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Misjudgement of EU's Acceptance of Turkey Sinks Leverage

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:41 am

yeah bir, all good and said, and when pres x apologises you come up with crap talat was instructed to shut his mouth...

what the hell bir?...why the hell we are negotiating with a puppet huh?...can't you understand your mentality is to hang us all with turkey?...since yo admit you ahve already been way jose...

till the tcs grow some balls and apologise to their fair share of fuck ups, you are not in a position to demand jack shit...

i have proven before to you a a fair few examples of attrocities but you dismissed them outright coz in your own fantasy world you are the chosen ones...

I have not changed my stand one iota...democracy, human rights and the rule of law, all to which you come back with poor me...

till you unnderstand that your future is guaranteed with the gcs it is futile discussing anything else...period
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:23 am

YFred wrote:Bir, you are banging your head against a brick wall as far as the super patriots are concerned. People like Oracle idolise the eoka men pre 1960 and after 1963.
They are nothing short of terrorists without a gun. What is real shame is that Kickapoo actually gives them ammunition. What his agenda is I haven't quite worked out but I do feel that it's not what it seems.
As a Lurucadi I can vouch for the gene pool theory, but you will never convince Oracle of that fact. I actually have GC cousins, and Deniz knows them. Ironically one was an eoka man till 74. When my brother found him few years ago in Anglisia, he refused to talk to him.
So don't get too stressed with the likes of Oracle or Bumbo, they are outright fascist hiding behind human rights. I just hope the majority GC population is not like them if it comes to a vote in April or later.

You know YFred,Only a few months ago i was on a Greek island,and on one ocassion I,and a group of about 10 young Turkish students,found myself eating watermelon,drinking coffee and softdrinks,at a complete stranger's house...We had just hiked for a few hours through vineyards with olive and fig trees,and the odd donkey tied up somewhere,and the carob and wallnut trees which reminded me of my village in Paphos back in the 60s,and we were hot and sweaty and obviously in need of refreshments,and this Greek woman invited us to her home and proceeded to feed us and give us drinks as I said...I was sitting there and thinking,vow,these people have managed to overcome their historical emnity,bitterness,hatred of the Turks,they are welcoming us (one TC and 10 Turks) in their home genuinely delighted to meet us...Then I thought of Cyprus,and how things are still as they were,mistrust,prejudice,bitterness,hatred,and suddenly it hit me....
Cypriots will never achieve this harmony...The GCs have never forgiven us for stopping their Enosis dream,and they have never stopped seeing us as a despised minority,REMNANTS OF THE OTTOMANS,as one forumer here keeps telling us......They would rather present 40% of Cyprus to Turkey on a plate,for the satisfaction of getting rid of the TCs forever...
The policy they practised during 63-74 (isolate them,squeeze them from all angles,then help them emigrate when they have had enough-MAKARIOS' VERSION OF THE FINAL SOLUTION ) is still in operation...Nothing has changed....The TCs are still isolated,embargoed,they are still leaving Cyprus in slow but steady numbers,and that is music to GC ears...No mater that they are being replaced by settlers from Turkey at a rate of 5-1....As long as the TC identity disappears from Cyprus they will consider themselves victorious....I have never seen vengence this ugly and this strong...I am in shock... :shock: :shock:
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:29 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
YFred wrote:Bir, you are banging your head against a brick wall as far as the super patriots are concerned. People like Oracle idolise the eoka men pre 1960 and after 1963.
They are nothing short of terrorists without a gun. What is real shame is that Kickapoo actually gives them ammunition. What his agenda is I haven't quite worked out but I do feel that it's not what it seems.
As a Lurucadi I can vouch for the gene pool theory, but you will never convince Oracle of that fact. I actually have GC cousins, and Deniz knows them. Ironically one was an eoka man till 74. When my brother found him few years ago in Anglisia, he refused to talk to him.
So don't get too stressed with the likes of Oracle or Bumbo, they are outright fascist hiding behind human rights. I just hope the majority GC population is not like them if it comes to a vote in April or later.

