Expatkiwi wrote:Turkish Cypriot president to meet EU Barroso in Belgium
Nice to see Mr. Talat refered to as "president" rather than "leader"...
That's a Turkish newspaper you nincompoop!

Expatkiwi wrote:Turkish Cypriot president to meet EU Barroso in Belgium
Nice to see Mr. Talat refered to as "president" rather than "leader"...
Get Real! wrote:Expatkiwi wrote:Turkish Cypriot president to meet EU Barroso in Belgium
Nice to see Mr. Talat refered to as "president" rather than "leader"...
That's a Turkish newspaper you nincompoop!![]()
Acikgoz wrote:Actually, Mr Ed. according to a website law.com, and how I interpret the possession 9/10ths phrase is:
It merely serves to make a point that one who has physical control of his property is clearly at an advantage should his rightful ownership of the property ever be subject to challenge.
Given both sides are unwilling to exchange their unjust gains for just rights then we end up with the situation where each has what they hold. Both sides are guilty of such action. Compromise for the sake of unification has been shown not to work for either party. Living together -both side's requirements cannot be met.
Without leverage GCs will be unable to change the status quo, TCs never had leverage. This is why the horse trading is likely to begin as it should have done decades ago. What a waste of everyone's time and energy, poor Cypriots across the board.
Whether you like it or hate it, seems like Papad is going to make Denktas look like a visionary.
Hurriyet wrote:Is it Cyprus plan B?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
In this column, over the decades, I have continuously stressed the same things whenever I wrote about the Cyprus problem. These include the issue of downgrading the status of the Greek Cypriot-run Cyprus Republic to the status of the Turkish Cypriot state, and upgrading the Turkish Cypriot state to the level of the Greek Cypriot state as a prerequisite for a settlement on Cyprus. Otherwise, I have stressed that as long as Greek Cypriots are treated as the sole legitimate government of Cyprus and Turkish Cypriots as a minority demanding privileged status from that government, there will never be a power sharing settlement on the island on the basis of political equality between two peoples. If I were a Greek Cypriot, I would never ever vote “yes” to a power sharing deal as long as there was a price to voting “no.”
Over the past decades, current Turkish Cypriot President Mehmet Ali Talat and his socialist Republican Turks’ Party, or CTP, claimed that it was because of the “hard-line” position of former President Rauf Denktaş that a settlement on the island could not be reached.
Now, the same Talat has told reporters that because Greek Cypriots enjoy international recognition and EU membership, as the sole legitimate government of the entire island they lack the motivation to compromise enough to establish a new partnership federation with Turkish Cypriots – a partnership based on political equality. Talat has strong doubts that, unless told by great powers that if the current exercise collapses as a result of them, international recognition of the Turkish Cypriot state might be in the cards, Greek Cypriots will never ever agree to compromise. “They must be told what they might lose if they remain adamant,” he is quoted as saying during a closed-door meeting with some select journalists as part of a veiled start of his reelection campaign.
Has Talat indeed changed? Has he realized that unless the basis of the talks between the two sides is replaced with a real “equality of the two prospective partners” understanding there can be no success? Or, was this just a glimpse of plan B in the making?
Interesting enough, less than half an hour after that closed-door meeting with a group of select media reporters, Talat met with Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias for the first meeting of 2010. He presented him a set of proposals on “governance and power sharing” to be discussed during next week’s accelerated talks. Among those proposals, there was the much-discussed “cross-voting” for the election of the president and the vice president of the future partnership state. Cross-voting was demanded by the Greek Cypriot side. Talat, though initially against the idea, was supportive of the proposal with some conditions. These include providing Turkey and Turkish nationals the very rights the EU countries and EU nationals would enjoy in Cyprus after a settlement. Prime Minister Derviş Eroğlu was totally against the idea. Ankara partly supported Talat and partly supported Eroğlu.
During Eroğlu’s recent visit to Ankara it was decided that a technical committee composed of population, statistical and other experts from the Turkish Cypriot presidency and the Prime Ministry would examine the possible pros and cons of the proposal before Talat’s upcoming visit to Turkey on Thursday, in which a final decision will be made.
Now, according to some unverified claims on Jan. 1, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu phoned Talat and told him to “go ahead” and present the controversial nine-point package on governance and power sharing heading to Christofias.
Talat said: “But, we have not discussed the issue with Eroğlu yet … I do not want to have a public fight with him over the issue.” Davutoğlu phoned Eroğlu and informed him of the decision. He received: “I am still against it, but, if political responsibility rests on Talat and you, ‘go ahead.’” He then phoned Talat for a second time to say, “Eroğlu is still against it, but will go ahead despite his opposition.”
For example, if Christofias has already told Talat that his “cross-voting” proposal cannot be part of a give-and-take process and no conditions can be attached to it [that’s what it says in the minutes this writer read a while ago], what might be the meaning of Talat now saying “yes” to that proposal provided that the Greek Cypriot leader agreed to give Turkish nationals free entry, freedom of circulation all over the island, freedom of settlement and freedom of owning property as if they are EU nationals? Would not that mean provoking Christofias to say “no” to his own proposal?
Then, is Talat aiming to force Christofias out of the talks and tell the world: “You see, Christofias has walked out of the process. They have to pay a price. Now it’s time to recognize the Turkish Cypriot state?”
Is this plan B of Talat and Davutoğlu?
Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:What good is rightful ownership if you do not have posession or access or usage, its means zilch...thats what you have Kifeas zilch.
If worse comes to worse we have an ever growing NG...
Oracle wrote:BirKibrisli wrote: ... .They openly talk about their aim which is to eventually have a unitary state where GCs will rule supreme...
It's not about any one ethnic group "ruling" ... that is what you have always done/do.
It's about everyone having an equal voice!
You like neither democracy nor GCs outnumbering you. Those are the facts and we are not about to have a mass suicide to reach your (declining) numbers just to please you!
Because people like Piratis keep spilling the beans...They openly talk about their aim which is to eventually have a unitary state where GCs will rule supreme...This is a nightmare to the average TC...Because of the events of the 50s and 60s,especially the period 63-74....Especially when the GCs refuse to acknowledge their wrongs,and make ammends for them...I just know how important it is for the TCs not to ever again be in the same situation...You cannot appreciate this because you (I mean the GCs not you personally) never really came to terms with that period...Makarios was slowly but surely geting rid of the TCs,by subtle political and economic pressure...He was practising ethnic cleansing...This is why the TCs will never buy your (the GCs) well intentioned appeals for democracy and human rights...And as long as you deny it,the TCs will always suspect the GC motivation..This is how a community's collective consciousness works...I know you are having trouble getting your mind around this concept....Because you too (and I consider you one of the most objective,sensible and honourable persons on this Forum) are the product of the GC education and social system...They fed you bullshit all this time,like they fed the TCs bullshit to get them ready to turn against the GCs...But the result is the same...The Tcs are too cautious now,perhaps over cautious but that doesnt change anything...They will not acept ,at this stage, to tell Turkey to remove herself from Cyprus,and give up her right of guarantee which is still valid under international agreement..The price for a solutiion for the GCs is to accept this,and make the necessary compromise to get us over this hurdle... Lisen to what Bananiot is telling you...His approach is the approach of a very wise and brave man...If you don't you will be cutting your nose to spite your face...The TCs will be assimilated into the Turkish society,and only a few thousand of them, like myself, will ever lament the death of our identity...The rest will consider themselves returned "Home"....But the cost to the GCs will be the loss of 36% of the island in the immediate future...In the long future,with the changing of the present world order,the GCs risk loosing it all...I say this with sadness and regret...
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