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Bad Translation of French Article

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Bad Translation of French Article

Postby SKI-preo » Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:50 am

Excuse the literal translation as it is done by my computer.

Turkey in Europe: new capitulation of the Union

ANKARA (NOVOPRESS) – In 2004, Turkey had promised to accept in its harbours and airports boats and the Greek Cypriot planes consequently. And, Ankara has just confirmed that it would not conform to its obligations in relation to Cyprus. Turkey pervaded the third north of Cyprus in 1974 in reaction to the resistance of Cypriot patriots - Greeks who liked to attach the island in Greece. Result, for 35 years, the island is cut in two: the South is member of the European Union (EU), the other party is occupied by Turkey.
While Turkey refuses advances therefore on the Cypriot file, not only the European Union does not punish Ankara, but it decides even to draw up new files of negotiations of membership of Turkey in Europe « before the end of the year », according to the European Commissioner in Enlargement, Olli Rehn.
So, before 15 days, the Europeans and the Turks will open the twelfth chapter of negotiations (there is in very 35), hitting on l
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:00 am

to make a member in full measure. For what interest? Any if it is not to create sociéto-religious problems, tensions and it is an euphemism in the society because will belong insert in some decades more than 120 million Muslims that is 1/4 of the European population who will be added and they will not be without requirements of evolution of the society in the sense of Islam! Wisdom would like Europe to be granted a very particular attention in Turkey by granting him a particular status. Europe does not have vocation to spread its borders indéfiniement, and its foundations have to remain judaeo-christian, but this it is another history! notably the normalization of its relations with the Armenia, a better taking into account of the rights of the Kurds, while acknowledging that there is some more way to be notably made in freedom of the press and rights of the woman.
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:12 am

nfo Collective HORSEBOX The summit of the European Union of December 10th and 11th will not bring a lot of surprises: the 27 ministers of Foreign Affairs accepted this December 9th to continue and even to reinforce debates on the membership of Turkey in the Union but, they tell Ankara: this process could seriously be decelerated if the Turks do not show a little of goodwill regarding Cyprus. Before 15 days, the Europeans and the Turks will open a new chapter of negotiations therefore. To the reading of the article of the Turkish daily Hurriyet, of November 30th of this year, it appears that if for some, the dream of Europe is that of nations and people living in harmony and trying hard to repair the misadventures an past, for Helen Flautre, chairwoman of the coeducational Parliamentary committee EU - TURKEY, it consists in making accept at all costs in the European Union, a State occupying a party of Union underground
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