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Postby EPSILON » Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:17 pm

halil wrote:A new phase is starting in the negotiations process.
The two leaders in Cyprus have agreed to further intensify talks in the New Year.

Talat and Christofias will each host 3 meetings in Kyrenia and South Nicosia respectively in January.The leaders will be meeting at their homes.
Talat and Christofias met today to continue their talks within the framework of the United Nations-led negotiation process.

The two leaders held broad discussions on all issues, focusing mainly on citizenship, aliens, immigration and asylum.

Speaking after today’s discussions, the UN Special Advisor Alexander Downer said the meeting, attended only by the two leaders, their senior aides and the UN Special Adviser, took place in a positive and constructive atmosphere.

Speaking to reporters upon his return to the TRNC Presidential Palace, President Talat confirmed press reports that they will each host 3 meetings in January, in Kyrenia and South Nicosia, respectively.

Christofias will be hosting the talks for three consecutive days at his home in South Nicosia as from the 11th of January and Talat in Kyrenia as from the 18th of January.

Reminded of the statements made by the Turkish Minister of State Chief negotiator to the EU Egemen Bagis regarding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Cyprus, Talat refrained from commenting but said that the continuation of the system of guarantees was vital for the Turkish Cypriots.
Talat also underlined the need to adopt a different method of negotiating.

“We have discussed all the outstanding issues. It is now time to take steps towards removing existing differences and work towards convergence. That is why we need to take on new initiatives”

Talat also expressed he hope that the Greek Cypriot Side will adopt a more active stance in the next year so that the talks can progress.

Leaders!!!like we say president of USA and president of ROC?!!!!
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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:17 pm

Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.

real friendships can not exist between people who do not even respect each others human rights. If you didn't know this then probably you never had real friends.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:38 pm

Gosh Piratis, who is not respecting whose human rights? I think it's time to climb down the moral high grounds now for you seem to suffer from a huge dose of vertigo. I know your arguments about who started it first and so on, but, when the Americans give back America to the Red Indians and Geronimo becomes the President, I will probably have time to hear your human rights thesis on solving political issues.
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Postby halil » Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:45 pm

@Selam Birkibrisli .....Selam.....


The Cyprus issue was on the agenda of a meeting at the United Nations Security Council .(wednesday)

The Council was briefed about the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s latest reports on UNFICYP and on his Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus.

Speaking to reporters following the closed-door meeting, UN Chief’s Special Adviser for Cyprus Alexander Downer said that the two leaders made steady progress in the negotiations.

The UN Envoy stated that he and the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Cyprus Taye Brooke Zerihoun briefed members of the Security Council on the two reports.

Mr Downer said ``we are cautiously optimistic that an agreement can be reached`` and noted that ``the two leaders are conducting the negotiations in good faith and with good will``.

Replying to a question, the Envoy said he believed ``good progress has been made`` and pointed out that over the past couple of months ``there has been a good deal of growing convergence``.

To other questions concerning efforts to solve the Cyprus problem, he said ``this is a matter for the Cypriots`` and that ``what the international community wants is for Cypriots to reunite and what is interesting is that for the time being the international community is quite focused on this issue.``

Downer said he met with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton
and some of her officials, and has a constant round of discussions within meetings with ministers of foreign affairs and other senior officials from countries that are interested in the issue.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:10 pm

Piratis wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.

real friendships can not exist between people who do not even respect each others human rights. If you didn't know this then probably you never had real friends.

Then its about time you returned ours.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:14 am

Piratis wrote:Welcome back Bir ;)

The voice of the reason is the one which always supports universal principles such as human rights and democracy. If such principles were allowed in Cyprus then there wouldn't be any problems to begin with, neither any EOKA or TMT would exist. The Cypriot people would be able to peacefully and democratically decide about their own island. The day that the Cyprus Problem will be solved will be the day that those universal principles are allowed to Cyprus.

Specific foreigners didn't want to allow these universal principles to prevail in Cyprus because they wanted to continue having control over Cyprus instead of allowing this control to the Cypriot people. It is a fact that those foreigners did use some extremist groups within Cypriots in order to destabilize Cyprus and created problems (TMT - EOKA B). It is also a fact that those foreigners continue to spend a lot of money today in their effort to have an outcome that would continue to serve their interests instead of the interests of the Cypriot people.

