Paphitis wrote:Now, can you please leave politics out of this thread? Thanks!

I'm sorry my Cypriot brother, Paphitis, but I need to address few points made by others and then I will stop.
DT wrote:Wrapping up, Kiks has an easy job and Bananiot has a tough one.
It all depends how one looks at this, DT. It is much more difficult to maintain True Democracy, Human Rights and International Laws than something that is far less, such as non of the above, as the case was with the 1960 Constitution and the Annan Plan in 2004. What I propose and stand for requires effort with checks and balances to maintain Rule of Law which is what all moderns societies in the west practice today, despite not being absolutely perfect. What Bananiot and the majority of the north want is far easier to implement than what I and all others who sees the principles of Democracy and the EU Principles as being the future for Cyprus and all Cypriots. How much effort does it really take to violate ones Democratic and Human Rights in a corrupt system of no Democracy and Human Rights.? Is this not done everyday in countries where they do not practice True Democracy.? Wasn't the rights of Cypriots violated from 1960 on until today as well, because we did not have True Democracy.? Had Annan Plan been agreed on, wasn't the individuals rights of the majority of Cypriots once again would have been violated, voluntarily.? It is much easier to maintain Undemocratic, Dictatorship, Tyranny and Theocracies types of governments and societies than a fully Democratic one. If what we want are the above non Democratic system as some suggest we should have just because they think it is much easier and more realistic to obtain than Fully Democratic system in a modern day EU member Cyprus, then I want to welcome you all to "Animal Farm".!
If the threat is that unless we become an "Animal Farm" type of a system, then the island will divide permanently, in which case nothing is lost, because it will happen naturally anyway with the blessing of those who are against True Democratic system, who believe it is unrealistic to bring to Cyprus, forgetting as the case has been proven as to what has happened to date, just because we did not have a functioning True Democracy in Cyprus under the 1960 Constitution. If that is the case, then what would be the incentive for those in the north to unify the island with EU Principles when those in the south want to form a "Animal Farm" type of a system, because all they will be doing in effect is to encourage those in the north to not seek a True Democracy, not that many in the north wanted such a system, because it would mean losing most of their ill gained land in the north.
So the end conclusion is, if you really want to create a permanent partition in Cyprus, ask for non Democratic system of government and society and that is exactly what the Fascist NeoPartitonists in the north are doing because they understand full well, that under True Democracy they do not stand a chance of permanent partition. Therefore, giving into demands based on Undemocratic, Human Rights and International Law violations just because it is much easier and more realistic to obtain in the view for some, can only mean permanent Partitioning of Cyprus. The only saving grace to prevent this from ever happening, is the fact that Cyprus's 100% territory is in the EU and Turkey wants to be an EU member which means that Cyprus holds the keys to Turkey’s EU future, therefore she cannot and will not give into those Undemocratic means, no matter how easy or realistic they may seem to some and no matter how much Turkey may demand for such measures. By giving in, Cyprus would have signed it's own permanent partition as the case would have been in 2004 with the Annan Plan.! If you want a system of "Animal Farm" then "Animal Farm" system you will get followed by a permanent partition. All you have to do is refuse True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles for Cyprus and you will all get your wishes to come true.!