by cannedmoose » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:10 am
Thrill, I guess what admin's saying is that there are certain people lately who have been deliberately offensive to others. They do so because they regard the forum as a joke and see themselves as above participating in it. This probably means that the certain individuals involved have difficulty in forming normal relationships and take out their anger on people through the easiest channel, i.e. here.
I don't therefore think that admin wants to totally crack down on peoples' fun, I've received a number of notes from admin lately asking if I can cool it a little with the number and size of pictures and I am doing so. I have also been reprimanded (still got the marks) for responding in kind to a certain person's incredibly rude remarks. As such, I support admin's policy direction, although I hope that it will be used with some discretion. It's very easy to misconstrue what someone says through text alone and I would hope there are not cases where this happens and someone is permanently banned as a consequence. However, where someone is being explicitly offensive and obviously revelling in their 'rude-boy' status, that person should be banned without hesitation. I'm therefore disappointed that despite promises, admin has not yet banned the person who caused the most recent furore on here. I hope it's just a case of time.
Before you say it Thrill, I don't seek to get people banned willy-nilly. I 'know' how most people on this forum present themselves and in most cases outbursts are outbursts and as human beings we must understand that. For example, I know that if I make a joke about your relationship with the long-lost Marinella, it will be taken as so, similarly if we make jokes about Brother's dubious relationship with Main_Source, it will be taken in jest, however, to those that I don't understand I would not make such remarks, just as you wouldn't walk up to someone in the street and call them a poushti, yet you would with one of your mates.
But when someone deliberately adopts a hostile stance simply for their own gratification (i.e. to be noticed by the general crowd), I will seek to ban anyone who purposely sets out to be offensive. If that makes me a grass, then sobeit.