cannedmoose wrote:Hate to be facetious, but the title of this thread made it sound far more exciting than it turned out to be... I had visions of batman hunched over a schooldesk trying to learn Kurdish...
On the topic of the post itself, I can only see Kurdish language courses taking off if the Kurdish region is one day granted autonomy and is able to carry out the running of some of its business in Kurdish... then there would be a real need and demand for it. Nonetheless, 500 students in 16 months isn't small beer for one language learning institute. I suppose the only way the government could have supported it is by sending civil servants dealing with administration in Kurdish regions to learn the language.
Turkey (( * wrote:
This is like asking the British civil servants to learn French who will be dealing with the French minority in the UK! The official language in Turkey is Turkish, why should we make another language official for a minority!! It is not forbidden to speak other languages than Turkish in Turkey, so they can speak what language they want but when it comes to administrative stuff you have to speak in Turkish.
Turkey (( * wrote:This is like asking the British civil servants to learn French who will be dealing with the French minority in the UK! The official language in Turkey is Turkish, why should we make another language official for a minority!! It is not forbidden to speak other languages than Turkish in Turkey, so they can speak what language they want but when it comes to administrative stuff you have to speak in Turkish.
Turkey (( * wrote:Ok, good enough, but what EU and UK does in Europe may not work out for Turkey. Because as you very well know the south-east border of Turkey is very unstable. Middle-East is much more complicated than the Europeans and Americans may think...There are many different ethnic groups and to give some liberties to them may divide the country!! And by the way Turkish is the language of 90% of the population of Turkey.So moose what do you think about this??
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