BirKibrisli wrote:If we study the Cyprob from the beginning we find one constant.
The voice of reason has always been silenced. In the bad old days it was usually silenced by the gun...(Go and find out how many GCs EOKA killed and how many TCs TMT killed for wanting to be Cypriots and live in Peace as one people, one nation)...In the bad new days it is silenced by accusations of being a "Traitor" or "being on the payroll of the OTHER side"...Keep up the good work,dear Bananiot,the cavalry is on its way...
Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.
paliometoxo wrote:Reminded of the statements made by the Turkish Minister of State Chief negotiator to the EU Egemen Bagis regarding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Cyprus
what statementabout the turkish troops?
Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.
EPSILON wrote:Bananiot wrote:Forgive them Birkibrisli gardash, they do not know what they are talking about and furthermore, they have never tasted real friendship.
Jesus words... but i think He did not know the word "gardash"
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