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Why the TCs feel so strong for the 64-67, 67-74 period?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:47 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:I will try again. Its not the detailed one I thought it was. I will get there; if not I will re-type it. :lol:

Deniz you said you were 18, Bir and Kikapu were much younger then. So I guess you must have had a lot of first hand experience to tell the forum.

Reh are you the oldest person in here??

Exinda thessera. Still young. :lol:

Does it vibrate as it used to?
I started worrying about my tool. Hope it makes it to 64 or i'd rather die :lol::lol::lol:

I havent got a clue what you are talking about :oops: :oops:
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:16 am

Viewpoint wrote:Pyro my father in law can give you all the details of how they were always living in fear and 11 years of being discriminated against being treated as second class citizens by the GCs, I can introduce you if you wish and he can take you to his regular coffee shop where many older TCs can tell you their memories and "Why the TCs feel so strong for the 64-67, 67-74 period".

Is your father-in-law's name Günay?
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Re: Why the TCs feel so strong for the 64-67, 67-74 period?

Postby DTA » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:58 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I did not have any direct experience of how that period affected the TCs, and as I said in other topics the average GC had absolutely no idea. All we were hearing was for "troubles" here and there.
I learned the details many years later after studying various sources from the internet. From what I learned the death toll was higher among the TC people than that among GC people however those numbers were so small, that equal the number of dead people we have today at road accidents over an 11 year period...(I did that calculation last year when omeone said the TCs were been killed from 1963-1974 -11 years that is). Anyway that death toll seemed to fit well with what the GCs were hearng about "troubles" given the fact they also had their own death toll. Yet the Tcs still insist to call that a "massacre".

In any case the TCs come with so strong feelings about that period (not only in this forum but in real life as well), that made me question myself as to why? I asked myself whether they suffer some sort of massive hysteria/paranoia, or whether they were brainwashed to beleive what they beleive, or whether they were trained to lie as much as poossible as part of their national goal.I then thought that such questions don't stand to logic. So I had no other logical option than take it for granted that those feelings were genuine.

Even so however I still had problems explaining the reasons. I 've put a lot of thought on that and I concluded some things which I am not sure how valid they are:

My personal opinion is that it has mostly to do with losing the feeling of securirty in their own homes. As many TCs said "It was like going to bed and night and not knowing if you will wake up alive in the morning". Even a 1 per thousand possibility of that happening is enough for every parent parent to have enourmous stress, and unbearable load for the safety of the family.It is enough for every child to be afraid go for sleep at night or have nightmares when it does..
Then I figured this feeling went on for to long, for some TCs is was for a few months after 1963, for others for a few years from 1963 to 1967 and for others all the way from 1963 to 1974.
We all know the majority of Tcs got concentrated in some ghetto type areas called enclaves. This separation together with the resentment caused by those "troubles" between the two communities made the TCs very vulnerable to any sort of injustice coming from those who were the majority, the GCs i.e.
So an extra feature got added to the total insecurity feeling: that of injustice.

Please comment and or add your thoughts.Contribution mainly required from TCs. Please concentrate to the question of the topic.

This is such an important topic, and is the reason that I signed up to this forum is to reply to you. Firstly well done for posting it, and I think a similar one should be done for GC to tell us what they endured as well, as I think both sides have tried to cover up the sins of their past (and dont want their own people to know what they did)... both sides have at least some blood on their hands

Ok let me start by saying that I was born after 1974 so i have no direct experience. I have spoken to a lot of TCs and they have told me a lot of things but I will leave them out of this post as well.

I will only concentrate on what my father and my grandfather have told me because I know that what they say is a 100% accurate and have come through their personnel experiences rather then hearsay.

Ok my fathers family came from a town near pathos they all speak and write Greek as well as Turkish they grew up with Greek friends shared meals celebrations even intermarried.

From 1963 to 1968 (when they left Cyprus) two things happened to my family that shook them to the core and turned their world upside down.

The first thing was the kidnap and murder of six of my Dads cousins on the way to their work (we still have not found their bodies). The second thing was on a bus journey my Granddad who must of been in his, or close to his sixties at the time was marched off the bus at gun point and was going to be shoot. Some of people that were doing this knew him, I cant say they were friends of the family but they defiantly knew our family - he was only saved by the plea of a solitary greek woman on the bus who pleaded for them to stop (bless her - I dont who she is or if she is still alive but if I ever get the chance I would like to love to meet and thank her).

