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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:52 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Sure Israel has the ability to attack Iran, by utilizing F-15 and F-16 aircraft and refueling air to air with B707 and KC-130H aircraft.

No you can't. Mid air refuelling is not suitable for direct Israel --> Iran distances, but more like Aricraft carrier in the Perian Gulf --> Iran distances! These are fighter jets not Airbuses! :lol:

Yes you can! :wink:

IAF can go direct from Israel (with A2A refueling in/out), if they can secure safe passage. If not, then Diego Garcia (with A2A refueling in/out) would be available if they had US backing.

3,100 nm (3,570 miles; 5745 km) ferry range with CFTs and drop tanks
2,400 nm (2,765 miles; 4445 km) with drop tanks
1,000 nm (1,150 mi; 1,853 km) Max Combat Radius
685 nm (790 miles; 1270 km) combat radius ... -specs.htm

There’s a 750 mile straight line to the nearest Iranian territory right on the border with Iraq, and a 1,600 mile straight line to the furthest corner! :roll:
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Postby Linichka » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:55 pm

"??? What makes you think Israel has democracy?"

It ain't perfect, jackanapes, but we're perfectly free to criticize, complain, and propose and implement changes, unlike our unfortunate neighbors. Even you sometimes stalk Ha'aretz. Is there a publication / web site the equal of this in the Arab world? I'm usually in disagreement with its hysterical leftist agenda, but appreciative of our freedom of speech.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:57 pm

Linichka wrote:"??? What makes you think Israel has democracy?"

It ain't perfect, jackanapes, but we're perfectly free to criticize, complain, and propose and implement changes, unlike our unfortunate neighbors. Even you sometimes stalk Ha'aretz. Is there a publication / web site the equal of this in the Arab world? I'm usually in disagreement with its hysterical leftist agenda, but appreciative of our freedom of speech.

You don't even live there! :lol:
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Postby EPSILON » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:01 pm

miltiades wrote:An interesting article in the Sunday Times reporting on views expressed by a well respected Israeli Brigadier-General and a war hero which are contradictory to the views held by the Israeli defence establishment and the political leaders .He states that the Iranians are 7 years away from producing nuclear weapons where the official view is that Iran will probably produce its first nuclear war head this year . As Israels Prime Minister ,Binyamin Netanyahu, stated repeatedly that Israel will never tolerate a nuclear Iran . Israels forces have been in training to attack Iranian nuclear installations this year .The threat is very real , what I wonder would the effects of such a conflict be for Cyprus and the Middle East in general . ... 982447.ece

God HELP Isrealis to strike in Time and not be stupids like Cypriots were in 1963!!!!
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Sure Israel has the ability to attack Iran, by utilizing F-15 and F-16 aircraft and refueling air to air with B707 and KC-130H aircraft.

No you can't. Mid air refuelling is not suitable for direct Israel --> Iran distances, but more like Aricraft carrier in the Perian Gulf --> Iran distances! These are fighter jets not Airbuses! :lol:

Yes you can! :wink:

IAF can go direct from Israel (with A2A refueling in/out), if they can secure safe passage. If not, then Diego Garcia (with A2A refueling in/out) would be available if they had US backing.

3,100 nm (3,570 miles; 5745 km) ferry range with CFTs and drop tanks
2,400 nm (2,765 miles; 4445 km) with drop tanks
1,000 nm (1,150 mi; 1,853 km) Max Combat Radius
685 nm (790 miles; 1270 km) combat radius ... -specs.htm

There’s a 750 mile straight line to the nearest Iranian territory right on the border with Iraq, and a 1,600 mile straight line to the furthest corner! :roll:

With A2A refueling they can make it very easily!

A2A refueling will practically be conducted just south of the Straights of Hormuz or UAE under heavy escort. So basically, an F-15 will have at least 685nms combat radius just outside Iranian Airspace.

And don't forget about Incirlik either.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:07 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Sure Israel has the ability to attack Iran, by utilizing F-15 and F-16 aircraft and refueling air to air with B707 and KC-130H aircraft.

No you can't. Mid air refuelling is not suitable for direct Israel --> Iran distances, but more like Aricraft carrier in the Perian Gulf --> Iran distances! These are fighter jets not Airbuses! :lol:

Yes you can! :wink:

IAF can go direct from Israel (with A2A refueling in/out), if they can secure safe passage. If not, then Diego Garcia (with A2A refueling in/out) would be available if they had US backing.

3,100 nm (3,570 miles; 5745 km) ferry range with CFTs and drop tanks
2,400 nm (2,765 miles; 4445 km) with drop tanks
1,000 nm (1,150 mi; 1,853 km) Max Combat Radius
685 nm (790 miles; 1270 km) combat radius ... -specs.htm

There’s a 750 mile straight line to the nearest Iranian territory right on the border with Iraq, and a 1,600 mile straight line to the furthest corner! :roll:

With A2A refueling they can make it very easily!

