miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:You are far behind the times I'm afraid because US policy is to engage Iran and even assist Iran developing a nuclear power industry. Through cooperation and understanding, it is hoped that Iran will not develop a nuclear warhead, but continue building 19 nuclear reactors such as the one at Bushehr and Darkhovin.
There is very little Israel can do without US approval. So any preemptive strikes against Iran would be very damaging to US/Israeli relations, and it won't be tolerated, because as it stands, there is no evidence that Iran has developed weapons grade uranium!
You are both imbeciles for advocating an Iran/Israel war, particularly as neither of you have any idea what you talking about, or even understand the current scope of Iran's nuclear industry.

As usual Paphiti you presume wrongly . The thread refers to an article in the Sunday Times by Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv . What is "imbecilic" about my bringing this on to the forum . It is clear you jumped in with gross immaturity neglecting to read the article in question.
On a personal note however , I believe that Israel with or without USA consent will go it alone and attack Iranian nuclear installations.
Do please read the article .
What is imbecilic is how you have decided to highlight this article purely on hearsay!
Do you really think Israeli and US intelligence are not currently assessing the situation as we speak, analyzing every bit of information coming out of Iran?
Israel can't do anything without US approval. And let's say Israel does attack Iran. What exactly do you think will be achieved? Will the Iran's nuclear program cease? Will Israel invade? I think not!
Are completely sane today ? The article appears in today's Sunday Times , is not " hearsay " it is an article written by a well respected Times correspondent , I have not contributed to the completion of this article neither have I endorsed or rejected the contents of this article. Grow up son!
You are making the very silly assumption that Iran even has a program for enriching high grade uranium required for nuclear warheads as opposed to the development of a nuclear power industry.
As it stands, there is only evidence that supports the notion that Iran's nuclear industry is peaceful. The is the general consensus in the US.
The article is pure hysterical hearsay!
Iran in 7-10 years time could also be a democratic nation, where the Islamic Revolutionaries fall by the wayside in the face of increasing opposition from Iranian dissidents! The obvious policy from Washington is to allow the natural process of regime change to take fold, thus avoiding another debacle, and another war over weapons which don't exist.
You have NOT read the article , full stop .
By telling me that I'M making a silly assumption proves once again how terribly immature you sometimes are.I posted the article I did not write the article neither did I condemn or condone its contents. Go back read and then post the rubbish you generally do.
You will that Israel does have the option of refuelling in mid air so there will be no need for USA assistance , as per the article.
Miltiades, you have absolutely no idea what the hell your talking about.
Sure Israel has the ability to attack Iran, by utilizing F-15 and F-16 aircraft and refueling air to air with B707 and KC-130H aircraft.
Then what? Are they prepared to invade in order to prevent Iran from continuing its nuclear program? I don't think so!
Air strikes will only cause superficial damage to Iran, but Israel does not have the capability to prevent Iran from continuing any nuclear ambitions. The only country that can do that is the US.
And the US is not prepared to embark on another adventure, and neither will it allow Israel to do so.
US policy seems to be directed towards inciting future regime change, and this will occur from within Iran over the next few years as growing opposition mounts against the Islamic Revolutionaries.
And then, which surrounding nation will allow the IAF to utilize their airspace in order to launch an attack on Iran? Israel is locked in by potentially hostile nations which will not assist Israel or allow free passage of IAF aircraft. Therefore, the IAF will need to relocate aircraft to
Diego Garcia Air Base, which is a US possession in the Indian Ocean. From there, they could launch an attack, but to do this they will need US approval, which won't be forthcoming!
So Israel has no chance without the US!