Sorry Bir, but it is naive to say that there are no traitors. You can find such traitors in our past and you can find them in our present as well. The way those foreigners channel their funds change, the recipients change, but what is always constant is the willingness by some minorities within the Cypriot society to accept that money and promote the interests of those foreigners instead of the interests of the Cypriot people.

Human rights (which includes the right for property) and democracy are the bare minimum of what a result should have in order to be classified as a solution. It is deplorable of how easily some people in here brush away these most basic human rights. If they are not traitors then the only other thing they can be is stupid.

Thanks for the welcome,Piratis..It is good to be back.. :)

The voice of reason I am talking about is he one which whispers "when there are historical emnity,conflict,bitterness and mistrust between people,it is essential to address those isues first,before you can find a compromise solution to your problem"!!!

Full democracy and human rights are admirable notions,but what is the use of pushing them if there is little chance of success,at this stage of our developping cooperation and maturity??? Given our sorry past,there is no way we will go from where we are to a full political democracy in our lifetime..So what is the next best thing? What is realistically achievable???Those are the questions people like Bananiot keep raising. They do not deserve to be branded traitors for stating the obvious...There is a big difference between a traitor and a true patriot,one who would tell you your wrongs without fear or favour,in order to advance the just cause of his people...It is easy to close your eyes and ears to the realities,historical goings on,and parrot your love for your country...Much more difficult to criticise your people in order to warn them of further calamity...People who choose the second part should not be demonised.They should be respected,admired and appreciated...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:21 am

Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.

Thank you,dear Bananiot...Great to come back and see you are still trying to talk sense to minds that are so closed even the light of compassion, logic and friendship cannot penetrate... :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:23 am

Halil wrote:@Selam Birkibrisli .....Selam.....

Selam Halil...
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Postby boomerang » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:27 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:Welcome back Bir ;)

The voice of the reason is the one which always supports universal principles such as human rights and democracy. If such principles were allowed in Cyprus then there wouldn't be any problems to begin with, neither any EOKA or TMT would exist. The Cypriot people would be able to peacefully and democratically decide about their own island. The day that the Cyprus Problem will be solved will be the day that those universal principles are allowed to Cyprus.

Specific foreigners didn't want to allow these universal principles to prevail in Cyprus because they wanted to continue having control over Cyprus instead of allowing this control to the Cypriot people. It is a fact that those foreigners did use some extremist groups within Cypriots in order to destabilize Cyprus and created problems (TMT - EOKA B). It is also a fact that those foreigners continue to spend a lot of money today in their effort to have an outcome that would continue to serve their interests instead of the interests of the Cypriot people.

Sorry Bir, but it is naive to say that there are no traitors. You can find such traitors in our past and you can find them in our present as well. The way those foreigners channel their funds change, the recipients change, but what is always constant is the willingness by some minorities within the Cypriot society to accept that money and promote the interests of those foreigners instead of the interests of the Cypriot people.

Human rights (which includes the right for property) and democracy are the bare minimum of what a result should have in order to be classified as a solution. It is deplorable of how easily some people in here brush away these most basic human rights. If they are not traitors then the only other thing they can be is stupid.

Thanks for the welcome,Piratis..It is good to be back.. :)

The voice of reason I am talking about is he one which whispers "when there are historical emnity,conflict,bitterness and mistrust between people,it is essential to address those isues first,before you can find a compromise solution to your problem"!!!

Full democracy and human rights are admirable notions,but what is the use of pushing them if there is little chance of success,at this stage of our developping cooperation and maturity??? Given our sorry past,there is no way we will go from where we are to a full political democracy in our lifetime..So what is the next best thing? What is realistically achievable???Those are the questions people like Bananiot keep raising. They do not deserve to be branded traitors for stating the obvious...There is a big difference between a traitor and a true patriot,one who would tell you your wrongs without fear or favour,in order to advance the just cause of his people...It is easy to close your eyes and ears to the realities,historical goings on,and parrot your love for your country...Much more difficult to criticise your people in order to warn them of further calamity...People who choose the second part should not be demonised.They should be respected,admired and appreciated...

Bir nice to have you back but I beg to differ with you...we complain the system sucked big time when imposed on us so the next best thing is to make sure second time around it's fixed once and for all...half way measures will lead to more problems rendering any half hearted agreement useless...
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:29 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Halil wrote:@Selam Birkibrisli .....Selam.....

Selam Halil...

Welcome back, Bir. You have been gone for too long.!

You have now been grounded young man, which means you can't go anywhere for a while and that you need to stick around here.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good to have you back.! :D
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