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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:50 am

I am an atheist, I do not consider my self to belong to a nation and I am a meta-leftist (meaning that I moved away form the realm of the left and aspire for a society that is totally free from the bonds of the ideology of statism, one and only party, nationalism and metaphysics). The most important political problem for me is: will Europe move on as a community of national states or will it transform into a multicultural political entity with man at its centre? I choose the latter and I know that a necessary prerequisite for things to move in this direction is through ideology. Politically, I choose to overcome nation states. In the country I live I choose to cross swords with the ideology of the establishment (which I know only too well, for in the past it has turned me into a national Greek). Naturally this is very difficult because the consequences can be huge and you can easily be branded as an enemy of the community. The easy thing to do is to live, lets say in Turkey, and wage a struggle against greekness or, to live in Cyprus and concentrate your fire on the Turkish nation. I write about what GC's did against the Others in this place, in the name of the interests of the nation, but never see the light because they create shock.

P.S. Full moon today, but its a blue moon.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:01 am

Firstly, may all the CF members have a Happy New Year and I hope we’ll have another good year of interesting debates minus the vulgarities; personal attacks can be very funny but it’s the blatant vulgar stuff that really gets to me. Anyway, onto Bananiot’s post:

Why don’t you just come right out with it and admit that you’re an anarchist? :lol:

I actually like the idea of anarchism and feel I would fit in quite well, but it’s every one else I’m weary of because I doubt they would abide by the lack of rules! :?
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:28 am

Bananiot wrote:I am an atheist, I do not consider my self to belong to a nation and I am a meta-leftist (meaning that I moved away form the realm of the left and aspire for a society that is totally free from the bonds of the ideology of statism, one and only party, nationalism and metaphysics). The most important political problem for me is: will Europe move on as a community of national states or will it transform into a multicultural political entity with man at its centre? I choose the latter and I know that a necessary prerequisite for things to move in this direction is through ideology. Politically, I choose to overcome nation states. In the country I live I choose to cross swords with the ideology of the establishment (which I know only too well, for in the past it has turned me into a national Greek). Naturally this is very difficult because the consequences can be huge and you can easily be branded as an enemy of the community. The easy thing to do is to live, lets say in Turkey, and wage a struggle against greekness or, to live in Cyprus and concentrate your fire on the Turkish nation. I write about what GC's did against the Others in this place, in the name of the interests of the nation, but never see the light because they create shock.

P.S. Full moon today, but its a blue moon.

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Postby Piratis » Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:15 am

I am a meta-leftist (meaning that I moved away form the realm of the left and aspire for a society that is totally free from the bonds of the ideology of statism, one and only party, nationalism and metaphysics).

How about getting real for a change? Or you can just move from one Utopian ideology no another?

At the very least be consistent! On one hand you want the borders within EU to disappear and the "man" (I guess you mean each individual person) to be in the center instead of the member states, but at the same time you support the division of tiny Cyprus and its people according to their race!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:07 am

Piratis wrote:
you support the division of tiny Cyprus and its people according to their race!

I don't think Bananiot has ever supported the division of our island !
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Postby insan » Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:44 am

Bananiot wrote:I am an atheist, I do not consider my self to belong to a nation and I am a meta-leftist (meaning that I moved away form the realm of the left and aspire for a society that is totally free from the bonds of the ideology of statism, one and only party, nationalism and metaphysics). The most important political problem for me is: will Europe move on as a community of national states or will it transform into a multicultural political entity with man at its centre? I choose the latter and I know that a necessary prerequisite for things to move in this direction is through ideology. Politically, I choose to overcome nation states. In the country I live I choose to cross swords with the ideology of the establishment (which I know only too well, for in the past it has turned me into a national Greek). Naturally this is very difficult because the consequences can be huge and you can easily be branded as an enemy of the community. The easy thing to do is to live, lets say in Turkey, and wage a struggle against greekness or, to live in Cyprus and concentrate your fire on the Turkish nation. I write about what GC's did against the Others in this place, in the name of the interests of the nation, but never see the light because they create shock.

P.S. Full moon today, but its a blue moon.

If growing hunger of growing world population nad the anger of this growing world population besides getting lesser food and energy resources don't lead us to a new ww or a chemical warfare... or if that giant meteor doesn't hit the world... or bosses of globalization can't succeed "massacre" 9/10 of world population with their very unique and very difficult to detect methods... yes, EU could have a chance to transform into a multi-cultural, political entity...