Because of this in 1968 when they had the chance to leave for london they did for theier safety. Leaving behind approximately 50 donums of land.

So this is a family (my family) that fully intergrated in the way of a singular Cypriot community, they had was no secrete plan for Taksim no involvement in the TMT they lived in and loved Cyprus but they had to endure great losses at the hands of the people they knew and thought were friends and country men.

You quite rightly bring up the subject of insecurity and yes there was lot of insecurity but on top of this there is another huge factor that you miss out.
And that is of BETRAYAL.

TC were betrayed by the people that they saw as brothers, those that had come to eat in their houses, to play with their children to join them in celebrations etc etc.

These were the people that (and this was proved with happened to my granddad on the buss), were ready and willing to kill them.

But the betrayal does not stop their because not only were GC that they knew all of a sudden turning on them but the government itself and its President - the one that was supposed to represent us as well - was calling us the enemy, threatening to wipe us off the map (i can get you the quotes if you want).

Then there is the police force that to my knowledge (and if I am wrong please correct me and show me the relevant details) from 1963 - 1974 did not arrest and prosecute one eoka member- they were supposed to be our police force as well why were they not protecting us?

So yes scared and betrayed we went to enclaves and protected ourselves with the help of the TMT and Turkey. And what happens the government of Cyprus (supposedly our government as well) bans baby milk (amongst a whole heap of other things) from reaching Turkish Cypriot enclaves- BABY MILK, can the message be made any clearer?

So on to Today the world has changed no? ROC cyprus wants us back, wants us to become citizens again....

That is the picture that is being painted... but if you look closer you will see that we are still being descriminated against...

-Where are the criminal cases against those that killed our people?
-Why do we have to spend 6 months in a country that is NOW foreign to us to claim our land (this is against human rights)?
-Why do you encourage the embargo on our people in the North of Cyprus? ( i know the answer to this - but it does not make it right)
- Where are our missing people?
- why dont you teach your people more of what was done to the TCs - then they will be more open to reconciliation?
- why do you not come down hard on racism on Turks (graffitti- army t-shirt saying the only good turk is a dead turk- in football games and the recent student march - how many arrests were there?
- there is much more.... but I will stop

Yes I know that these questions can be put to the TRNC as well but the ROC is supposed to represent us as well as the GC (even now according to them) - if this is the case why are they still not working for us as well?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:22 pm

Welcome to the forum DTA.
Great post!

I agree a TC should start a similar topic for the GC side if he is interested to learn something more.

I totally agree with your BETRAYAL factor. It was a fact indeed.

Now if you want a little explanation for that (without this meaning that it is excused) this is why: ALL Eoka members were under oath on the holy bible that they would serve the national cause. This meant they had to sacrifice everything including brothers, sisters, friends, EVERYTHING for the national cause. If I could draw a parallel it is the same story like the one you celebrate at the bayram of holy sacrificies, when God ordered Imbrahim to kill his son. Relegion and oaths my friend lead to paranoia. It is not only TC friend those people killed. Some killed their own family members, even friends, even other Eoka mrmbers for whom they had information they became traitors.

See it in this context. I can assure you no normal GC is betraying his friends today. But it happened then, under the conditions I told you, besides in the 50s GCs were very very relegious.
Makarios also took the oath of Eoka...

You raised a lot of questions in the end of your message I m sure many others will reply.

Thank you again for contributing. GREAT POST!

NB. The vast majority of GC police were ex-Eoka fighters.
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Postby DT. » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:29 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Welcome to the forum DTA.
Great post!

I agree a TC should start a similar topic for the GC side if he is interested to learn something more.

I totally agree with your BETRAYAL factor. It was a fact indeed.

Now if you want a little explanation for that (without this meaning that it is excused) this is why: ALL Eoka members were under oath on the holy bible that they would serve the national cause. This meant they had to sacrifice everything including brothers, sisters, friends, EVERYTHING for the national cause. If I could draw a parallel it is the same story like the one you celebrate at the bayram of holy sacrificies, when God ordered Imbrahim to kill his son. Relegion and oaths my friend lead to paranoia. It is not only TC friend those people killed. Some killed their own family members, even friends, even other Eoka mrmbers for whom they had information they became traitors.

