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New poll results

Postby halil » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:23 pm

New poll results published in daily Yenidüzen here is the English translation of it ... I used translator program for it . ... glish.html

Annan Plan, "no" at the rate of 35'ti percent.
5 and a half years have passed break. Now, in case of a possible referendum, we see that this rate will decline 34'e percent.

Cyprus Initiative in 2015 "is now a working group in both parts of Cyprus by the Cypriots, an opinion poll according to the" agreement "they want.

And the Turkish Cypriots, Greeks and Cypriots "to continue the status quo" nden not since.

Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Greeks with bin bin according to the results of research conducted face to face interviews with the method of solution for both communities "federation" is also seen. "Federal resolution opposing" the Cypriot Greeks 28 percent .. Up to 16 percent decline in this ratio is the Turkish Cypriots.

Even these last figures I have given, in fact, "I do not want the solution" said a significant portion of Turkish Cypriots "a possible federal solution" to give approval shows.

Project manager Ahmet Sozen and Spyros Christou undertaken by the "Cyprus 2015" project, and some findings in the recently made public the details of the research described in the Cyprus problem, the two parts related to attitudes about the people in the most important data is located.

For example, plans a possible solution to the "no" will say the ranking of "65 years and over" the highest rate of Turkish Cypriot voters creating a Greeks Cypriots in the "no" per cılarda "highly trained" draws! ..


"Cyprus 2015" study, some important notes can be listed as follows:

** Cypriots want a deal. The vast majority of Greeks Cypriots (69%) resulted in an agreement to the peace process is desirable. Majority of Turkish Cypriots (42%) carries the same desire. A result of the peace process for those who prefer not to leave 17 percent in the Greeks Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots remain in 34'te percent.

** Contrary to popular belief, the uneasy status quo is the Cypriot Greeks. The vast majority of Greeks Cypriots (63%) the continuation of the status quo "absolutely will not be accepted" as is.

** Federal tolerated by the two communities are the solution. 28 percent of Greeks and Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and 16 percent of the bi-zonal bi-communal federation, as a principle, is against. The rest of the federal solution in principle approval is given.

** Educated Greeks Cypriots are the most suspicious part. Who give it a definite no Cypriot community in people with a high degree (30%) constitute the largest ratio.

Turkish Cypriots are the most questionable part of ** the elderly. They live together with Cypriot Greeks in the age to remember the period as a high proportion of Turkish Cypriots will vote no in the referendum. (46% of those over 65 as' sI)

** Office of underlying principles and the two leaders agreed by all of the foundation of society is not accepted by the creators. Cypriot Greeks understood two regions in proximity principle and the equal status of two of the state builder will continue to be undecided still about the idea. Cypriots single international identity, a single sovereignty and single citizenship issues such as the agreed principles still continues to be unstable.

** Turkey's guarantor status is a polarizing issue. Turkey's guarantor of a higher rate of Greeks Cypriots (98%) being rejected by the very large proportion of Turkish Cypriots (79%) is supported by.

** The most important issue to be Security Cypriots continues. Security and guarantees of the Cypriot Greeks about 72% of Turkish Cypriots and 71% 'i brings the highest importance.

** Too few Cypriot Greeks, would want to live under Turkish Cypriot administration says. Only 17% of the Cypriot Greeks immigrants certainly under Turkish Cypriot administration said did not want to return to their former homes. Contrast, a strong majority of 59% absolute and 10% is probably under Cypriot administration said they would return to their former homes.

** By the people directly elected president of the Cypriot Greeks prefer; Turkish Cypriots are more flexible in this regard. Directly elected by the people headed by the Cypriot Greeks, 75% are absolutely necessary. Turkish Cypriots prefer direct elections to the people through the Senate despite the clear choice models such as the indirect elections seem.

** Cypriot concerns about the Greeks is the rotating presidency. 70% of the Cypriot Greeks and vice presidential cycle issues are seen as absolutely unacceptable, but the decisions to be taken jointly with the looks of tolerance.


