cyprusgrump wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:FragnaticDeath wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:FragnaticDeath wrote:Seriously laptops are just for multimedia usage, thats why you find them so usefull. But I dont use them for multimedia I do use a lot of 3D programming and stuff that require high amount of cpu usage.
A laptop with me would easily die in a few months from heavy usage. Plus if i want to watch movies in a plane or on the road i use my iphone. I am complete in everyway
but anyhow fig head the computer geek knows best
For multimedia usage?
What a ridiculous statement!
Laptops exist for their portability - that is why they feature batteries...
As for reliability - I have two that I've used on a regular basis for years - travelling back and forth to the UK (god knows how many times one of them has been through the X-Ray machine) and out on customer sites... no problems with reliability...
And a laptop wouldn't "easily die in a few months from heavy usage" any more than a desktop would...
lol! ok whatever makes you feel better. So let me ask you this what is the main enemy of a computer?
Fig head!
im a computer friendly user. something might shock you that i had actuelly finished my studies "I.T and information systems" !! and the funny thing is i think i hadnt attended more than 20 class !! wow knowing my uni in different city , was living it up "wow i was wild lol".. with a degree whoop whoop i only had to smile in exams and ask moniters to help me !! it works all the time lol!! not so proud of it "cheating in exams" but i get to finish uni .. might explain why i still have 3 windows on my laptop "simply i cant get rid of them.. !! poor me
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