The monumental outcome on Tuesday the 19th at The Royal Courts Of Justice not only has it endorsed the irrefutable authenticity of the RoC CLAIM OF SOVEREIGNTY OVER THE ENTIRE ISLAND , but at the same time has fortified the claims of the dispossessed to their legitimate properties in the occupied part of Cyprus.
Such an historic conjuncture in the History of Cyprus since the 1974 Turkish invasion , one that without membership of the EU could not have been achieved , so the doubters concerning Cyprus's entry into the EU ARE SILENCED FOR EVER , and so are those that considered a war as an option in resolving the Cyprob . So much has been achieved without a bullet fired without one drop of blood shed , the political war is our option .
Turkey has been sent a clear message in that the legalities that she so flagrantly ignores will impose the rule of law regardless.
Much has been written about this Court decision , let there be no mistake that the law equally applies to the RoC and there is much that is required to be done if we are to avoid similar actions . T/Cs have to satisfy the conditions placed in reclaiming their properties by having to live in the RoC for six months. We must ask ourselves as to how will they survive this lengthy period without assistance from the government. Furthermore let us remember that we have thousands of foreign buyers in the RoC WHO HAVING PAID THEIR MONEY ARE STILL TO RECEIVE DEEDS TO THEIR PROPERTIES !
We have celebrated the victory of Mr Apostolides but let us emphasize that this was not a victory over our compatriots the T/Cs but a victory for justice law and order , and law and order must be strengthened in our backyard .