A2A refueling will practically be conducted just south of the Straights of Hormuz or UAE under heavy escort. So basically, an F-15 will have at least 685nms combat radius just outside Iranian Airspace.

For starters, planes travel in an ARC not a straight line because the earth is not flat, plus the arc can never be perfect!

But anyways, even if Israeli jets could get there with a FULL tank, they would need at least 400-500 well coordinated jets all over the vast Iranian terrain to keep the Iranian air defenses very busy so as be able to start making some decent strikes if they find them, and you’d have to be at it for 2-3 months non stop!

How the hell can Israel pull off such a huge, complex, and dangerous mission? I really don’t think so Paphiti… this is tiny Israel we’re talking about not the US Airforce!

Israel would probably manage 4-5 pops on Iranian soil and then you’ll hear one BIG pop and kiss Israel goodbye! :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Sure Israel has the ability to attack Iran, by utilizing F-15 and F-16 aircraft and refueling air to air with B707 and KC-130H aircraft.

No you can't. Mid air refuelling is not suitable for direct Israel --> Iran distances, but more like Aricraft carrier in the Perian Gulf --> Iran distances! These are fighter jets not Airbuses! :lol:

Yes you can! :wink:

IAF can go direct from Israel (with A2A refueling in/out), if they can secure safe passage. If not, then Diego Garcia (with A2A refueling in/out) would be available if they had US backing.

3,100 nm (3,570 miles; 5745 km) ferry range with CFTs and drop tanks
2,400 nm (2,765 miles; 4445 km) with drop tanks
1,000 nm (1,150 mi; 1,853 km) Max Combat Radius
685 nm (790 miles; 1270 km) combat radius ... -specs.htm

There’s a 750 mile straight line to the nearest Iranian territory right on the border with Iraq, and a 1,600 mile straight line to the furthest corner! :roll:

With A2A refueling they can make it very easily!

A2A refueling will practically be conducted just south of the Straights of Hormuz or UAE under heavy escort. So basically, an F-15 will have at least 685nms combat radius just outside Iranian Airspace.

For starters, planes travel in an ARC not a straight line because the earth is not flat, plus the arc can never be perfect!

The shortest distance between 2 points is a Great Circle. The Great Circle route, in all practicality over such a short distance is virtually near enough to being a straight line!

But anyways, even if Israeli jets could get there with a FULL tank, they would need at least 400-500 well coordinated jets all over the vast Iranian terrain to keep the Iranian air defenses very busy so as be able to start making some decent strikes if they find them, and you’d have to be at it for 2-3 months non stop!

I'm pretty certain the IAF will be able to sustain a massive air campaign causing vast damage to Iran.

But you are correct to assume that they probably won't be able to finish Iran's nuclear program off without US involvement.

How the hell can Israel pull off such a huge, complex, and dangerous mission? I really don’t think so Paphiti… this is tiny Israel we’re talking about not the US Airforce!

We are taking about one of the best air forces in the world.

Sorry, but I would not like to be on the receiving end of the IAF.

Israel would probably manage 4-5 pops on Iranian soil and then you’ll hear one BIG pop and kiss Israel goodbye! :lol:

Doubt it! :wink:
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:15 pm

EPSILON wrote:God HELP Isrealis to strike in Time and not be stupids like Cypriots were in 1963!!!!

:? And why would you want to hurt the Iranians? Have they ever hurt you?
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:23 pm

Re Paphiti, you overestimate Israel! :) Do they even have 500 quality jets that are in good working condition and ready for such an enormous operation? Can they even afford to pay for the daily fuel of so many jets coming and going so far every day, and the thousands of missiles and bombs needed to attack such a vast country like Iran?

Let’s be realistic! The problem is that some people think that Israel can pull off another Iraq-like 80s strike, but this is the 21st century and Iran is far bigger and much more developed than Iraq! Plus, Iran can BITE BACK and therein lies the problem which goes right back to what I was saying in my first post!
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:Re Paphiti, you overestimate Israel! :) Do they even have 500 quality jets that are in good working condition and ready for such an enormous operation? Can they even afford to pay for the daily fuel of so many jets coming and going so far every day, and the thousands of missiles and bombs needed to attack such a vast country like Iran?

Let’s be realistic! The problem is that some people think that Israel can pull off another Iraq-like 80s strike, but this is the 21st century and Iran is far bigger and much more developed than Iraq! Plus, Iran can BITE BACK and therein lies the problem which goes right back to what I was saying in my first post!

With around 90 F-15s and 240 F-16s and then add some F-4E and KFIR into the mix, I would say they are extremely capable.

Check it out for yourself. ... ipment.htm
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