i think this news is not good. because kurdish brother(not pkk terrorist) should learn their language better from their house. but these course closed.
turkish-kurdish are brother.
Turkey (( * wrote:Of coursewe are brothers! Foreign countries are trying to turn that other way round so they can divide Turkey, and they make PKK like terrorists and support them to kill Turkish.And while they make these groups from Kurdish people, Turkish people think that Kurds are bad and all, so they pressurize the gov to send soldiers in that area, and the Army kills PKK then it is said that Turkey kills Kurds and tortures them, this is the whole story going on...
bg_turk wrote:Chrisswirl wrote:although a Turk wouldn't clasify them a minority as they despise Turkish Cypriots being called a minority
You mean the Turkish State does not accept them as a minority. I am a Turk and I accept granting kurds minority status and I am for the preservation of their cultural heritage. Such generalizations about all turks are unnecessary .
Chrisswirl wrote:bg_turk wrote:Chrisswirl wrote:although a Turk wouldn't clasify them a minority as they despise Turkish Cypriots being called a minority
You mean the Turkish State does not accept them as a minority. I am a Turk and I accept granting kurds minority status and I am for the preservation of their cultural heritage. Such generalizations about all turks are unnecessary .
What I mean is that the Turks (talking from the government perspective, sorry for any previous generalisation) don't classify the Turkish Cypriots as a minority at 18%, they classify them as one of the *majorities*. So thus, by the same logic, the Kurds are not a minority, but a majority at 20%.
Of coursewe are brothers! Foreign countries are trying to turn that other way round so they can divide Turkey,
Of coursewe are brothers! Foreign countries are trying to turn that other way round so they can divide Cyprus,
magikthrill wrote:the situation with the Kurds and the TCs is EXACTLY the same. the same double standard method. the intelligent TCs in this forum have admitted this in the past.
it is ridiculous when you sayOf coursewe are brothers! Foreign countries are trying to turn that other way round so they can divide Turkey,
cause check it outOf coursewe are brothers! Foreign countries are trying to turn that other way round so they can divide Cyprus,
hmmmmm ....
are you telling me that Kurds and Turks have always lived peaceful without any intercommunal violence as have the greek and turkish cypriots?
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