FragnaticDeath wrote:Miltiadis if your serious about that. Then omg! Whats wrong with this people. This stuff are the only things that actually bring love and joy in our lives. Believing in crap like 144,000 going to heaven it just shows quite the opposite of religion.
It's no different from those people who believe in the anti-christ.
This type of celebrations is what brings all of the families together. I wouldnt blame if one of the kids end up being a serial killer or mass massacre killer ( pops in a room and shoots 20 people for no reason )
One of my brother's son , a devout JW , never saw his auntie, my late wife , not once during her almost 8 years of battle with cancer.Many times I would see him with his fellow JWs , briefcase in hand and a stupid smirk , going past our road , he would knock on our next door neighbours and yet he would not knock on mine and ask how his aunty was.
He came to see me the day that my wife passed away , I hold no grudges against anyone , highly ctritical I most certainly am , but never hold a grudge , he is after all my brothers son.
All JWs are obliged by their elders to convert others to their fucking stupid faith , those that are successful will be amongst those that will survive !!! What absolute bollocks !!
I believe in angels but I believe that these angels are right here amongst us , I have met them and shared a part of my life with them right here on this earth , the angels that look after the not so well , the angels that work for Hospices , institutions such as McMillan's who devote so much of their time to the terminally ill. Angels that even after the ultimate juncture still show care to the bereaved , still call to enquire as to how you are coping , no ulterior motive just kind and considerate angels right here on earth , not bloody door knockers who want to live for ever .