Perhaps miltiades would like to indicate just WHERE did I suggest that the indoctrination of the young to commit deeds of destruction is acceptable ?.
The problem IS, the same methods of indoctrination are used by the Western powers as are those of they who are now under such scrutiny, were it not so, HOW would you manage to convince a young man that there be 'Justice' in the action of slaughtering millions of innocent civilians merely because the society which 'Indoctrinated' wishes to oppress the said civilians ?.
If there BE any 'Justice' in the actions of either of the forces under discussion, it must surely be weighted in favour of the 'Innocent Party' since THEIR actions (regardless of how gross WE of the West perceive them to be) are born out of a desire to retalliate against a superior force which THEY consider to be evil.
Miltiades (in particular) should know that the action of 'Bombing into submission' is a difficult manoeuvre since, (as an indoctrinated Brit) he should be aware of his adopted nation's history and it's stand against such tactics in the second world war.
OR, does he consider the 'Brits' the 'Yanks' the 'Israelis' et al (plus himself of course) to be superior human beings, thus entitled to slaughter and maim at a whim merely because they have superior weaponry and wish to STEAL the lands and products of those less well armed ?.
I think the miltiades's of this world (Good God COULD there be more of them ?

) have much to learn about the resolve of those that are oppressed, (unless they are indoctrinated BY the West of course) in which case, as we have seen so many times in the past, even a civilized 'Debate' is an impossibility.
In fear of some further misinterpretation, I would like to add that the above comments are NOT intended as any form of support for the actions of 'Suicide Bombers' but an attempt to understand the reason for them.