He makes the following interesting observation in this paper:
Large-group identity issues among the Cypriot Turks have began to exhibit themselves in some universities in Northern Cyprus, creating serious concerns among university authorities. For example, it has been observed that Cypriot Turkish university students have begun to segregate themselves from their fellow university students from mainland Turkey. If a young man or woman from a Cypriot Turkish group starts dating someone from among the students from Turkey, or vice versa, the couple becomes socially isolated. Cypriot Turkish university students refer to students from Turkey as “extreme religious” or “extreme nationalist” individuals and attempt to differentiate their large-group identity from that of mainland Turks. This situation, according to some university authorities whom I interviewed, could conceivably lead to violence.
The question has to be is this a hopeful sign or a retrograde step in considering possible future reunification within Cyprus? Are TC students distancing themselves from their Turkish peers because they wish to maintain a Cypriot identity and would prefer to integrate with their fellow Cypriots in the free south, or is it an indication that TCs as a group just cannot integrate with anybody?