Now since they're so ignorant of TCs and Turkey, they cannot see the Annan plan as a balanced plan because they look at the plan from their perspective and see how far it is from their views.
What is "balanced" according to you? If one side asks for 0 and the other for 100 then balanced is 50? What if the other side asks for 1000? The balance will be at 500?
Deciding what is "balanced" is useless because any side can have an unlimited number of demands. If we say that we want the whole Turkey, that means that if they give to us half of Turkey it will be balanced?
What we ask for is fair because we ask nothing more than democracy, return to a legal situation and human rights. Our fair expectations can not be balanced by unfair, un-democratic, outrageous demands that do not respect human rights.
It was based on the expressed will of both sides for a bizonal, bicommunal federation.
It was based on the needs of Turkey, US and UK and it had nothing to do with a real federation. A bizonal, bicommunal federation was a big
compromise from our part. When Turkey and TCs accept a bizonal, bicommunal federation then we can talk again. Partition plans like the Annan plan will never be accepted.