paliometoxo wrote:LONDON - Linda and David Orams have lost their fight to hold onto land belonging to a Greek Cypriot refugee in the occupied North upon which they had built a luxury villa.
A Cyprus court had ordered them to get off the land, demolish the villa and pay compensation to the owner Meletis Apostolides.
The owner had moved to register and enforce the finding in Britain and the Orams had been fighting this.
Previously the High Court had said they could not try the case for jurisdictional reasons and Apostolides appealed. The Appeals Court sought guidance from the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg which decided that the British court should make a ruling.
The Appeal Court in London decided in Apostolides's favour Monday.
The judgment has determined in a final way that the legal rights of displaced Cypriots against trespassers, as determined by the Courts of the Republic of Cyprus, can be enforced in the United Kingdom.
GIVING THEORITICAL JUSTICE TO g/CS , SOMEONE CAN NOT SOLVE THE real CB.OK/ Decision creating economical problems (propably) to:TRNC"So what? I feel we have lost our target here. We are deeling with phychological science than the CB itselve.
Whenever we apply to a foreign legal body to justify our rights we are just loosing our control of our own land, our own country.
We are just giving poits to Annan plans.
I t is clearly understood, after so many years of stupid negotiations with the invator and its representative in Cypreus (Turkish army
and T/cs that we, G/cs have only two options. Either to declare our country as a victim of an invasion/occupation and demand / fight for our FULL rights or continue negotiating with the invators and its people in Cyprus, resulting the official results of the invasion to be the status within the next years.
Without be fanatic, without oversestimate our powrer in this case , we must stuck on one basic factor. We are the owners of this Island and , in ourtimes, human rights have bigger power than the arms.
Who is want to be a member of the civilized World must accept our rights, otherwise we must convist the World that we are under occupation of terrorists and request the necessary help/