pc world are a pain, they will try not to fix it so you are forced to buy a new one!
they seem to employ young people who have just left school and are clueless.
pretty as roz!! ha ha whats that?
I dont have much news only other than I am still on holiday!! weyhey, been in bed most of the day on the laptop with chocolates and stuff.
have been working on the pcso not completly lazy bones!!!!!
well if i do buy a new one it wont be from them
yes they are clueless the one guy when i asked him a question told me to google it!!!! and i asked him if they sell the box that enables me to record my ps3 gaming so i can upload to youtube.. and he told me to google it and look on forumas and that he has a xbox so he doesent know :S
bed? laptop? chocolates? *takes a chococoalte from your pack ;p
ROZ is pink
Contrary to the problem Raymanoff had with his Acer laptop when it went wrong- the dealer said the motherboard was not covered by the Warranty (!!!) - my repair seems to be going much better.
I had bought it on-line from the UK; there was a problem with it so while I was in london over Christmas, I called Acer, who told me to phone DHL. I did that and within 3 hours they had collected it and by late afternoon I received an Email from Acer to say they had received it and allocating a job number, which I think I can track on line.
Of course, the repair has yet to be done, so no final result yet. In the meantime I am using my new Acer Netbook - a fantastic little machine for less than £200 (<€220).
So far so good. However, how can I back up the System/Drivers etc., without a disc drive?
use a flash drive? does it have space for usb? no one uses cds anymore to backup things they are very un reliable i dont even use cds anymore for anything.. i buy it online and download it..
no i lie my ps3 uses cds
but on pcs no if you have a usb thats all you need a nice 16 32GB or 64GB