BirKibrisli wrote:Malapapa wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Nikitas wrote:Mr Ed said:
"I do not accept this freedom of movement for Turkish citizens as part of the solution, and you have stated that the majority of TCs do not want this either, but no TC on this forum appears to have the courage of conviction to actually stand up and say this "
I fully understand the social and national taboos that may block the average TC from saying this. But it was tabled yesterday officially by Talat. The remainder of his points, nine in all, were in the framework of a solution and could be discussed by the GC side. This sudden demand of free access to Cyprus for 70 million mainland Turks goes beyond the settler issue and brings in a new factor which no GC can accept.
As for the settler issue it has been said many times in the past, those that married TCs take Cypriot nationality. The rest cannot be allowed to displace Cypriots. I am still amazed that while much is made of the settler issue no one speaks of the TCs forced to migrate and live away from the island. How about some incentives for those people to return, BEFORE we show "humanitarian concern" for non Cypriot settlers?
You hit the nail on the head,Nikitas...
We must look after our own first,before being too generous with our settlers...I have said this many times,the biggest mistake they made in the trnc was to give the settlers the vote,hence taking away the last remaining political power of the TCs...Today the settlers can decide any question in the North,they are in the majority...having said that,we must of course treat them with compassion and make sure humanitarian values are upheld in deciding who goes and who stays...But the majority of the settlers need to be repatriated after a solution to give the Cypriots a real chance of building their own nation...The process which was strangled at birth in 1963...
The birth was in 1960... it was induced, and it was an abortion.
The process was strangled in 1963...It seems that you people are more concerned about scoring silly points in pseudo arguments than address the essentials of any post....I am wasting my time again...Enjoy your road to partition,MP...may you score very many points and prove how clever you are to the whole Forum along the way...
Pseudo arguments?
The abortion of a constitution goes to the very heart of the issue, written as it was by and for other nations, with a vested interest in preventing nation building through apartheid.
Things went wrong in 1963 because of it, and TCs have used this to insist on additional privileges/protections ever since.
In my estimations, faced with this abortion, Cyprus would have been better off remaining under British rule, joining the EU (the EEC as it was then) as a united island 13 years later. Safe from Turkey's clutches and having joined the European family even before Greece, Cypriots would have then had the self-confidence to build their nation, demanding an element of self-rule.