Expatkiwi wrote:This forum is rather unique to me in that it aslo has a lot of bad language and nasty personal slurs. Still, I intend to keep to my pro-TRNC viewpoint.
Nasty personal slurs? You come here, a complete outsider, with no connection to Cyprus and its people beyond email exchanges with a highly dubious, discredited individual, and you brazenly announce that you support an illegitimate regime on their island homeland. A regime established by force, built on misery, and declared with no thought to the people living there, who fled in their tens of thousands in fear for their lives?
What's this if not a nasty personal slur on all those people, and all their descendants – the vast majority of whom were guilty of nothing more than being born into a Christian family.
Who do you think you are? I'm not surprised you've experienced bad language. Fuck off if you don't like it.