Tim Drayton wrote:
An abridged translation of an article appearing in Yeni Düzen.http://www.yeniduzen.com/detay.asp?a=15462&z=19
The Turkish Cypriot Teachers’ Union (KTÖS) staged a protest in front of the parliament building in which they carried puppets representing the members of the cabinet, in support of their allegation that, “the will of the Turkish Cypriots is not represented in Parliament and those serving in Parliament at the will of the people are puppets.”
KTÖS Chairman Güven Varoğlu, in a statement at the venue of the protest, alleged that:
“Those elected to govern the country pay no heed to the Turkish Cypriots’ political will in parliament […]
The instructions of Turkish Minister of State Cemil Çiçek and the actions of the Republic of Turkey bureaucrats here are imposed on the Turkish Cypriots.”
Varoğlu, noting that all policy being implemented in the economic, social, cultural and political fields is forcing Turkish Cypriots to emigrate, cited the examples of the law concerning social security and the law providing for public servants’ salaries.
Varoğlu, stating that Turkish Cypriots were discriminated against in the latest round of police recruitment, pointed out that of 100 policemen, 87 had dual nationality and that only 13 of them had Turkish Cypriot roots.
Varoğlu further stated, “The quota for Turkish Cypriots, whose quota in the Republic of Cyprus was three-sevenths, has fallen to one-tenth in the north of the island.”
Where were these people when the north was turning into a Corrupted Society by their leaders in giving deeds to them of GCs properties.?? Where were they when they were forced to change their names.? Where were they when they have been told to call themselves "Turks of Cyprus" at the expense of their Cypriotness.? Where were they when they allowed more settlers in becoming "citizens of the trnc" that would eventually make their votes become irrelevant.? Were they not part of the Corrupted Society who enjoyed the benefits as long as the parliament in the north was in the hands of the TCs and gave them what they wanted, but forgetting the old Turkish proverb, that
"Parayi veren, Düdügü çalar." It means,
“he who pays the money, gets to play the flute”, and since Turkey is paying the money, they are also playing the flute, so these people who did not complain before just because they were benefiting from earlier policies, they really have no right to make any complaints today but to dance to the sound of the flute played to them by Turkey, just like what a snake charmer does with it's flute. Call it karma if you want. I call it, it is a problem of their own making. Some may even call it
Poetic Justice, when people shut their eyes and ears and do not raise their voices when injustices are done onto others, just because such injustices did not effect them personally and in many cases, they in fact benefited as a result, it is only a matter of time when they will come after them and now there is no one left to raise their voices to defend them.!