"Cyprus 2015" initiative has made the details of his work will be announced soon. So far, only the general lines of research are described to the public a place that does not attract attention:
"Cypriots turned to a solution of the strong desire, there is consensus for tahammüleri."

and here is the orijinal Turkish version ... _HABERLERI

Kıbrıs 2015 İnisiyatifi” adlı bir çalışma grubu tarafından Kıbrıs’ın her iki kesiminde yapılan bir kamuoyu araştırmasına göre Kıbrıslılar “anlaşma” istiyorlar. Hem Kıbrıslı Türkler, hem de Kıbrıslı Rumlar “statükonun devam etmesi”nden yana değil.

Sami Özuslu - Yenidüzen

Annan Planı’na “hayır” diyenlerin oranı yaklaşık yüzde 35’ti.
Aradan 5 buçuk yıl geçti. Şimdi olası bir referandum durumunda bu oranın yüzde 34’e gerileyeceğini görüyoruz.

“Kıbrıs 2015 İnisiyatifi” adlı bir çalışma grubu tarafından Kıbrıs’ın her iki kesiminde yapılan bir kamuoyu araştırmasına göre Kıbrıslılar “anlaşma” istiyorlar.

Hem Kıbrıslı Türkler, hem de Kıbrıslı Rumlar “statükonun devam etmesi”nden yana değil.

Bin Kıbrıslı Türk ve bin Kıbrıslı Rum’la yüzyüze görüşme yöntemiyle yapılan araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre her iki toplum çözümü “federasyon”da görüyor. “Federal çözüme karşı çıkan” Kıbrıslı Rumların oranı yüzde 28... Bu oran Kıbrıslı Türkler’de yüzde 16’ya kadar geriliyor.

Bu son verdiğim rakamlar bile, aslında “çözüm istemem” diyen Kıbrıslı Türklerin önemli bir kısmının “olası bir federal çözüm”e onay vereceğini gösteriyor.

Proje yöneticiliği Ahmet Sözen ve Spyros Christou tarafından üstlenilen “Kıbrıs 2015” projesi kapsamında yapılan ve bazı bulguları geçenlerde kamuoyuna açıklanan araştırmanın detaylarında Kıbrıs sorunuyla ilgili her iki kesimde yaşayanların tutumlarıyla ilgili çok önemli veriler yer alıyor.

Mesela olası bir çözüm planına “hayır” diyecekler sıralamasında “65 yaş ve üstü” Kıbrıslı Türk seçmenler en yüksek oranı oluştururken, Kıbrıslı Rumlar’da “hayır”cılarda başı “yüksek eğitimliler” çekiyor!..


“Kıbrıs 2015” çalışmasından bazı önemli notları şöyle sıralamak mümkün:

** Kıbrıslılar bir anlaşma istiyor. Kıbrıslı Rumların büyük çoğunluğu (69%) barış sürecinin bir anlaşma ile sonuçlanmasını arzu ediyor. Kıbrıslı Türklerin ekseriyeti (42%) aynı arzuyu taşıyor. Barış sürecinden bir sonuç çıkmamasını tercih edenlerin oranı Kıbrıslı Rumlar’da yüzde 17, Kıbrıslı Türkler’de ise yüzde 34’te kalıyor.

** Genel kanının aksine, Kıbrıslı Rumlar statükodan huzursuzdur. Kıbrıslı Rumların büyük çoğunluğu (63%) statükonun devamını “kesinlikle kabul edilmez” olarak görmektedir.

** Federal çözüm iki toplum tarafından tolere ediliyor. Kıbrıslı Rumların yüzde 28’i ve Kıbrıslı Türklerin yüzde 16’sı prensip olarak iki bölgeli iki toplumlu federasyona karşıdır. Geri kalanı ise prensipte federal çözüme onay veriyor.

** Eğitimli Kıbrıslı Rumlar en kuşkulu kesimdir. Kıbrıs Rum toplumunda kesin hayır oyu verenler içerisinde yüksek lisans sahibi kişiler (30%) en büyük oranı oluşturuyor.

