miltiades wrote:There is nothing I enjoy more than the sheer pleasure I experience when preparing a feast , cooking has been a love of mine for many years now , as always whilst preparing the motions have to be adequately refreshed with a glass of nectar , Gods own nectar , a glass of wine or two.!!!
Yesterday I headed off in search of a good size fresh Turkey , brussell sprouts , carrots , aubergines , alas I couldn't find cranberry sauce so I decided since I brought over fresh fruit to make my own and very nice it turned out to be.
I left the choice of guests to the master of the house , my son in law or rather to my daughter !!!
As the guests arrived the Turkey was just ready to be carved ,having been cooking for 7 hours, vegetables were perfectly cooked , my cranberry sauce ready and delicious , roasted carrots and roasted aubergines glazed with honey , herbs and red wine and of course roast Cypriot potatoes as well as a village salad.
Gravy was home made with just a touch of Bisto. All looked too good to eat , carved the Turkey , placed the roasted vegetables on a tray , garnished the vegetables with olive oil and lemon and ready we were to begin the feast .!!
My brother who also came over for the Xmas holidays arrived wearing , as he always does , a bloody bowler hat , I made him take it off before sitting at the table , such an eccentric he is , he insists that his plate is red hot , almost burned my fingers placing it in front of him.
Apart from my self , brother and daughter our guests were all Cyprus Cypriots by that I mean pure unadulterated Cypriots unlike the three of us influenced somehow in our eating habits by the UK.
Our guests , all family members quickly proceeded to help themselves to the Turkey , potatoes bread and salad , and to my surprise mint sauce was requested !! I said what ? mint sauce on Turkey out of a jar !!!. My daughter explained that on previous dinner parties she had introduced mint sauce on lamb and ever since all love mint sauce on lamb , pork , souvla , Turkey and on any other meat dish.
Ah , I said , I made some fresh cranberry sauce wont you at least try it ? After dinner some replied , we don't eat jam with our meat !
I thought I try tempting them with my home made gravy , yak I hear one say while he vigorously squeezed a whole lemon on his Turkey .
Lovely bunch of " in-laws " wouldn't change them for the world , mint sauce on Turkey or not !!
Happy new year all.