Sarah McD wrote:Main Source = sharp and witty
Petethegreek = not.
I enjoyed their arguement......That Main Source guy was wiping the floor with Petethegreek, what a whinger that guy is!
Go on Main Source

You miss the point. It wasnt a contest. It was about right and wrong. Neither of us were correct in posts that we sent to each other. Admin showed no consistency with dealing with us. If Source wants to post witty answers thats up to him, if he wants to have the final comeback thats fine with me.
As far as Im concerned what was said in the past is history. I have no problem with Source.
If he chooses to continue being offensive to me I can deal with that. As I have already stated I know who he is so if he goes down the path that he has taken before then I will more than match him.
I think what was said last night between Source and I will mean that there will not be any problems between us in the future.