Firstly, I post this given the post by Oracle was dispicable and I note many rejected the implication, for which I am thankful.
For the sake of discussion, it does present the thought, what about looking at things in the other direction.
I would contend from what I have read on this site, probably most GCs would not kill as they had done in the past, but most do believe it is right to continue the deplorable isolation that impacts the living conditions and opportunities for their "partners" on the island.
Both sides have suffered similar fates with refugees, murders, lands lost. Yet TCs are continually crushed by the megalomaniac endeavours of GCs.
Christofias = Papadopulos = GCs in general = Akritas lives on in an economic, social and political form.
Indeed we all have our opinions, but if we look at who is continuing to punish whom as well as showing restraint on finding a solution, we have a clear answer.
GCs will happily inflict pain on TCs for their false constitution.