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How the savages indoctrinate the young ..

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How the savages indoctrinate the young ..

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:19 am

Just a short report taken from The Times of London giving an insight into methods used by the savages , the people that some on this forum fully support.
"Ghani was subjected to months of indoctrination. He was imprisoned with two other teenage boys and forced to listen to militant sermons every night. “They told us that a suicide attack is the direct path to paradise, where beautiful women and all the happiness of life are waiting for you,” he said. “They said we were lucky to have been chosen by God for this noble purpose.” ... 968382.ece
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Re: How the savages indoctrinate the young ..

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:02 am

miltiades wrote:"He was imprisoned with two other teenage boys and forced to listen to militant sermons every night. “They told us that a suicide attack is the direct path to paradise, where beautiful women and all the happiness of life are waiting for you,” he said. “They said we were lucky to have been chosen by God for this noble purpose.”

Is that it? :roll: Making silly promises to uneducated people is not “savage” but taking advantage of the illiterate with silly naïve promises! :lol:

A "savage" is someone who is not civilized; barbaric in other words and I’ve posted countless links to articles of what REAL SAVAGES do… ... c&start=40
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Re: How the savages indoctrinate the young ..

Postby Floda » Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:56 am

miltiades wrote:Just a short report taken from The Times of London giving an insight into methods used by the savages , the people that some on this forum fully support.
"Ghani was subjected to months of indoctrination. He was imprisoned with two other teenage boys and forced to listen to militant sermons every night. “They told us that a suicide attack is the direct path to paradise, where beautiful women and all the happiness of life are waiting for you,” he said. “They said we were lucky to have been chosen by God for this noble purpose.” ... 968382.ece

Perhaps you may be able to suggest some other method of teaching the young ?, it would seem to me that the only way to mould ANY member of ANY society (or religious sect/following) IS by indoctrination since the very word means (effectively) to mould into a certain mindset.

The promises of paradise (which are so often ridiculed) are only of the same ilk as those promised by ALL religious teachers and are presented as 'rewards' for following such teachings.

The question of 'Values' is different but the 'Format' is precisely the same.

The 'Evil' of any indoctrination lies in the ability of those (sects/movements/societies/etc) to CHANGE the mindset of those susceptible to their influence.

I would have thought that the author of THIS particular topic could be seen as a classic example of such CHANGE, since he has embraced the traditions of the very nation that was directly responsible (with others) for the destruction of his own (Alleged) nation.

Surely, there can be no greater 'Indoctrination' than THAT. (IMHO) :roll: :wink:
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Postby Floda » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:17 am

Just as an afterthought on the subject of indoctrination:- The Times of London (along with so many other newspapers) are the very source of power which clearly manage to indoctrinate so many of it's readers.

If one relies totally on the information fed through such channels, the 'Moulding' of the reader's mind is a matter of simplicity.

One wonders if the report (which has so incensed the author) is wholly accurate in it's assertion that the young chap WAS in fact so greatly influenced ?.

My own experience of the 'Young' is that they have a little more fortitude when it comes to resisting 'Evil Influences', there are those however, that run like rabbits at the first whiff of gunsmoke.......God Help Them. :lol: :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:04 am

Here you go Miltiades, dismissed! Your efforts to indoctrinate the not so naive forumers have failed miserably. But, the most astute assertion that "so what, everybody is guilty of indoctrination" is a generalisation that wins first prize award, especially when said with so many "masterly" words.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:47 am

A pair of first class Plonkers , or wankers as well as Plonkers. Here we have a society , in this case the Taliban and the Islamist fundamentalist , that instead of teaching their off-springs the value of life and its sanctity they instead indoctrinate these poor misfortunate children to commit suicide and blow innocent people to hell.
What does our comical moutciopektes have to say ? as usual a load of crap , bloody idiots.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:08 am

hey milti maybe they lost hope of a fair UN resolution...not only fair but applicable...hear any alarm bells?...

just keep in mind and tell your new aquired girlfriend, the banananette, that even Nelson Mandela was indoctrinating the young...and yes hes was classified as a terrorist with his party outlawed by everyone...and yes even by the UN and by the good old USA...

you really need to read between the lines every now and then milti...
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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:31 pm

boomerang wrote:hey milti maybe they lost hope of a fair UN resolution...not only fair but applicable...hear any alarm bells?...

just keep in mind and tell your new aquired girlfriend, the banananette, that even Nelson Mandela was indoctrinating the young...and yes hes was classified as a terrorist with his party outlawed by everyone...and yes even by the UN and by the good old USA...

you really need to read between the lines every now and then milti...

So you think it is excusable to indoctrinate young minds and send them into a mosque to blow themselves up do you?
Well mate I don't I consider those that do this as savages and those who support them as fools , such as you plonker.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:44 pm

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:hey milti maybe they lost hope of a fair UN resolution...not only fair but applicable...hear any alarm bells?...

just keep in mind and tell your new aquired girlfriend, the banananette, that even Nelson Mandela was indoctrinating the young...and yes hes was classified as a terrorist with his party outlawed by everyone...and yes even by the UN and by the good old USA...

you really need to read between the lines every now and then milti...

So you think it is excusable to indoctrinate young minds and send them into a mosque to blow themselves up do you?
Well mate I don't I consider those that do this as savages and those who support them as fools , such as you plonker.

I gave you an example and you rather than address the post you call me a plonker...I never said it was right or wrong...again you miserably failed to read between lines...and just as it happens my post was 3 llines and you miserably failed to comprehend...what chance does your walnut size brain has with a a full, A4 size document? i am convinced you are a goofball... :lol:
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Postby Floda » Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:54 pm

Perhaps miltiades would like to indicate just WHERE did I suggest that the indoctrination of the young to commit deeds of destruction is acceptable ?.

The problem IS, the same methods of indoctrination are used by the Western powers as are those of they who are now under such scrutiny, were it not so, HOW would you manage to convince a young man that there be 'Justice' in the action of slaughtering millions of innocent civilians merely because the society which 'Indoctrinated' wishes to oppress the said civilians ?.

If there BE any 'Justice' in the actions of either of the forces under discussion, it must surely be weighted in favour of the 'Innocent Party' since THEIR actions (regardless of how gross WE of the West perceive them to be) are born out of a desire to retalliate against a superior force which THEY consider to be evil.

Miltiades (in particular) should know that the action of 'Bombing into submission' is a difficult manoeuvre since, (as an indoctrinated Brit) he should be aware of his adopted nation's history and it's stand against such tactics in the second world war.

OR, does he consider the 'Brits' the 'Yanks' the 'Israelis' et al (plus himself of course) to be superior human beings, thus entitled to slaughter and maim at a whim merely because they have superior weaponry and wish to STEAL the lands and products of those less well armed ?.

I think the miltiades's of this world (Good God COULD there be more of them ? :shock: :shock: ) have much to learn about the resolve of those that are oppressed, (unless they are indoctrinated BY the West of course) in which case, as we have seen so many times in the past, even a civilized 'Debate' is an impossibility. :lol: :lol: :wink:

In fear of some further misinterpretation, I would like to add that the above comments are NOT intended as any form of support for the actions of 'Suicide Bombers' but an attempt to understand the reason for them. :idea:
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