I know you're away on vacation but perhaps you'll read this after you return.
My earlier post may have made me sound like some pacifist whimp. I do not completely oppose violence. However, violence should be the last resort after all political and diplomatic avenues have been exhausted. Moreover, violence should be aimed at military establishments and not toward innocent civilians. Presently, some minorities who have an axe to grind, namely kurds, plo, chechens, insurgents in iraq are resorting to terror when the political process has yet to run it's course.
After 1974,the element I very much admire between Greeks and Turks is the fact that they are willing to discuss and solve their problems diplomatically.
As far as the West is concerned, we must change our foreign policies toward the Middle East. We run our countries like Corporations. It seems that we are simply looking at the bottom line.
A factor that I didn't mention in my earlier assesment, besides real estate is one's economic lot in life. If the US and the Eu were to open up conusulates in the middle east and begin issuing worker visas to disenfranchised arabs, do you know how long the lines would be?
If the West, instead of investing billions into war would invest the money into factories in those nations, terrorism would have no place to go except away.
At the risk of annoying Brother,
2fan gets off his soap box and opens a cold Heineken.