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My New Years Eve Dinner Party !!

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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:35 am

bill cobbett wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:We arrived at Victoria station late night on October 30th 1961 .


For the love of God, can Admin ban me on humanitarian grounds? :?

Come on,GR! Stop pretending you are not enjoying it...
lets make 2010 the year we stop insulting each other,and the year we start to get to know each other...I would love to hear about your experiences as a child,and teenager...Were you born in Oz???

Probably he was bombed out of Tymbou as a kid. (Guessing)

................. and bombed out in Sydney (on many occasions) ??

If I am not mistaken he lived in Melbourne or Adelaide...He will put us right no doubt... :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:43 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:We arrived at Victoria station late night on October 30th 1961 .


For the love of God, can Admin ban me on humanitarian grounds? :?

Come on,GR! Stop pretending you are not enjoying it...

I already know his whole frickin life story… it’s not like he hasn’t posted it enough times already! :roll:

I even know what his bloody autobiography is gonna be called…

:D “Let’s talk about ME… all 6,328 pages of it!” :D


lets make 2010 the year we stop insulting each other,and the year we start to get to know each other...

That’s such a faggody proposal! :lol: I’ll have to consult with DT… :oops:

I would love to hear about your experiences as a child,and teenager...Were you born in Oz???

No and no.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:03 am

Get Real! wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:We arrived at Victoria station late night on October 30th 1961 .


For the love of God, can Admin ban me on humanitarian grounds? :?

Come on,GR! Stop pretending you are not enjoying it...

I already know his whole frickin life story… it’s not like he hasn’t posted it enough times already! :roll:

I even know what his bloody autobiography is gonna be called…

:D “Let’s talk about ME… all 6,328 pages of it!” :D


lets make 2010 the year we stop insulting each other,and the year we start to get to know each other...

That’s such a faggody proposal! :lol: I’ll have to consult with DT… :oops:

I would love to hear about your experiences as a child,and teenager...Were you born in Oz???

No and no.

Dont be a spoil sport,GR...Tell us what you remember of your time in Cyprus before emigrating to Ozzie land...How old were you??? Where did you live in Oz???? Why didn't you stay??? come on,lets do it differently this year....lets make a real effort to overcome our mutual trust,respect, and communication problems... 8)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:20 am

...i laughed dr.
lemon on turkey lol
next year i'm trying that
...but jam is a whole lot better than mint
on that bird; they'll learn... (keeptrying)

cheers!!!!!!, to all.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:03 am

Rikko was always a bit of a lad , he is the one that was an EOKA active member.
As soon as he arrived in the UK in 1960 he wrote to me encouraging me to come to the UK where my ambition to become a doctor would be realized , he also wrote some other encouraging notes on much more profound issues such as the abundance of female girlfriends one could have. !!
On collecting me from Victoria station we boarded a bus heading for Chalk Farm where he shared a room with another Cypriot who was due to vacate his share the coming Saturday .
Couldn't help noticing that the bu appeared to be without a driver just one man , the conductor, collecting money and and ringing the bell for the bust to stop or drive on. Rikko I said , where is the driver , there is no driver he replied its electronic . It was dark and the driver had pulled down , as they used to , the blind.
On aligning I looked back mesmerized and spotted the driver .Rikko was pulling my leg. He still does now and he has just turned 70 !!

Went for a meal last evening , just the two of us , fancied the Miramare , brings back many happy memories , average buffet , a bottle of wine and coffees. When the bill arrived , we always split the bill down the middle, Eric said , John I left my wallet at home can you pay. Muggins said no problem , I never learn , paid the bill and headed out .The taxi dropped him off first and on saying goodnight Eric pulled out his wallet with a schoolboy smirk on his face , Got you again mate he said killing himself laughing.
Oh well I owe him one.
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Postby lioness 2 » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:48 pm

Brilliant - Anymore to come. Have you thought about writing a book about your exploits over here???
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:14 pm

lioness 2 wrote:Brilliant - Anymore to come. Have you thought about writing a book about your exploits over here???

What do you mean any more to come??? He has only just arrived in England,there are nearly 50 more years to go... :)

Miltiades,can you remember what were your feelings towards the TCs at the time??? I remember you talking about ASSO...Can you tell us that story again??? :wink:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:48 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
lioness 2 wrote:Brilliant - Anymore to come. Have you thought about writing a book about your exploits over here???

What do you mean any more to come??? He has only just arrived in England,there are nearly 50 more years to go... :)

Miltiades,can you remember what were your feelings towards the TCs at the time??? I remember you talking about ASSO...Can you tell us that story again??? :wink:

Bir, I suspect you are winding GR up :lol:

I remember him saying that in the orphanage he was with TC children too.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:37 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
lioness 2 wrote:Brilliant - Anymore to come. Have you thought about writing a book about your exploits over here???

What do you mean any more to come??? He has only just arrived in England,there are nearly 50 more years to go... :)

Miltiades,can you remember what were your feelings towards the TCs at the time??? I remember you talking about ASSO...Can you tell us that story again??? :wink:

Bir, I suspect you are winding GR up :lol:

I remember him saying that in the orphanage he was with TC children too.

GR doesnt need winding up...He is already wound up to max... :wink:

I find these personal stories fascinating...You probably hear them from miltiades,but the rest of us are not so lucky...My questions are intended to prompt milti in certain directions..And to let him know his efforts are not wasted on some of us... :)
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Postby lioness 2 » Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:11 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
lioness 2 wrote:Brilliant - Anymore to come. Have you thought about writing a book about your exploits over here???

What do you mean any more to come??? He has only just arrived in England,there are nearly 50 more years to go... :)

Miltiades,can you remember what were your feelings towards the TCs at the time??? I remember you talking about ASSO...Can you tell us that story again??? :wink:

I know he has nearly 50 years to talk about. But he may have got bored writing about it. Thats what I meant :)
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