You know YFred,Only a few months ago i was on a Greek island,and on one ocassion I,and a group of about 10 young Turkish students,found myself eating watermelon,drinking coffee and softdrinks,at a complete stranger's house...We had just hiked for a few hours through vineyards with olive and fig trees,and the odd donkey tied up somewhere,and the carob and wallnut trees which reminded me of my village in Paphos back in the 60s,and we were hot and sweaty and obviously in need of refreshments,and this Greek woman invited us to her home and proceeded to feed us and give us drinks as I said...I was sitting there and thinking,vow,these people have managed to overcome their historical emnity,bitterness,hatred of the Turks,they are welcoming us (one TC and 10 Turks) in their home genuinely delighted to meet us...Then I thought of Cyprus,and how things are still as they were,mistrust,prejudice,bitterness,hatred,and suddenly it hit me....
Cypriots will never achieve this harmony...The GCs have never forgiven us for stopping their Enosis dream,and they have never stopped seeing us as a despised minority,REMNANTS OF THE OTTOMANS,as one forumer here keeps telling us......They would rather present 40% of Cyprus to Turkey on a plate,for the satisfaction of getting rid of the TCs forever...
The policy they practised during 63-74 (isolate them,squeeze them from all angles,then help them emigrate when they have had enough-MAKARIOS' VERSION OF THE FINAL SOLUTION ) is still in operation...Nothing has changed....The TCs are still isolated,embargoed,they are still leaving Cyprus in slow but steady numbers,and that is music to GC ears...No mater that they are being replaced by settlers from Turkey at a rate of 5-1....As long as the TC identity disappears from Cyprus they will consider themselves victorious....I have never seen vengence this ugly and this strong...I am in shock... :shock: :shock:

oh yeah bir, and where were you when echevit said the cyprob was solved in '74 and when dektash that you guys voted the last 30 odd years said a turk leaves and turk comes, huh?...hibernation huh? you see the gcs progressing and you cry foul...good one bir... :lol:

democracy, human rights and rule of law...accept it and save your community...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:31 am

boomerang wrote:yeah bir, all good and said, and when pres x apologises you come up with crap talat was instructed to shut his mouth...

what the hell bir?...why the hell we are negotiating with a puppet huh?...can't you understand your mentality is to hang us all with turkey?...since yo admit you ahve already been way jose...

till the tcs grow some balls and apologise to their fair share of fuck ups, you are not in a position to demand jack shit...

i have proven before to you a a fair few examples of attrocities but you dismissed them outright coz in your own fantasy world you are the chosen ones...

I have not changed my stand one iota...democracy, human rights and the rule of law, all to which you come back with poor me...

till you unnderstand that your future is guaranteed with the gcs it is futile discussing anything else...period

It is indeed futile to go on...I know you are one of the few who really believe in the democracy and human rights argument,but most GCs are out to extinguish the TC presence from Cyprus...They will probably succedd in that aim,but they will wake up one day and find that they have cut their nose to spite their face...It will be too late by then... :(
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:34 am

join me in the struggle bir...see the song by rose tattoo above and make it our theme...shout it out at every turn...
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Postby YFred » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:37 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
YFred wrote:Bir, you are banging your head against a brick wall as far as the super patriots are concerned. People like Oracle idolise the eoka men pre 1960 and after 1963.
They are nothing short of terrorists without a gun. What is real shame is that Kickapoo actually gives them ammunition. What his agenda is I haven't quite worked out but I do feel that it's not what it seems.
As a Lurucadi I can vouch for the gene pool theory, but you will never convince Oracle of that fact. I actually have GC cousins, and Deniz knows them. Ironically one was an eoka man till 74. When my brother found him few years ago in Anglisia, he refused to talk to him.
So don't get too stressed with the likes of Oracle or Bumbo, they are outright fascist hiding behind human rights. I just hope the majority GC population is not like them if it comes to a vote in April or later.

