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moving to cyprus, please help ...

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Postby aidy » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:42 pm

Michael Coumas wrote:aidy
I am sure none of us on here have taken any offence at your intentions but we probably would want you to be aware as you obviously now are. In fact I would go as far as to say we would wish you an enjoyable transition and far better life. I too am currently posted in Britain & have been for a little while now & I have noticed what you have described with local people. I have been where I am now since last August and I see that the stress levels are ever mounting. People seem to have to work all hours god gives in order to survive. Not conducive to good health and longevity of life.
There would certainly be no need to come over and apologise but there are those of us who would certainly take refreshment with you. I wish you the best & sincerely hope it works out for you, enjoy it.

Michael, thanks for those reassuring words, I notice you are in Cheshire, where abouts are you. I am in Warrington (Cheshire).
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Postby aidy » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:55 pm

Svetlana wrote:Hi aidy

Let me know if you have any specifics you would like me to 'cost'.


Lana, Thanks so much for the info. Are those prices relative to the north or south??

If it is at all possible can somebody please give me an idea of the average wage and requirement for computer engineers/system administrators. For both North and South if possible.

I am considering both possibilities of where to live, I will be looking for a village/small town to live - away from city life. My partner dreams of living in a villa with a pool. what are the private long term rent prices like. the properties I have seen on the internet i assume are priced slightly higher than local prices.

As I am coming over in October I would be happy to raise a few glasses with anyone :)
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Postby erolz » Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:55 pm

aidy wrote: Lana, Thanks so much for the info. Are those prices relative to the north or south??

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Postby Michael Coumas » Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:22 pm

aidy – I am about 25 Kilometres from you equidistant to Chester and perhaps a touch further from the Airport. I shall probably be passing your area in a week or so as I am sure I have got to go somewhere near Preston to shoot. As I get older my two primary handicaps (amongst many) are my eye and trigger finger so I am told that practice makes perfect.
Anyway we are in danger of wandering off topic, as I am inclined to do, but if there is any other info you need just ask, there are some knowledgeable people on here. Unfortunately I cannot claim to be one of them. may give you a bit of an insight or background info, it’s the site for the press and information office, also if you google “Cyprus Living” it will hopefully lead you to a msn group which in turn will lead you to other similar sites which may be of help. The majority of these sites are manned by well intentioned people who have done it, overcome the pitfalls and just offer advice and info which I guess is just what you want.
Best of luck
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Postby Michael Coumas » Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:59 pm

aidy - I think I may have given you a Greek Link. If you use:- the page you get to in the Ministry of Interior site should give you the option to click onto English text.... I hope. I'm afraid these plastic brains are not my forte, I struggle & more often than not make mistakes. Sorry about that, I promise I will try harder next time!!!
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Postby Yiannis » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:30 pm

Aidy i think u should also try looking over these presentations at .I hope they are usefull.
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:07 am


My figures wree for the RoC; property prices are much cheaper in the North and I guess so are most services; but there can be odd things like the heavy cost of medicals, if you seek immigration to the North.

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Postby hincyprus » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:43 pm

A couple of points that may help and have not yet been discussed and will affect your living in the "North" but working in the South.

It is worth noting I am a Brit living in the ROC.

At this moment of time, any EU citizen can enter the ROC via any port, airport etc freely.

This does not apply to entering the ROC via the "North". For example:

I had to travel to Antalya in Turkey recently and the obvious route was Limassol to Nicosia, then Kyrenia. Take a ferry to Turkey, (2 hours) then drive 1 hour to Antalya..........I wish it was possible. Cyprus to Greece. Greece to Istanbul. Istanbul to Antalya.......12 hours.

I checked this through, ROC immigration, customs and the British Embassy. I was not allowed to enter or leave the ROC by this route.

In the eyes of the EU community and the ROC the "North" is not recognised other than by Turkey and Azerbijan, therefore it is not a legal point of entry by a EU citizen.

If you are a TC then you can enter and work in the ROC quite freely and legally. Many do.

You asked the following questions, some of which have been answered:

1) what is the tax deduction rate from salaries?

this has been answered

2)Being from the UK, do i need a work visa?

you need to register via imigration for a residents permit allowing work. It will not be refused. As you are an EU citizen.

3)thinking of living in the north but working in the south, can this be done, is it worth while?

see my reply above.

4)is the cost of living greatly different between the north and south?

very different. But there is little work available in your line in the North.

5)what are the schools like?

In the ROC excellent. Most ex pats use the private system as teaching is in English. If your child attends a Cyprus state school the teaching is in Greek.

6)how easy/difficult is it to get Cypriat residence? and working visas if required.

see answer to question 2.

7) what is the employment like for computer engineers/system administrators.

They are available and more and more are being advertised in papers such as the Cyprus Weekly. They have a web site and subscription service.

With regard to renting in the ROC. As an idea I have several friends who have properties they rent long term. Here are three examples:

Pareklishia (East of Limassol) 15 mins to town centre of Limassol.
3 bed brand new house. With A/C, C/H and pool. Let for 2 years C£650 per month. Furnished

Ypsonas..West of Limassol. More of a suburb. 15 mins to town centre Limassol.
3 bed house, 3 years old. A/C, C/H. no pool. Rental just finished..C£600 per month. Furnished

Panthea. 10 mins from Limassol centre. Estate house, 4/5 years old couple of A/C. no C/H. no pool. Part furnished. C£375 to 450 per month for long term....available.

All these houses will be plus bills.

Other costs. Based upon my own costs. I live in a 4 bed villa with swimming pool, with 4 dogs (plus the wife) and two cats, central heating and A/C. As we are on top of a hill we get quite cold winds in winter so we do need C/H. Especially as we are acclimatized now......

These costs are actual per month. (unless noted) in C£.

Food (inc animals) 160
Elec Summer (A/c etc) 120 per two months
Elec Winter 85 per two months
Water 100 per annum
We do not have gas.
Heating oil 300/400 per annum
Local rates 8
House Insurance 40 includes content cover.
car insurance 1 20 car value C£15000)
car insurance 2 15 car value C£5000 ) Both comp
car servicing/tyres 15
Health ins (2 persons) 75 Both over 55yrs
Tel/broadband connection 42
mobiles 2 12
Fuel 2 cars 60/80
Car road tax 1and 2 23
Speeding fines 7 What a bummer both nicked
social inc smoker (me) 280/320 We try eat out 2 times/week
Pool chemical 10
Garden 20
Sundries 50

Obviously we have other costs if we travel, computer inks etc etc

But this list should give you a good idea.

Sorry it is so long but no one else seems to have actually answered your queries.

Hope its of help.

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Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:10 pm

Brilliant stuff H... just don't let your wife see your post where you place her alongside the dogs! :lol:
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