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Varosha street map

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Varosha street map

Postby georgios100 » Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:01 am

Can anyone post a link for a street map of Varosha prior to the 1974 invasion
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:37 am

Dunno about a street map but here's a vid inside Varosi ....

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Postby Antreis » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:36 am

Check google earth
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Postby Antreis » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:38 am

bill cobbett wrote:Dunno about a street map but here's a vid inside Varosi ....

Thanks for the video !
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:58 am

Antreis wrote:Check google earth

I looked at Google earth, could not tell which streets I was looking at...
I used to live at No. 7 Ploutonos street, Stavros, Varosi.

Impossible to find a street map so I can overlay with Google earth to make up the location of my house.

Someone must have this map...

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Postby kafenes » Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:18 am

georgios100 wrote:
Antreis wrote:Check google earth

I looked at Google earth, could not tell which streets I was looking at...
I used to live at No. 7 Ploutonos street, Stavros, Varosi.

Impossible to find a street map so I can overlay with Google earth to make up the location of my house.

Someone must have this map...


Was your house close to a small roundabout?
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:04 pm

kafenes wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Antreis wrote:Check google earth

I looked at Google earth, could not tell which streets I was looking at...
I used to live at No. 7 Ploutonos street, Stavros, Varosi.

Impossible to find a street map so I can overlay with Google earth to make up the location of my house.

Someone must have this map...


Was your house close to a small roundabout?

The house was at the corner of Ploutonos & Platonos streets, accros from the stavros cemetery.
The roundabout you are reffering to must be the TH.O.I, located behind the Timios Stavros Church. I used to play ping-pong there. Across the street the Teoulides house was located and the old cemetery grounds...

I just don,t understand why the Barosi street map is not on the internet? I looked into the Cyprus government website for maps but nothing...

Perhaps we can use a Google Earth image and edit it with street names/landmarks etc. In the end, when on Google earth, people can actually see & recognize certain parts of the city. Considering the overgrouwth of trees/plants etc, the job of looking at a sat image becomes difficult.

How many members of this forum come from barosi? How many of them can remember details from the city street layout? I am 55 years old & can hardly remember places or names...
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:18 pm ... /Famagusta

Hope this may help Georgos Click on the red marker to move the map
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:42 pm

... and as far as fellow varoshiotes go, you need Nikitas and Raphaella.
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:54 pm

RichardB wrote:

Hope this may help Georgos Click on the red marker to move the map

Excellent work. Some streets not named but overall very good.
Nikitas & Rafaella... when are we going back home?

Against all odds, some of my fellow Baroshiotes refuse to go back even if the city is finally freed! I don't get it. Am I missing something here?

I bet, if the Baroshia opens up, lots of these ex-Baroshia residents will go back... it's our homeland, NEVER FORGET.

36 years ago, I used to say Baroshia is the best city in Cyprus...still think the same. Back then, Larnaca was a mere village, Limassol and Paphos a long distance away and Nicosia...too hot or too cold to live there!

I traveled to all the Caribbean destinations, seen a lot of nice beaches, palm trees etc but you know what... none of the above comes close to the Ammochostos beach, even today as we speak!

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