** Yaşlı Kıbrıslı Türkler en kuşkulu kesimi oluşturuyor. Kıbrıslı Rumlarla birlikte yaşadıkları dönemi hatırlayacak yaşta olan Kıbrıslı Türklerin yüksek bir oranı referandumda hayır oyu verecek. (65 yaşın üzerinde olanların 46%’sı)

** Görüşmelerin temelini oluşturan ve iki lider tarafından üzerinde anlaşılmış prensiplerin tümü toplumların temelini oluşturanlar tarafından kabul edilmiyor. Kıbrıslı Rumlar iki bölgelilik konusunda anlaşılmış prensipler ve eşit statüde iki oluşturucu devletin olacağı fikri hakkında halen kararsız olmaya devam ediyor. Kıbrıslı Türkler uluslararası tek kimlik, tek egemenlik ve tek vatandaşlık gibi üzerinde uzlaşılmış prensipler konusunda halen kararsız olmaya devam ediyor.

** Türkiye’nin garantör statüsü kutuplaştırıcı bir konudur. Türkiye’nin garantörlüğü Kıbrıslı Rumların çok büyük bir oranı (98%) tarafından reddedilmekte olup Kıbrıslı Türklerin çok büyük bir oranı (79%) tarafından destekleniyor.

** Güvenlik Kıbrıslılar için en önemli konu olmaya devam ediyor. Güvenlik ve garantiler konusu Kıbrıslı Rumların 72%’si ve Kıbrıslı Türklerin 71%’i için en yüksek önemi taşıyor.

** Çok az sayıda Kıbrıslı Rum, Kıbrıs Türk yönetimi altında yaşamak isteyeceğini belirtiyor. Kıbrıslı Rum göçmenlerin yalnızca % 17’si kesinlikle Kıbrıs Türk yönetimi altında eski evlerine dönmek istemediğini söylüyor. Buna karşın, güçlü bir çoğunluk % 59 kesin ve % 10 muhtemelen Kıbrıs Rum yönetimi altında eski evlerine döneceklerini söylüyor.

** Kıbrıslı Rumlar doğrudan halk tarafından seçilmiş başkanlığı tercih ediyor; Kıbrıslı Türkler bu konuda daha esnek. Doğrudan halk tarafından seçilmiş başkanlık Kıbrıslı Rumların % 75’i tarafından kesinlikle gerekli görülüyor. Kıbrıslı Türkler doğrudan halk seçimini tercih etmelerine rağmen senato aracılığı ile seçim gibi dolaylı seçim modellerine de açık görünmektedirler.

** Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın dönüşümlü başkanlık konusunda endişeleri bulunuyor. Kıbrıslı Rumların % 70’i dönüşümlü başkanlık ve başkan yardımcılığı konularını kesinlikle kabul edilemez olarak görüyor, fakat kararların müştereken alınmasına hoşgörü ile bakıyor.


“Kıbrıs 2015” adlı inisiyatifin yaptığı çalışmanın detayları yakında açıklanacak. Şu ana kadar sadece genel hatları kamuoyuna açıklanan araştırmanın bir yerinde şu not dikkat çekiyor:
“Kıbrıslıların bir çözüme dönük güçlü arzuları, uzlaşmaya yönelik tahammüleri vardır.”
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:29 pm

Thanks halil, it looks bad, doesn't it?

Anastasiades said today that the intense talks should have started in September 2009. Now, he reckoned it is too late, because the TC side will get involved in the election campaign and their stance can only get tougher. I think he has a point. However, we shall wait and see.
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Postby halil » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:47 pm

Bananiot wrote:Thanks halil, it looks bad, doesn't it?

Anastasiades said today that the intense talks should have started in September 2009. Now, he reckoned it is too late, because the TC side will get involved in the election campaign and their stance can only get tougher. I think he has a point. However, we shall wait and see.

Here is the another poll from Havadis ...... Things are changed a lot from the TC voter side. Christofias helps a lot now to Erpğlu to increase his votes .... Last tango of him about TRNC flag had lots of affect on peoples .
Our people loves our flag Bananiot .It is the symbol of the Turkish Cypriots .Now they opened a group at facebook about TRNC flag lovers .Unbeliveable support came .

