Malapapa wrote:"TRNC" attempts to hoodwink wealthy Arabs – as though they were gullible, greedy Brits – is an insult to Islam.
No doubt such attempts to defraud their Islamic brothers will be brought up at the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
How I'd love to be an "observer" when this swindle is discussed by the 56 country-membership who (according to its charter) is determined to adhere to the principles of the United Nations Charter, International Law and the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Last week Muslims were the scum of the earth this week they are your brother what hypocrites you really are.
Do you know who are the current buyers are?, Iranians, they love eşdeğer land which also gives them the right to stay in the TRNC, this area of sales will continue to increase add to this those Arab areas where the weather conditions are intollerable and hey presto even more money rolling in than when the Brits were buying add to this your gesture to get Brits to return their villas to the TRNc free of charge hey presto you GCs have shot yourselves in the foot one more time, soon you will have no feet left