Maybe C&E are just confused by their own rules LOL!
That is much more likely.
It always seems to me that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.
Which reminds me of a situation that happened recently:
Although I was not the party concerned (it was a close friend) there was a problem following the transfer of his UK driving licence to a Cyprus licence as required after 6 months residence.
He attended the transport department on several occasions and was transferred from pillar to post, getting nowhere.
Having discussed the situation with a mutual Cypriot friend the answer was found:
He employed a "service" person who duly approached the transport department.
Within 2 days the problem was easily solved but involved a fee for the "service person" as is only fair, and shall we say a little "extra" that was used within the transport department.
One now happy Brit.
And people cry wolf at corruption in Africa..............