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USAGC.ORG !!! is is a scam

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USAGC.ORG !!! is is a scam

Postby fig head » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:16 pm

few days ago i was reading the news "in arabic" online in the main website for one of the most famous egyptian news paper
in one of the pages there was an advert "be an amirecan"

i clicked on it as for wondering what the heck, it was

it said apply for green card for free, i put my email, phone no and some non important details "if i get a green card for free why the heck not"

before i finish the next page they asked for my back account details so i thought what the heck and closed the web page cause i didnt even take it seriously but now it involved money !!

yesterday i got a phone call from no number but i was busy working so didnt answer and after about 5-6 missed calles from no number i answered to talk with a guy with an american accent,

he said his name is dave and he works with the american organization for green card lottery and he called me cause my details was saved before i close the web site,

and he said that egypt was choosen this year as the mean country to get green card and thats why he called me cause im egyptian,

he was talking about different programs for me and asking too many questions, he was on the phone for about 30 minutes "me thinking its for free i get on with it"

bad luck or good luck my battery went off, today he called many times and when i finaly answered him, after about 15 minutes of talking and explaining minor stuff like how it works bla bla bla

listen to this now heres where it hit me i was being scamed !!

he said this is the last day to sumbit my application because of the holidays coming and week end, so i gotta give him my visa card info so he can take 680 euro out of it as a fee for the application!!!

what where did that come from!!! i asked him a stupid uestion, its thurthsday today dont you work friday in the states, he told me well yes but the USAGC office doesnt open friday!! i told him wow i thought its free,

and i no longer wanna do it, he said is it about the amount of money you can pay 150 euros as a start and next week you can pay the rest, i said i dont wanna do it, he said i`ll call you back in one hour "mam" and you by then can check our web site and check our liablity and we are trust worthy...


i also recieved an email from that looks so government looks and looks really proper..!! is this the scam of the year or what
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:29 pm

Never mind that, it is your lucky day! :D

I have some of the rarest and most amazing magic beans for sale! :shock:

The beans have a special spell on them which means that they can only be sold to an Egyptian woman with a tattoo and yellow scooter! How lucky is that????

Send €500 and I will dispatch the beans by Akis Express soon after...

A friend. :wink:
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:36 pm

.. and am selling one of our bridges here in London. This one ......


All sensible offers considered.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:38 pm

bill cobbett wrote:.. and am selling one of our bridges here in London. This one ......


All sensible offers considered.

Would you accept some magic beans Bill...? :wink:
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Postby fig head » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:43 pm

magic beans... whta can it do for me mr cyprusgrump..!! do u think i`ll believe it is magic before asking you this!!!

and mr Bill if you can sell me big ben i in :D
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Postby fig head » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:45 pm

donno why some times letters disappear from my posts!!! !!
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:47 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:.. and am selling one of our bridges here in London. This one ......


All sensible offers considered.

Would you accept some magic beans Bill...? :wink:


Good offer Grump, but sorry mate, just signed over that bridge to a couple of geriatric CYs from South London in return for their bus passes.
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Re: USAGC.ORG !!! is is a scam

Postby Kikapu » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:15 pm

fig head wrote:few days ago i was reading the news "in arabic" online in the main website for one of the most famous egyptian news paper
in one of the pages there was an advert "be an amirecan"

i clicked on it as for wondering what the heck, it was

it said apply for green card for free, i put my email, phone no and some non important details "if i get a green card for free why the heck not"

before i finish the next page they asked for my back account details so i thought what the heck and closed the web page cause i didnt even take it seriously but now it involved money !!

yesterday i got a phone call from no number but i was busy working so didnt answer and after about 5-6 missed calles from no number i answered to talk with a guy with an american accent,

he said his name is dave and he works with the american organization for green card lottery and he called me cause my details was saved before i close the web site,

and he said that egypt was choosen this year as the mean country to get green card and thats why he called me cause im egyptian,

he was talking about different programs for me and asking too many questions, he was on the phone for about 30 minutes "me thinking its for free i get on with it"

bad luck or good luck my battery went off, today he called many times and when i finaly answered him, after about 15 minutes of talking and explaining minor stuff like how it works bla bla bla

listen to this now heres where it hit me i was being scamed !!

he said this is the last day to sumbit my application because of the holidays coming and week end, so i gotta give him my visa card info so he can take 680 euro out of it as a fee for the application!!!

what where did that come from!!! i asked him a stupid uestion, its thurthsday today dont you work friday in the states, he told me well yes but the USAGC office doesnt open friday!! i told him wow i thought its free,

and i no longer wanna do it, he said is it about the amount of money you can pay 150 euros as a start and next week you can pay the rest, i said i dont wanna do it, he said i`ll call you back in one hour "mam" and you by then can check our web site and check our liablity and we are trust worthy...


i also recieved an email from that looks so government looks and looks really proper..!! is this the scam of the year or what

You are right, is a scam. There are no costs to register to this Green Card Lottery with the US State Department. There are only 50,000 winners per year and it is for all the countries in the world of 6 Billion people and you can register your name ONLY once per year. If found that you have made multiple registrations, you will be denied if you should win. I believe the allocated percentage for Green Cards for each country is based on the size of the population of that country. Once you win, you have about 3-6 months to make the move to the states or else your winnings becomes invalid.
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Postby FragnaticDeath » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:15 pm ... 513AAMYl9L

here is your answer!

Next time you go to such sites just copy paste the link in google with the following word next to it "Fake" or "legit"
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Postby fig head » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:20 pm

frangatic boy i done that yesterday when i recieved the 1st call.. tho i thought hearing ppl opinions about it and sharing it with ppl isnt bad idea.. may be some one actuelly fall for or had a smiller experiance with such scams have something to say about it.. i thought its for free this is why i was gettin along with it.. as soon as i heard money. there was an alarm going scam scam scam in my head
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