You know YFred,Only a few months ago i was on a Greek island,and on one ocassion I,and a group of about 10 young Turkish students,found myself eating watermelon,drinking coffee and softdrinks,at a complete stranger's house...We had just hiked for a few hours through vineyards with olive and fig trees,and the odd donkey tied up somewhere,and the carob and wallnut trees which reminded me of my village in Paphos back in the 60s,and we were hot and sweaty and obviously in need of refreshments,and this Greek woman invited us to her home and proceeded to feed us and give us drinks as I said...I was sitting there and thinking,vow,these people have managed to overcome their historical emnity,bitterness,hatred of the Turks,they are welcoming us (one TC and 10 Turks) in their home genuinely delighted to meet us...Then I thought of Cyprus,and how things are still as they were,mistrust,prejudice,bitterness,hatred,and suddenly it hit me....
Cypriots will never achieve this harmony...The GCs have never forgiven us for stopping their Enosis dream,and they have never stopped seeing us as a despised minority,REMNANTS OF THE OTTOMANS,as one forumer here keeps telling us......They would rather present 40% of Cyprus to Turkey on a plate,for the satisfaction of getting rid of the TCs forever...
The policy they practised during 63-74 (isolate them,squeeze them from all angles,then help them emigrate when they have had enough-MAKARIOS' VERSION OF THE FINAL SOLUTION ) is still in operation...Nothing has changed....The TCs are still isolated,embargoed,they are still leaving Cyprus in slow but steady numbers,and that is music to GC ears...No mater that they are being replaced by settlers from Turkey at a rate of 5-1....As long as the TC identity disappears from Cyprus they will consider themselves victorious....I have never seen vengence this ugly and this strong...I am in shock... :shock: :shock:

It is only some GCs that are like that. I remember being in a bus in 67 trying to get into Lefkosa 6 hours in a que outside Eglence. While the GC police made it as difficult as possible for us, GC people even in those dark days would come out and give us water. I genuinely believe that they are in the minority. My only hope is that they don't let Muhtar X do what TPapa did and kill the agreement. I hope that even if there is no agreement by April, Turkey will control Eroglu towards an agreement. We need one final vote to see the real feeling of true GCs not the patriots on here
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:02 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
boomerang wrote:from all the postings bir has posted one can safely assume, masters in the north and partners in the south...sorry bir but your insistence on "poor me" leaves me no other alternative...

PS...President X has apologised, but talat stayed quite...

Talat stayed quiet because he was told to stay quiet...We are Poor cousins in the North and despised minority in the South...The game is up...Now I know you are all acting in unison to achieve your aim of Partition,but with maximum land and compensation for the GCs...

Boomer and Bir,

Boomer, with all due respect, I need to correct you. Christofias did not apologise to the TCs, because doing so would have opened a lot of legal and political problems to himself and the RoC, if it's not reciprocated also by the other side. What Christofias did say, was to acknowledge that wrongs have been done to the TCs. There is a huge difference. But since Talat did not respond in kind to even acknowledge that wrongs has also been done to the GCs so to meet each other half way towards a formal recognition of wrong doings by both sides in the hope of formal apologies to follow at later stage, Talat kept quite, therefore in hind sight, Christofias was correct in approaching this issue in the way he did, otherwise if he just came out and made a formal apology to the TCs for the past events, that would have been used against him to demand more concessions in the settlement talks..

Bir, I found Talat’s no response in kind to Christofias as a chicken shit diplomacy, hence no formal apologies to come anytime soon by either side. The best that I can hope for so that all those who need apologies from the other side in order for them to move on in their lives to be able to live on the island as Cypriots, then I would make it part of the settlement referendum where it would state that both GCs and TCs were responsible for the errors of the past and that each Cypriot as apart of agreeing to a final settlement, each will acknowledge their mistakes and apologise to each other and take a solemn oath not to repeat the past mistakes on each other ever again. This however can only be done along with a settlement based on True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles to mean anything, otherwise apologies will be meaningless if we go back to the mistakes of 1960's constitution which brought most of the problems for Cyprus which did not consists any of the above principles in full, therefore asking more of the same of the 1960’s constitution in the future will only bring the same problems back. Times have changed from the 1960’s and so should the citizens of Cyprus. Lets learn from our past mistakes and not repeat them in the hopes it will not produce the same bad results as it did in the past. If we are not to trust True Democracy for a EU member state, the RoC, then how can anyone trust a system based on violations of all the basics foundations of the EU Principles. It cannot be done, and neither would the EU allow it.