See it in this context. I can assure you no normal GC is betraying his friends today. But it happened then, under the conditions I told you, besides in the 50s GCs were very very relegious.
Makarios also took the oath of Eoka...

You raised a lot of questions in the end of your message I m sure many others will reply.

Thank you again for contributing. GREAT POST!

NB. The vast majority of GC police were ex-Eoka fighters.

EOKA was active between 55-59. Do not confuse this group of patriots that fought against the English with any extremist groups that followed later.

DTA, I was wondering if your grandfather was still alive, I'd like to ask you to ask him something, thanks.
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Postby halil » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:32 pm

I was 7 in 63 and 17 in 74 .... later on i will tell u about my expriencies.
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Postby DTA » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:57 pm

DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Welcome to the forum DTA.
Great post!

I agree a TC should start a similar topic for the GC side if he is interested to learn something more.

I totally agree with your BETRAYAL factor. It was a fact indeed.

Now if you want a little explanation for that (without this meaning that it is excused) this is why: ALL Eoka members were under oath on the holy bible that they would serve the national cause. This meant they had to sacrifice everything including brothers, sisters, friends, EVERYTHING for the national cause. If I could draw a parallel it is the same story like the one you celebrate at the bayram of holy sacrificies, when God ordered Imbrahim to kill his son. Relegion and oaths my friend lead to paranoia. It is not only TC friend those people killed. Some killed their own family members, even friends, even other Eoka mrmbers for whom they had information they became traitors.

See it in this context. I can assure you no normal GC is betraying his friends today. But it happened then, under the conditions I told you, besides in the 50s GCs were very very relegious.
Makarios also took the oath of Eoka...

You raised a lot of questions in the end of your message I m sure many others will reply.

Thank you again for contributing. GREAT POST!

NB. The vast majority of GC police were ex-Eoka fighters.

EOKA was active between 55-59. Do not confuse this group of patriots that fought against the English with any extremist groups that followed later.

DTA, I was wondering if your grandfather was still alive, I'd like to ask you to ask him something, thanks.

Unfortunately he is not, I can ask my dad if you like?
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Postby DTA » Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:19 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Welcome to the forum DTA.
Great post!

I agree a TC should start a similar topic for the GC side if he is interested to learn something more.

I totally agree with your BETRAYAL factor. It was a fact indeed.

Now if you want a little explanation for that (without this meaning that it is excused) this is why: ALL Eoka members were under oath on the holy bible that they would serve the national cause. This meant they had to sacrifice everything including brothers, sisters, friends, EVERYTHING for the national cause. If I could draw a parallel it is the same story like the one you celebrate at the bayram of holy sacrificies, when God ordered Imbrahim to kill his son. Relegion and oaths my friend lead to paranoia. It is not only TC friend those people killed. Some killed their own family members, even friends, even other Eoka mrmbers for whom they had information they became traitors.

See it in this context. I can assure you no normal GC is betraying his friends today. But it happened then, under the conditions I told you, besides in the 50s GCs were very very relegious.
Makarios also took the oath of Eoka...

You raised a lot of questions in the end of your message I m sure many others will reply.

Thank you again for contributing. GREAT POST!

NB. The vast majority of GC police were ex-Eoka fighters.

Thanks for the welcome and again thanks for posting this topic. After this one has developed a bit more I will indeed start a topic to find out the first hand experiences of GCs.

Thank you for offering the explanation but to be honest I think it is pretty close to what Alkeda (spelling) members would use today or even the Nazis would use 60 years ago... dont you think?
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Postby boulio » Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:23 pm

I was 7 in 63 and 17 in 74 .... later on i will tell u about my expriencies.

that would make you 18 in 1974
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Postby YFred » Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:32 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:I will try again. Its not the detailed one I thought it was. I will get there; if not I will re-type it. :lol:

Deniz you said you were 18, Bir and Kikapu were much younger then. So I guess you must have had a lot of first hand experience to tell the forum.

Reh are you the oldest person in here??

Exinda thessera. Still young. :lol:

Does it vibrate as it used to?
I started worrying about my tool. Hope it makes it to 64 or i'd rather die :lol::lol::lol:

I would recommend a new bike, it does wonders for the old tool and it's receptor.
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