Original textTemel Hakların Niteliği ve Korunması
Madde 10
(1) Herkes, kişiliğine bağlı, dokunulmaz, devredilmez, vazgeçilmez temel hak ve özgürlüklere sahiptir.
(2) Devlet, kişinin temel hak ve özgürlüklerini, kişi huzuru, sosyal adalet ve ukuk devleti ilkeleriyle bağdaşmayacak biçimde sınırlayan siyasal, ekonomik ve sosyal bütün engelleri kaldırır, insanın maddi ve manevi varlığının gelişmesi için gerekli koşulları hazırlar.
(3) Devletin yasama, yürütme ve yargı organları, kendi yetki sınırları içinde, bu Kısım kurallarının tam olarak uygulanmasını sağlamakla yükümlüdürler.
My translationThe Nature and Protection of Basic Rights
Article 10
(1) Everyone possesses inherent, fundamental rights and freedoms which are inviolable and inalienable.
(2) The state shall eliminate all such political, economic and social obstacles as restrict fundamental personal rights and freedoms in a manner which is incompatible with personal well-being, social justice and the principles of a law-based state, and shall prepare the necessary conditions for the development of human material and intangible wealth.
(3) The legislative, administrative and judicial organs of the state are required, within their own spheres of competence, to ensure that the provisions of this Section are implemented in full.
The translation by the Office of the Ombudsmanhttp://www.kktcombudsman.org/en/?op=anayasaThe Nature of Fundamental Rights and their Protection
Article 10
(1) Every person has, by virtue of his existence as an individual, personal fundamental rights and liberties which cannot be alienated, transferred or renounced.
(2) The State shall remove all political, economic and social obstacles which restrict the fundamental rights and liberties of the individual in a manner incompatible with the individual's security, social justice and the principles of the State being subject to the rule of law; it shall prepare the necessary conditions for the development of the individual's material and moral existence.
(3) The legislative, executive and judicial organs of the State, within the spheres of their authority, shall be responsible for ensuring that the provisions of this Part are implemented in full.