A functioning BBF in the form of True Federation with the EU Principles is how numerical minorities have their right protected as equal citizens of any nation. We can see what happens to people all over the world when True Democracy is ignored so to violate the rights of the minorities by the majority and in some cases, minorities violating the rights of the majority. It is time for 100% of Cyprus to take it’s place amongst all other nations in the EU and following it’s principles. Unless you can show me that True democracy system is worse than Undemocratic system, there is ONLY one choice left for Cyprus to follow. 63% of the island is already on that path of EU Principles. We need to get the other 37% to make it 100%. This is what will save the TCs to remain as Cypriots. Anything else, as the past has proven already from 1963 until today, the time is not on the TCs side to avoid extinction from Cyprus which would make the RoC a pure “Greek” state with foreigners living in occupied north until the next chapter opens between the GCs and the Turks from Turkey in the north at some point in the future, but long after the TCs have vanished..
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Postby Acikgoz » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:18 am

Sorry, some words and 3 Euros will just about get me a Latte.

There is no sincereity in keeping pressure on the level of isolation TCs face on one hand and expecting those words to really have any meaning. Last I heard was that Christofias govt said chapters on Turkey to be frozen by GCs in the event unilateral opening of ports is not addressed.

Talat has turned and given GCs the possibility of dealing with their land issues, unlike Christofias, by setting up the property Commission.

Ports to Turkey will be opened if TRNC isolation would be lifted is on the table.

Where is that football match between a Greek Cypriot team and Turkish one?

Just machiavellian politics - show empathy with one hand, drive the dagger in with the other.

Bir, sweet story of your experience on a Greek island, and people in the Med have a great propensity for genuine kindness. But if situation has in play land, power and prospect of cultural dominance then people being people, particularly in the Med, will switch from their daily "it's a beautiful life" to the dark and sinister.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:09 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:You know YFred,Only a few months ago i was on a Greek island,and on one ocassion I,and a group of about 10 young Turkish students,found myself eating watermelon,drinking coffee and softdrinks,at a complete stranger's house...We had just hiked for a few hours through vineyards with olive and fig trees,and the odd donkey tied up somewhere,and the carob and wallnut trees which reminded me of my village in Paphos back in the 60s,and we were hot and sweaty and obviously in need of refreshments,and this Greek woman invited us to her home and proceeded to feed us and give us drinks as I said...I was sitting there and thinking,vow,these people have managed to overcome their historical emnity,bitterness,hatred of the Turks,they are welcoming us (one TC and 10 Turks) in their home genuinely delighted to meet us...Then I thought of Cyprus,and how things are still as they were,mistrust,prejudice,bitterness,hatred,and suddenly it hit me....
Cypriots will never achieve this harmony...The GCs have never forgiven us for stopping their Enosis dream,and they have never stopped seeing us as a despised minority,REMNANTS OF THE OTTOMANS,as one forumer here keeps telling us......They would rather present 40% of Cyprus to Turkey on a plate,for the satisfaction of getting rid of the TCs forever...
The policy they practised during 63-74 (isolate them,squeeze them from all angles,then help them emigrate when they have had enough-MAKARIOS' VERSION OF THE FINAL SOLUTION ) is still in operation...Nothing has changed....The TCs are still isolated,embargoed,they are still leaving Cyprus in slow but steady numbers,and that is music to GC ears...No mater that they are being replaced by settlers from Turkey at a rate of 5-1....As long as the TC identity disappears from Cyprus they will consider themselves victorious....I have never seen vengence this ugly and this strong...I am in shock... :shock: :shock:

This argument is based on the premise that Greek Cypriots in general would prefer to see mainland Turks living in Cyprus rather than Turkish Cypriots. I would dispute this.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:56 pm

BirKibrisli wrote: ... Then I thought of Cyprus,and how things are still as they were,mistrust,prejudice,bitterness,hatred,and suddenly it hit me....
Cypriots will never achieve this harmony...

Try introducing 43,000 Turkish troops on a Greek Island, or anyone's Island/country for that matter, and see what they'll do to you, instead, with their watermelons!

You're just racist and a bigot, who thinks Cyprus is any different to anywhere else, to merely justify your racist segregationist policies.
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