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How the savages indoctrinate the young ..

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Postby Linichka » Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:32 pm

What about the numerous suicide bombers - or wannabes - who hail from privileged backgrounds, never suffering "oppression"? Mohammad Atta among them, and the thankfully clumsy Nigerian responsible for the near-disaster on the Northwest flight Christmas Day.
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Postby Floda » Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:46 pm

Regardless of one's personal financial or educational qualifications, any person who has learned to become 'Patriotic' to his/her country, will feel as oppressed as the humblest and most poverty stricken among their compatriots when they see their beloved country/nation ravaged by such savage onslaughts as WE of the West do impose upon them.

The possibility also exists that OTHERS outside of the country/nation, may view the same impositions with such disdain that THEY TOO join the forces of resistance either out of loyalty to their fellow patriots OR, out of fear that THEIR country/nation may be next on the list.

Linichka, as an Israeli, perhaps YOU will understand the significance of the latter comment. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:36 pm

I love my country dearly, but I'd never blow myself up, taking with me as many innocent civilians as possible, as means of defending it. There are less awful routes to take. And though it's been absurdly maligned, our operation Cast Lead was among these. As great a care as was possible was exercised to prevent innocent deaths, while stopping the Qassams.

Israelis do not cheer, pass out candies and dance in the streets even when our worst individual enemies are taken out.
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Postby Floda » Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:01 pm

Linichka wrote:I love my country dearly, but I'd never blow myself up, taking with me as many innocent civilians as possible, as means of defending it. There are less awful routes to take. And though it's been absurdly maligned, our operation Cast Lead was among these. As great a care as was possible was exercised to prevent innocent deaths, while stopping the Qassams.

Israelis do not cheer, pass out candies and dance in the streets even when our worst individual enemies are taken out.

Linichka, you do not have to defend yourself as far as the love for your country is concerned for it is common knowledge that Israeli indoctrination would NOT encourage self-sacrifice.

The natural tendency would be to encourage others to sacrifice THEIR lives on behalf of the Israeli, a clever trick, well rehearsed (if I may be so bold).

Unfortunately (in my opinion) the ordinary Jew (and I mean no offence by describing them thus) has become much maligned as a result of Israeli actions and THAT is a great pity, however, such is the mindset of the Israeli that such mailgning is of little concern to them since they HAVE been indoctrinated to accept the advantages such a situation produces.

The 'Ordinary Jew' ( let us make such a distinction) may well be totally opposed to the actions of the Israelis BUT, because of their religious association, they feel allied to them and probably hope for Israeli success in any case, just as the T/C in Cyprus MAY wish to be seen as disassociating with Turkey YET, hoping for the success of the Turks.

No harm in that, it's human nature.

What IS wrong (IMHO) is that there is so much condemnation of those who so willingly sacrifice their lives for that which they believe in, whilst those who instigate the problems which encourage the weak to take such drastic actions against the strong, are held to be 'Heroes'.

A very bitter pill to swallow (IMHO) of course. :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:22 pm

Indoctrination is happening all over the world, through the churches , mosques, the Media (The sun says!!), schools , the workplace, in fact everywhere. Are we (westerners) not being indoctrinated by the media to believe that muslims are evil terrorists?. Are Musims not being indoctrinated to believe tlat the west is evil?

Until such time as we as individuals learn to live with other beliefs and cultures on equal terms, and we can only learn this through dialogue and understanding then this will continue ad nauseum

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Postby Bananiot » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:10 pm

Are you saying that education is indoctrination?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:26 am

Is Miltiades clear yet that a “savage” is not just someone who rides a camel, or goes to a mosque? :?

Here’s what a savage is all about Miltiades in case you missed it; in this case we have a British one… :wink:

Convicted British War Criminal: Cpl Donald Payne

REPEATEDLY beat the men with fists and iron bars and kicked them when handcuffed.

FORCED them into the “stress position” ? standing knees bent and backs to the wall for long periods.

DEPRIVED them of sleep and hooded them in hessian sacks.

URINATED on them and poured their own urine into their mouths.

TWEAKED their nipples and threatened them with burning petrol. ... z0WXZB4QI2
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:36 am

Bananiot wrote:Are you saying that education is indoctrination?

An example of indoctrination is when a young and naïve Cypriot lad attends a British university to study, and one day he is approached by British agents who entice him to support and follow a specific policy; favoring the British at his country’s expense but camouflaged to appear the opposite, upon returning home in return for financial and other rewards. What do you think Bananiot?
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Postby Me Ed » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:25 am

Defending ones country is one thing and this has little to do with patriotism. Recent events show that these savages are only interesting in killing THEIR OWN PEOPLE to inflict their vile form of islam on those, and the vast majority, who choose to be moderate.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Are you saying that education is indoctrination?

An example of indoctrination is when a young and naïve Cypriot lad attends a British university to study, and one day he is approached by British agents who entice him to support and follow a specific policy; favoring the British at his country’s expense but camouflaged to appear the opposite, upon returning home in return for financial and other rewards. What do you think Bananiot?

So Banalot is a subversive, is this true Banalot?
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