that they can not connect to British muslims. The fact that most British people do not speak , Bangladeshi , Pakistani , Greek , Spanish and a myriad of other languages that exist in the UK does not mean that they can not connect to either myself or the millions of other Brits whose language they can not speak.
As for my grandchildren marrying a T/C , I have already said that I would be happy with anyone provided he is not an Anatolian plonker like you or a religious nut like Bin Laden.
Any more questions Anatolian boy , now get out of Cyprus the land of the Cypriots .

Qu'est-ce que c'est une chypriote ?

Il pense qu'il sait tout sur les chypriotes turcs mais il ne sait rien. Il est vraiment un plonker ton ami. :lol:

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Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:44 pm

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Postby boomerang » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:48 pm

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