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Turkey - Bizonal Bicommunal Federation with Kurds

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby paliometoxo » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:55 pm

dont worry we are cleaning our northern third which is a very dirty gardern... just going to take a bit longer then expected.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:56 pm

runaway wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:
since the turk minority is fighting to devide our island give the kurds half of turkey.. or is that not acceptable?

Your tiny little brain doesnt take it....

Yeah, as if yours is any bigger! Image
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Postby Oracle » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:18 pm

insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:Turkey is a failed experiment.

It must be dismantled to stop the further growth of this Frankenstein-like monster ....

Dismantling Turkey from Cyprus was the desire of Grivas, EOKA-B and Grivasites... poor they... they failed. :lol:

R u the last of the Grivasites, O? :lol:

Dismantling Turkey from Cyprus is still the goal of all Cypriots ... you must be the last of the Ottomans.
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Postby runaway » Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:
runaway wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:
since the turk minority is fighting to devide our island give the kurds half of turkey.. or is that not acceptable?

Your tiny little brain doesnt take it....

Yeah, as if yours is any bigger! Image

oh by the way Kurds don't like chloromalakianians either.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:21 am

Oracle wrote:Turkey is a failed experiment.

It must be dismantled to stop the further growth of this Frankenstein-like monster ....

...what must be dismantled is this concept that Nation, and State are the same thing. The dream was not at fault, and though Ataturk had it, the Kemalists are to blame; no Oracle, this dream must continue and the Revolution must not end this way.

Nationalism started with Napolean III, who convinced his Citizens that the Glory of France is a State, that their Nations, their living relics and customs combined, were worth defending, as Men, who were Fraternal, Equal, and Free; thus you could be German (and others) to be French.

...well somewhere, if the "Turks" granted him his wish, is a grave for his countrymen to spit on, by the road, a great Hero of the State; that Kurdish leader who stood with Kemal to make this country, (modern Turkey), lived with such shame.

...but Bizonal, and Bicommunal have not yet been made to describe our identity as having many facets. One State indeed, National Assemblies who follow. Respect for People as Persons, respect for Individual Rights.
(this the roots of the Nationalism, before Nationalists were corrupted by/with absolute power.)
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Re: Turkey - Bizonal Bicommunal Federation with Kurds

Postby antifon » Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:57 am

grokked wrote:Image

Reader Discussion - 10th December to 16th December 2009:

Reader comments (Cyprus-related) about the recent EU Enlargement Committee and Foreign Ministers COREPER Decision about its decision regarding the Assessment of Turkey's Accession Process.

The article itself ( ads little to enlighten much, but the discussion in the 'reader comments' deserve reading through, and do note that the page is interactive, allowing you to vote in favour of (but not against) comments you like (and if you create an account, can add your own comments to the continuing discussion)

Transformation of Turkey / Kurdistan into bi-zonal bi-communal federation | Reader Comments @ Aphrodites troubled island | The Economist -

I too took part in those Economist discussions. The link to my comments follows, through which you can access the relevant article and associated discussions.

These Ecomonist discussions, along with ones on the Cyprus Mail, prompted me to create my blog.

It's basic premise is: Turkeyish Hypocrisy! (the specific spelling I have adopted as of recent, as my way to differentiate from the tCypriots. It is my belief that all Cypriots are different animals than their respective mainland ethnic ones. As one eloquently put it recently on Cyprus Mail, we both murmur our mother tongues in a surprisingly similar manner! :) ... oblem.html

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Postby antifon » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:24 am

Me Ed wrote:
insan wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
insan wrote:
Me Ed wrote:TCs in 74 - 18%
TCs in 2009 - 8%

Kurds 2009 - 20%

Do the math.

Have u any idea what percent of citizens of TRNC have mixed Turkish-TC ethnicity and what percent of "Kurdish" citizens of Turkey have mixed ethnicity of Kurdish-Turkish, Kurdish-Arabic etc?

No, in ur simplistic mind... :lol:

Well your comments only serve to admit the annihilation of the TC identity.

My point is that the Kurd % of Turkey is greater than the TC minority in Cyprus and as for numbers we are talking millions.

Follow your Cyprus policy and break up Turkey in two and you never know, you might be small enough to be accepted into the EU.

Give the Kurds justice and grant them automity, it will only benefit Turkey.

TC idendity has been developed throughout the milleniums according to the geography and the circumstances we have been in...

From Turco-Mongol to Turco-Greco... we mingled with the locals and natives of the lands conquered by our ancestors... maybe we were Turkified hundreds of years ago... it doesn't matter...

We consider ourselves as Turkish descendant TCs... we will keep mingling with every other ethnic groups... we don't lose our idendity by mingling with other ethnic groups to the contrary we develop it... it is said that we couldn't mingle much with GCs mainly bcz of religious differences... though i don't believe the first Ottoman settlers didn't marry with GC widows/young ladies after 20.000 GC men died during the Ottoman-Venetian war in cyprus... (Used to Otomans could marry with up to 7 wives.)

As for Kurds... they already have almost more than half of the seats in Turkish parliament... u r confusing the Kurds with the terrorist organization PKK that even all EU countries declared it as a terrorist organization... (A seprate Kurdish state in SE Turkey needs the consent of 3 0r 4 other neighbouring countries of Turkey which seperatist Kurds claim soil from... maybe after a new ww-i don't wish so..)

