Khan wrote:Get Real, do you fully understand what serfdom is? And what implications its undoing by the Ottomans had on the Cypriot community? When you understand these you will get my point.
At least the Venetians allowed Greeks of the time to help continue to govern the country.
Serfdom was a sign of the times; a step up from the previous few thousand years of slavery. The Ottomans had nothing to do with instigating its removal, as happened elsewhere in Europe, but on the contrary the Ottomans were responsible for replacing serfdom with a different form of oppression. What the Ottomans replaced it with in Cyprus was even worse. Eternal slavery! Continual taxation, imprisonment and death for non-compliance. When they killed too many Greeks, they imported more slaves from Africa.
What you have now replaced that slavery with is monumental times worse and throws humanity backwards with untold damage for future reconciliations.
You were and are without exaggeration a blight on humanity. Change your ways!