Eroğlu: 51.60%, Talat: 29.80%

Who will be your choice if the vote today?
Dervis Eroglu: 51.60%
M. Ali Talat: 29.8%
Unstable: 16.60%
Another candidate: 2%

Reach any solution until the elections of April Do you believe?
I do not believe: 84.4%
I believe: 12.8%
No answer: 2.8%

What is your preferred form of the solution?
Recognition of TRNC: 52.1%
Of the current situation more: 5.4%
Taiwan Model solution: 10.1%
Integration with Turkey: 10.8%
Federation: 18.3%
No answer: 3.3%

Annan Plan referendum are offered a deal similar to what would be your vote?
No is: 52.9%
Yes is: 28.7%
I do not know: 18.4%
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:02 am

its the turks who should apologise for putting turkish flags infront of our churches for lighting up huge turkish flags in the mountains each night insulting us destroying the mountains with that crap

that retard of a leader who you people will vote in will ensure the trnc is taken down with his craziness he will make the turks look like fools.. " cyprus is turkish" rants you will hear from him that will for sure destroy the trnc and not only is it un re cognised now but it will be demolished and that guy will ensure the walls come down.. please tcs vote for him :D he will help us
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Postby Malapapa » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:11 am

halil wrote:Things are changed a lot from the TC voter side. Christofias helps a lot now to Erpğlu to increase his votes ....

I'm amazed at how much direct influence the president of Cyprus has in the north, despite his government not being able to exercise effective control due to continued intervention by Turkey's military.
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Postby YFred » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:24 am

Malapapa wrote:
halil wrote:Things are changed a lot from the TC voter side. Christofias helps a lot now to Erpğlu to increase his votes ....

I'm amazed at how much direct influence the president of Cyprus has in the north, despite his government not being able to exercise effective control due to continued intervention by Turkey's military.

If only it was positive effect. Unfortunately it is very negative. The same effect Talat had in the south when he supported Muhtar X's position in the past elections and the GC media had a field day with it.
It seems there is very little difference between the legal and the illegal regimes. Sometimes it is even difficult to know which is which.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:36 am

Halil wrote:Annan Plan, "no" at the rate of 35'ti percent.
5 and a half years have passed break. Now, in case of a possible referendum, we see that this rate will decline 34'e percent.

Why is the Annan Plan being polled. Didn't anyone tell the north that the AP is not being offered for a referendum.! :? :? :?

In any case, it says 35% "TCs" vote "NO" now, which is exactly as it was back in 2004 despite all the Illegal Aliens from Turkey been given voting rights to take away votes from the True TCs.
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Postby Malapapa » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:44 am

YFred wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
halil wrote:Things are changed a lot from the TC voter side. Christofias helps a lot now to Erpğlu to increase his votes ....

I'm amazed at how much direct influence the president of Cyprus has in the north, despite his government not being able to exercise effective control due to continued intervention by Turkey's military.

If only it was positive effect. Unfortunately it is very negative. The same effect Talat had in the south when he supported Muhtar X's position in the past elections and the GC media had a field day with it.

Err... Christofias was elected president, so the 'negative influence' from Talat's support clearly didn't affect the result.

YFred wrote:It seems there is very little difference between the legal and the illegal regimes. Sometimes it is even difficult to know which is which.

Yes. There is a difference. The president of Cyprus greatly influences the political process in the north while the current TC leader, who as we all know has little influence, north or south, does not appear to have the reverse effect in the free areas.
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Postby YFred » Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:59 am

Malapapa wrote:
YFred wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
halil wrote:Things are changed a lot from the TC voter side. Christofias helps a lot now to Erpğlu to increase his votes ....

I'm amazed at how much direct influence the president of Cyprus has in the north, despite his government not being able to exercise effective control due to continued intervention by Turkey's military.

If only it was positive effect. Unfortunately it is very negative. The same effect Talat had in the south when he supported Muhtar X's position in the past elections and the GC media had a field day with it.

Err... Christofias was elected president, so the 'negative influence' from Talat's support clearly didn't affect the result.

YFred wrote:It seems there is very little difference between the legal and the illegal regimes. Sometimes it is even difficult to know which is which.

Yes. There is a difference. The president of Cyprus greatly influences the political process in the north while the current TC leader, who as we all know has little influence, north or south, does not appear to have the reverse effect in the free areas.

Obviously, you are not aware of the communication between Talat and Muhtar X prior to these last elections, where Talat was told not to make any comments months before the last elections. The right wing on both sides are very good at manipulating what is said and utilising it to influence the vote. Please wake up. Nottingham forest must have some wifi somewhere.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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