BirKibrisli wrote:Mehmet Levent wrote:Bir ara Turgut Afşaroğlu söze girdi sohbetin bir yerinde. Ve şu çarpıcı saptamayı aktardı. Bir banka memuru, işlemini yaptığı vatandaşın kimlik kartına bakarken faltaşı gibi açılmış gözleri. Kimlik kartının numarası 970 binlerdeymiş! Biz, KKTC’nin nüfusu Türkiye’den sürekli pompalanan nüfusla 7-8 yüz binlere ulaştı derken meğer ne kadar da iyimser bir tablo koyuyormuşuz ortaya... Buna rağmen, özellikle hamasetçi cephe, verdiğimiz rakamları abartılı buldu her zaman... Hatta sola yakın çevreler içinde bizi ırkçılıkla suçlayanlar bile oldu! İşte numarası 970 binlerde bir kimlik kartı! Bir milyona dayandığımızın resmi belgesi... Hele bir de her numarayı 2-3 kişiye veriyorlarsa! 2 milyonu çoktan geçtik demektir! Şener Levent’in dünkü yazısını okuduktan sonra kafamda bir de bu peydahlandı şimdi. Ledra kapısında Rum polis çavuşu kimliğini görmek istemiş Şener’in. O da vermiş. Sonra tıklamış bilgisayarın tuşlarını çavuş. “Bak” demiş Şener’e, “Bu başka birisine ait bir kimlik. Ama numaralarınız aynı”!
Mehmet Levent is a columnist with the AFRIKA newspaper...He is also Sener Levent's brother...I have a lot of respect for both,both as journalists and humanists,so I was alarmed...
I won't translate it in full,but he is relaying a story he heard from Turgut Afsaroglu,another journalist on AFRIKA...A bank teller apparently told Afsaroglu that he saw a settler with a trnc ID with a number over 970,000...
Levent is taking this as proof that the number of settlers are now reaching the million mark in the North....
I want to ask Viewpoint and Halil a simple question>>>>
Is there any possibility that this is true??? Could there be nearly 1 million settlers in the trnc????
The link for the quote is below:
Tim Drayton wrote:All I can say is that the streets of the old walled city of the northern section of Nicosia nowadays seem far more crowded than I remember them being when I first went there 15 years ago.
umit07 wrote:I got an ID card in 2002 and my number is around the 240k mark. The article itself is total bollocks, the source being cited as a bank teller. I know the numbers do increase consecutively.
halil wrote:umit07 wrote:I got an ID card in 2002 and my number is around the 240k mark. The article itself is total bollocks, the source being cited as a bank teller. I know the numbers do increase consecutively.
Umit do u take Afrika articles severely ?
they are always scenarist ?
halil wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:I have heard the academic and political activist Zeki Beşiktepeli claim in an interview on CyBC television that the de facto population of the north of Cyprus has now reached one million. He bases his claim on research into official statistics such as the number of licensed vehicles on the roads or the number of consumers registered with the electricity and telephone authorities.
where those millions lives and we don't see them in the streets ?
I don't agree with Zeki claims . Most of the houses in north has got more than 2 cars, with very basic calculation u figure out how many cars can be registered in north . say every house population is four and almost every individual has own car . Most of the houses has more than one ISDN lines and almost every one has mobile phones .
with illegal workers population it might be more than 500-600 thousands.
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