Of course I don't know you and my assessment of your character is based entirely on your warped, nasty and angry posts which I and everyone else is competent enough to read and judge.
Insisting on an individual's human rights (including yours you nasty person) is not a demonstration of my stupidity but of my humanity.
Where have I been nasty and angry?, my reponses are in direct result of your own posts which warrant such a level of communication anything less and it would have no impact on your learning the viewpoint of an average TC.
We are all demanding human rights are we not? you do not have a monoply on them, you give me mine and I will gladly give you yours, isnt that why we are aat the negotiating table?
These aren't demands. These are inalienable human rights. No one should have to compromise on these and if they feel strongly enough about it there are clear laws to secure them. Each individual, pre- solution and post- solution will be able to do so. If you see this as greed on my part and capitulation on yours then this is an example of your warped, nasty and angry character.
Dont you feel that you need to change the record as your mindset has not gotten you anywhere close to solution for over 46 years, your last attempt to brush us aside lost you 37% of the island and now you cru wolf and human rights, well you stole all our rights for over 46 years what do you intend to do about that or does it only effect Gcs and their losses. Your ignorance and despot approach will guarantee only one thing that these refugees remain just that realization of the PROs you would obtain from compromise whether it be a right that you have lost or not is a sign of your continue to bash your head against the brick wall thinking it will cave in and give you all you demand when they only thing that you will get for sure is brain damage and ultimately death not knowing exactly how stupid you were.