Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Malapapa wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:miltiades wrote:Relevance of GRs statements , here is a summary:
Bush is a war criminal 3000 posts
The USA is commiting war crimes 3000 posts
Britain is commiting war crimes 3000 posts
Israel is commiting war crimes 3000 posts
Lets declare war on Turkey 3000 posts .
He does however posses much information on the Cyprob and that is where 15000 posts should be directed and not venting his hatred for the West .
His contribution to a just and peaceful resolution of the Cyprob is precisely ZERO , in fact about the same as yours O. !!
If you now examine closely Birs posts you will see that he sees both sides of the argument and presents a view that many T/Cs have .
On the hand , people such as I who have consistently opposed ferociously the pseudo state and the occupation of a part of our island are seen by T/Cs as people that can be trusted because we also have shown empathy to the suffering of the T/Cs in the hands of the extremists. Neither the G/C or T/C extremists contributed anything more that pain and suffering to the people of this island and the reason of our island being partly under the occupation of Turkey is because of these extremists.
I have never condoned the presence of the Turkish army in Cyprus , have never recognized the existence of the pseudo state other than as the creation of Turkey . I have always believed that the only power capable of removing the occupying troops is that of the T/Cs , however when faced with such animosity and hatred it is unlikely that they will try hard to do so.
There are thousands of T/Cs , indigenous to Cyprus , amongst them Birkibrisly who states what he believes , and rightly so , but has never referred to the Greeks or the G/Cs in the manner that some refer to the Turks or T/Cs.
The facts are clear . T/Cs are here to stay , the Turkish troops however are not , its up to us how to deal with this situation .
Thank you for that post,miltiades...
True Cypriots might not be in the majority,but they are the ones with empaty and compassion in their hearts for their compatriots,not hatred and bitterness...You have rightly pointed out, these fanatics who are making light of other people's pain,and who keep talking about war,and who unashamedly try to dehumanise a whole nation,will have on their hands the blood of all those innocent GCs and TCs who have perished in this mindless conflict...Time will prove us right...they will go down in history as the true partitionists,the people who completed the job the British,The Greek and Turkish governments,The EOKA and the TMT (not to mention others) could not finish...Pox on their houses,I say...
OK. So we have empathy and compassion, not hatred and bitterness. We don't make light of other people's pain and don't keep talking about war.
Now what?
Now we start the real work of building mutual trust and respect...
When everyone is serious about finding a solution,instead of scoring political points with misinformation and propaganda,we can establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission....To examine objectively what happened in the past and how can we make ammends and what lessons can we learn...If we can be honest and open,the families of the missing and the dead can finally get some can the people who have become refugees...We can start to talk about a workable solution,initially a BBF which will not set in stone ethnic divisions...Turkey can reduce her soldiers,we can establish a NG which will inspire confidence in all Cypriots,we can introduce a common national anthem to be used on international ocassions,open up Varosia for settlement(this area can become a prototype for a united Cyprus,we could encourage mixed settlement there for example).We can stop provocative practices like celebrating Greek and Turkish national holidays,flying their flags etc...
There is so much that can be done,MP...Denying our part in this mess and blaming everything on the other side is just a recipe for disaster...It seems we have not learnt this simple lesson in 50 odd years...
Irrelevant nonsense until you tell us about the type of solution you would like to see in Cyprus!
You have no idea what I am on about, us all a favour and keep your mouth shut please...Lets see what MP thinks of my post...
Please go back and read my post idiot!
I have known what your all about for a very long time.
Can you please clarify about what kind of BBF you desire and how this won't be etched in stone, because methinks you are in fairy land....
A BBF can mean many things!
This idiot has finally learnt his lesson...I will never respond to a post by you again...have a nice life ,and enjoy the partition or the all-out-war,whichever comes first...