On the other hand, it is true that once; during the establishment of nation state Turkey some rights of Kurds were prohibitted but lately their rights r being restored...

In the future, it may be transformed into a Turkish-Kurdish federation if Turkish governments fail to satisfy the demands of Kurds... we will see... I hope they don't...

Why did you bother typing this rubbish, I am not talking ancient history I'm talking about NOW, as the TCs do.

FACT: the % of Kurds in Turkey is higher that the % of TCs in Cyprus has ever been.

Give them what they want because we are not talking about a few tens of thousand TC but a few million Kurds - do the math.

You wrote "As for Kurds... they already have almost more than half of the seats in Turkish parliament"

And you tell me TSK/Ergenekon propaganda is not effective! How I feel sorry for people living in Turkey.

I seem to be one of the few saying it, but unfortunately the evidence is compelling. What we have in Turkey is fascism, hidden under the veil of "Kemalism", which has learned to live with "mild Islamism" as of recent.

If any of the esteemed Turks or tCypriots here can provide us the definition of the prevailing ideology in Turkey, Kemalism, I would be obliged. In layman terms please.

I wonder if we have a history buff in these sessions to draw the analogy with Germany just pre-WWII.

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Postby antifon » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:31 am

Me Ed wrote:Let's get a sense of perspective here:

80,000 TC demand political equality - this represents 8% of the population of Cyprus.

14,000,000 (14 million) Kurds which represents 20% of the population of Turkey ...

Do the math ...

14m is the conservative estimate provided by The Economist. Kurds claim he number to be over 20m. The answer most likely is somewhere in the middle, and unfortunately for Turkey, in Istanbul & Izmir, not just Diyarbakir anymore.

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Postby antifon » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:37 am

Hermes wrote:Fifty per cent of seats to Kurds in parliament and Forty percent of Turkish territory to be made an autonomous self-governing Kurdish zone. That sounds fair to me.

This is how I had put it once:

No jobs for the boys | The Economist
Aug 15th 2010 10:03 GMT

Start by admitting that a Kurd is equal to a Turk. If Turkey is to stay united, then for all issues of higher politics, two votes are needed to approve, one Kurdish and one Turkish.

Equality at the individual level is a human right, a universal human right, and one that should be guaranteed anyhow. Kurds demand their community rights, that is why they are out in the streets.

Europe wishes for a democratic, secular country. It seems that the right option does not exist for the Turkish people to choose (or so some wish for them to believe). Hard core Kemalists can guarantee secularism, but not democracy. Mild Islamists can guarantee democracy, but not secularism (or at least that's the accusation).

Both are victims of an hysterical (as well as unhistorical) propaganda that Cyprus is a Turkish island. Both groups are nationalistic to the core, unable to discern the truth because doing so would be equivalent to treason! But Cyprus is as Greek as Turkey is Turkish.

Call Cyprus Turkish, and it is the same as calling Turkey Kurdistan.

Let me again sum up the solution Turkey would offer itself to put an end to the war, if it followed its own advice & implementation:

- a bizonal Turko-Kurdish federation
- Turks run things in the Turkish state (own flag & national anthem)
- Kurds run things in the Kurdish state (own flag & national anthem)
- the country has two official languages
- 50-50% decision making on all foreign policy & war affairs
- 30% guaranteed representation of Kurds in all federal positions
- 40% guaranteed representation of Kurds in all military positions
- President from one state, Prime Minsiter from the other
- Both possessing veto powers on all important decisions
- federal and state budgets need majority in both state cameras
- NATO to be given intervention rights to ensure just implementation

Seriously, if your leaders (i guess the mild Islamists) can envision such a solution for majority Greek Cyprus Republic, then why not for majority Turk Turkish Republic?

If on the other hand your military/Kemalist fundamentalists believe the Cyprus solution is the formalization of the status quo leading to the division of the country against multiple UN resolutions condemning Turkey, then why not a similar solution for Turkey? After all, 100 people died in Cyprus and over 240.000 in Turkey. If division is justified for 100 deaths, then surely it must be considered for 240.000. No?

There is actually one difference between Cyprus and Turkey and their minorities. It does not suit Turkey. In Turkey the majority of the ethnic minority has always lived in SE Turkey, rendering bizonality a much easier task. In Cyprus, what Turks and Kurds alike call "TRNC", was the result of an ubjustified bloody war instigated by Turkey that drove hundreds of thousands of people away from their homes. All of them live with but one hope: to return! And they will. For your undemocratic concoction, whose rules were written by the generals for the generals, is crumbling to its knees. May history be kind in that your tomorrow is free of extremism and allows for a constitution to be written by the people for the people. As it should have been all along.

Get out of our homes. Get out of Keryneia. Get out while your boyz have a shred of pride left. I want to go home now.

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Postby antifon » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:40 am

paliometoxo wrote:tcs have more right int he south then any gc has in the fake turkish invaded north of cyprus...tcs can be represented all they want only they refuse so you shut the f up you idiot turk.

Note how it gets them upset. The comparative analysis I mean. I wonder why?

Is meddling in Turkey's affairs fair play? ... -late.html

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