Dont you remember me?
Dont you miss me?
Or being apart from me had made you forget,
and now you can live without me..
and i die without you, every day, every second i die.
far away from you , and i still miss you !!
and i wonder whats happining to you, who do you think of before you go to sleep !
How can you live without me ?
far away from you, you may forgot me but i remember, and i secretly wish your heart beats for me again.
faraway from you and im hurt !
i see your face in love songs, i remember you when i see people in love,
i can see your smile in my words when i write about you,
and i cant help my self but wonder if you were here
i understand that perfection is unrealistic,
and i understand that this is why you are not here now.
but its hard to gave up the only one who meant every thing !!
So my only love i will live for you, and when im lonely i will remind my self that you are looking for me,
and when there is darkness in my world i will have hope and i will never give up, cause i know you wouldnt.
...... to who ever lost fights in love.. the pain and hurt we felt is the sweetest memories we have got.
well thats suppose to be poetry lol