CBBB wrote:YFred wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:YFred wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:The really significant development was the annulment last week by the Turkish Constitutional Court of an amendment previously made by parliament to the law to enable military officers to be tried in civilian courts during peacetime. This development will obviously strenghten the military's hand.
Something is a foot as the old saying goes, as the military does not do anything for nothing and do prepare for their future activities.
Unfortunatly I lost my contact in the Turkish High Command so I have no other info regarding that?
It is being argued that this decision by the Constitutional Court is itself in breach of article 145 of the constitution governing the competence of military courts. We can expect this decision to be challenged on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. A great deal is riding on this.
Until the Military is removed from the government, very little can be done about this. There is only one way to do this and that is the progression of the eu talks. And I guess we know who is holding them up? Well at least they would like to think they do anyway.
So if those that think they are holding up Turkey's EU talks aren't, who is?
Possibly everyone else in the EU?
The frogs and the crouts, who else, but their objection will come to pass too, and then let's see how little ol cyprus measures up against the big bad bear, What?