However, since the ultimate goal is globalism and one world government with an easily controllable world population; after the "final" world disaster; whole world will be tranformed into a "masters and servants" order...

They just have been waiting the right time comes and carry out the last step of transformation into a one world government...

EU is the evil with an angel face.... it won't take long to show us it's evil face...

Masters of globalism believe in being the most powerful, never losing that power and live the most luxurious life on planet earth by making the servants serve their interests and suffer...
Last edited by insan on Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:46 am

Bananiot wrote: ... I write about what GC's did against the Others in this place, in the name of the interests of the nation, but never see the light because they create shock..

A Historian you are NOT!
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:15 am

GR is this what you understood, but perhaps you are not sure and you try to make it "light"? Perhaps to excuse your lack of depth?

What do you find utopian, Piratis? Not long ago you accused me of being a member of DISI party (for the unsuspecting, read accuse as per calling someone Turk). Perhaps you are still trying to figure me out. I have no problem with this, as long as you do not make sweeping statements, because you might find yourself changing your mind, soon.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:53 am

I have started this year in a foul mood,thanks to a certain forumer here who shall not be named...All I see ,Bananiot,is a very dark future for the likes of you ...The political,ideological,and the religious dogma will eventually dissipate,but nothing will change the capitalist system which is corroding our values and morals...Humanity has poven itself unable to put their tribalism,their selfish animal instincts,their monumental greed behind them...The national borders might disappear one day to be replaced by giant economic pacts which will race with each other in gobbling up the earth in ever increasing rate...Self-realised,enlightened individuals will find themelves increasingly on the outside in the new world order...They will be the first ones to be eliminated,very much like the old witch hunts,by the global forces representing the mindless consumerism towards which the world is slowly toppling...In the coming world your worth would be judged by how much you consume,how blindly you follow the dominant social trends...Who you are and what you do will count for nothing...Unless you are increasing the wealth of the powerful economic elite either as producer or consumer... :( :(
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:05 am

insan wrote:
Bananiot wrote:I am an atheist, I do not consider my self to belong to a nation and I am a meta-leftist (meaning that I moved away form the realm of the left and aspire for a society that is totally free from the bonds of the ideology of statism, one and only party, nationalism and metaphysics). The most important political problem for me is: will Europe move on as a community of national states or will it transform into a multicultural political entity with man at its centre? I choose the latter and I know that a necessary prerequisite for things to move in this direction is through ideology. Politically, I choose to overcome nation states. In the country I live I choose to cross swords with the ideology of the establishment (which I know only too well, for in the past it has turned me into a national Greek). Naturally this is very difficult because the consequences can be huge and you can easily be branded as an enemy of the community. The easy thing to do is to live, lets say in Turkey, and wage a struggle against greekness or, to live in Cyprus and concentrate your fire on the Turkish nation. I write about what GC's did against the Others in this place, in the name of the interests of the nation, but never see the light because they create shock.

P.S. Full moon today, but its a blue moon.

If growing hunger of growing world population nad the anger of this growing world population besides getting lesser food and energy resources don't lead us to a new ww or a chemical warfare... or if that giant meteor doesn't hit the world... or bosses of globalization can't succeed "massacre" 9/10 of world population with their very unique and very difficult to detect methods... yes, EU could have a chance to transform into a multi-cultural, political entity...

However, since the ultimate goal is globalism and one world government with an easily controllable world population; after the "final" world disaster; whole world will be tranformed into a "masters and servants" order...

They just have been waiting the right time comes and carry out the last step of transformation into a one world government...

EU is the evil with an angel face.... it won't take long to show us it's evil face...

Masters of globalism believe in being the most powerful, never losing that power and live the most luxurious life on planet earth by making the servants serve their interests and suffer...

I wrote my post above before I read yours,Insan...I think we are saying the same thing in different words....My fear is that there will be nowhere to hide from our economic "masters",and all resistance will prove futile...There will be plenty of "servants" prepared to do what dirty work needs to be done to pull everyone into line...Our global Credit Rating would be used to judge our value to society....Those found wanting will not be allowed to breath...One day if anyone bothers to read this Forum would no doubt laugh at the pettiness,uselessness of our sentiments and arguments...Our self-indulgence will not make any sense...We are spending all this time in pointless arguments instead of doing something productive to increase our wealth or earning potential... :)
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