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Re: Moving to Cyprus

Postby aidy » Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:02 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
aidy wrote:
To be honest, the cost of living in the Republic is cheap compared to the UK, rents especially aren't expensive if you're willing to live outside the city centres. Plus, you'd be more likely to be accepted and welcomed by your GC work colleagues if you are living amongst them rather than potentially living in a house they were evicted from 31 years ago but can still see across the buffer zone. It's a harsh way of looking at it, but you've got to see their point.

So, it wouldn't so much be that you're British, as you being an outsider living in an area off-limits to GCs, potentially living in their grandmother's house that she died without being able to visit again. You've got to admit that in the same situation, you'd be annoyed.

Right, I know i need to look more into this, hence why i have started posting in the forum to help me do so. I have an idea what the going salary rate is for my skills, however I am not aware of the cost of living in the south. I am coming over to Cyprus in October to do more research, however if there is anyone that can give me an indication on the living costs in the GC ie. tax rates, rent (2 or 3 bedroom house) any other fixed rates.

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Re: Moving to Cyprus

Postby aidy » Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:02 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
aidy wrote:
To be honest, the cost of living in the Republic is cheap compared to the UK, rents especially aren't expensive if you're willing to live outside the city centres. Plus, you'd be more likely to be accepted and welcomed by your GC work colleagues if you are living amongst them rather than potentially living in a house they were evicted from 31 years ago but can still see across the buffer zone. It's a harsh way of looking at it, but you've got to see their point.

So, it wouldn't so much be that you're British, as you being an outsider living in an area off-limits to GCs, potentially living in their grandmother's house that she died without being able to visit again. You've got to admit that in the same situation, you'd be annoyed.

Right, I know i need to look more into this, hence why i have started posting in the forum to help me do so. I have an idea what the going salary rate is for my skills, however I am not aware of the cost of living in the south. I am coming over to Cyprus in October to do more research, however if there is anyone that can give me an indication on the living costs in the GC ie. tax rates, rent (2 or 3 bedroom house) any other fixed rates.

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Re: Moving to Cyprus

Postby aidy » Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:04 pm

aidy wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
aidy wrote:
To be honest, the cost of living in the Republic is cheap compared to the UK, rents especially aren't expensive if you're willing to live outside the city centres. Plus, you'd be more likely to be accepted and welcomed by your GC work colleagues if you are living amongst them rather than potentially living in a house they were evicted from 31 years ago but can still see across the buffer zone. It's a harsh way of looking at it, but you've got to see their point.

So, it wouldn't so much be that you're British, as you being an outsider living in an area off-limits to GCs, potentially living in their grandmother's house that she died without being able to visit again. You've got to admit that in the same situation, you'd be annoyed.

Very true, I must admit I have been a bit nieve with that view, it is a valid point that I am glad you pointed out.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:37 am

aidy - Mr cannedmoose has explained admirably & I am glad you have acknowledged the dilemma. Any negative views about you living in the occupied part of the Island would not be because you are British but because you have chosen to forsake integrity for financial gain and as cannedmoose explained you could be living very cheaply in any one of our properties to which we have effectively been denied access since 1974. The problem is then compounded because you are British as Cyprus has historically had close ties with Britain and Cypriots would expect reciprocal support from Britain and the British people as Cyprus and Cypriots have afforded them in the past.
I hope you make the right decision and enjoy your time on the Island.
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Postby aidy » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:01 am

Michael Coumas wrote:aidy -
I hope you make the right decision and enjoy your time on the Island.
Best regards

All, I believe I have may have been misunderstood. My situation is simply trying to live a better lifestyle, as i am sure, everyone in this world does. As i said earlier i was a bit niave with the views of living in the north for cost reasons and working in the south for financial gain. My life at the moment is survival, I work 60-80 hours a week in 'Blairs britain', just to survive, so i hope you can appreciate my reasons.

However, as I mentioned, i came on to this forum to learn more, and it is proving succesful. My plans are somewhat changing, I want a peaceful life for me, my family and my neighbours. I am coming over to Cyprus in October and will be looking more so in to the cost of living in the south, and budgeting accordingly.

As you state that the UK and Cyprus have a very close relationship, I do not wish to offend this.

If anyone could help me with approx. costs of living (ie. rent, taxes, rates etc.) I would so much appreciate.

once again I apologise for any dismay I have unintentionally caused for anyone.

I do hope to lead a happier less stressful life, and hopefully when i come over it would be nice to meet some of you and apologise in person if I have unintentionally offended anyone.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:13 am

Hi Aidy, I'm sure no-one has been offended, glad we've helped clear up some misconceptions you had originally anyway. I'm not the best person to ask about rent etc. since I don't live on the island. I'd suggest that when you're in Cyprus in October get hold of a copy of Cyprus Weekly or Cyprus Mail which would give you a rough idea on prices.

It might also be an idea if you start reading either of these two papers online (they're in english) to give you an idea of what issues affect the island.

Or if you're feeling particularly brave, you can try reading either Phileleftheros, Simerini or Politis
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Postby Svetlana » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:52 am

Hi aidy

Here's a staring point:

Income tax:
0-£10,000 NIL
10,001-£15,000 20%
£15001-£20,000 25%
£20,001 + 30%

Social Insurance contibutions 6.3%

Electricity costs about the same as the UK
petrol 50c per litre
water £5pm in an apartment, £30pm in a vill a with a pool
insurance lower than in the Uk
Municipality Charges (Council Tax) apartment £70pa, villa £100pa
Cars of >1600cc more expensive - to prohibitive
Road tax from about £48- £368 (depending upon engine capacity)
Meze for two in a non tourist taverna, with wine/water etc £20

Shop persons earn from £350pm; typical average wage £12,000.

Let me know if you have any specifics you would like me to 'cost'.

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Postby Svetlana » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:58 am

To clear up any misunderstandings that you, as a Brit, would not be welcome; you will find Cypriots very hospitable.

Given that Cyprus was a colony until 1960 and British soldiers shot Cypriot terrorists and Cypriot freedom fighters shot British soldiers - AND that in 1974, Britain, although being one of the three Guarantors of Cyprus safety stood by during the Turkish Invasion, it is amazing how warmly Brits are regarded here.

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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:16 am

Svetlana wrote:To clear up any misunderstandings that you, as a Brit, would not be welcome; you will find Cypriots very hospitable.

Given that Cyprus was a colony until 1960 and British soldiers shot Cypriot terrorists and Cypriot freedom fighters shot British soldiers - AND that in 1974, Britain, although being one of the three Guarantors of Cyprus safety stood by during the Turkish Invasion, it is amazing how warmly Brits are regarded here.


Lana, I think a lot of the reason is due to the vast majority of Cypriots being able to divorce someone being British from their being in some way a representative of the British government. By no means is this all people, you'll get bigots everywhere, but I think most appreciate this. Coupled with the fact that tourism drives the Cypriot economy and the vast majority of tourists are British gives Cypriots a vested interest in maintaining healthy relations with their former colonial masters.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:39 pm

I am sure none of us on here have taken any offence at your intentions but we probably would want you to be aware as you obviously now are. In fact I would go as far as to say we would wish you an enjoyable transition and far better life. I too am currently posted in Britain & have been for a little while now & I have noticed what you have described with local people. I have been where I am now since last August and I see that the stress levels are ever mounting. People seem to have to work all hours god gives in order to survive. Not conducive to good health and longevity of life.
There would certainly be no need to come over and apologise but there are those of us who would certainly take refreshment with you. I wish you the best & sincerely hope it works out for you, enjoy it.
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