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Personal attacks

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Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:07 am

Main_Source wrote:
A meesage to Admin.

A few days ago I complained to you that Main Source had posted offensive remarks about me and my family. He told me to "F**k off" and said that he had been "pimping" my "family". You did nothing.

You said to me that offensive remarks were not allowed and anybody posting such remarks would be banned. I acknowledged and accepted what you said.

Yesterday evening when I logged on I saw that Main Source was being offensive to numerous members in the forum. I told him that it was not acceptable and brought it to your attention.

What did you do? You banned us both for a day.

When I asked you why you had banned me you said that a post that I had sent to Main Source in reply to an earlier post by Main Source was unacceptable.

You sent me a private message quoting my post; "get your finger out". Obviously your command of the English language is very poor.

I told Main Source to "get his finger out because he was taking so long to reply to a question that I had posed to him.

As you dont know what the expression means then I will explain. For someone to "get their finger out" means to make an effort. This was in reference to Main Source taking too long in my opinion to post a reply.

Obviously you have a filthy mind Admin because you must have thought they i was questioning Main Source's sexuality again. As I have already stated before I have stopped posted such stuff to Main Source.

Yet you ban us both for a day. I do nothing wrong, Main Source offended many people yesterday evening yet we get the same ban.

Admin you havent a clue. And you owe me an apology in this post and not a privete message.

On the subject of apologies, a little while back I made a comment that offended a female member. When this person pointed this out to me I immediately apologized so everyone could see that I was in the wrong.

As for Main Source I have not posted anything offensive to him recently, especially in the last week when I took on board what Admin said.

I realize that now that Main Source is sensative to remarks about his sexuality. If I have offended you Main Source then I apologize.

I believe that you owe me an apology for the remarks that you made to me recently. Please note that I have never sworn at you yet you told me to "F**k off".

What I find most annoying is that you insist that I have made derogatory remarks about your father. This is not true. As I have stated before, I know who your father is and I have the utmost respect for him as do others in the Cypriot Community in North London, especially for all his work that he has done in the Cypriot Football League.

My final comments are for Admin. You are in a position that means that you have to not only be fair to everyone but seem to be fair.

Make sure that in the future if you are going to ban someone that you get your facts straight.

Whoever reads this, please feel free to comment.

I have apologized to Main Source.

I hope that Admin and Main Source are big enough to issue apologies to

I'm gonna stop typing know before I wear out my keyboard!

Issues! lol.

Still no apology?
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Postby Main_Source » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:08 am

Where you been Pete? I been here all day...I got to make up my own episode of Grange Hill and even had a conversation with EROLZ!

you missed out on the fun :wink:
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Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:10 am

Main_Source wrote:Where you been Pete? I been here all day...I got to make up my own episode of Grange Hill and even had a conversation with EROLZ!

you missed out on the fun :wink:

How long were u banned 4?

Will u apologize to me? Yes or no?
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Postby Main_Source » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:13 am

Still no apology?

:roll: Image
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Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:15 am

Main_Source wrote:
Still no apology?

:roll: Image

Excues my ignorence, but what is that meant to mean?
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Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:15 am

Calm it down guys... just kiss and make up, it's well overdue... and I'm not saying that in any kind of sly allusion to sexual preferences or whatever. It's clear that you guys have more in common with each other than the division you seem to like creating... let's all be friends for once and drop the insults.

P.S. Source, thanks for posting the tumbleweed pic, I've been looking for one of those for yonks...
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Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:17 am

cannedmoose wrote:Calm it down guys... just kiss and make up, it's well overdue... and I'm not saying that in any kind of sly allusion to sexual preferences or whatever. It's clear that you guys have more in common with each other than the division you seem to like creating... let's all be friends for once and drop the insults.

P.S. Source, thanks for posting the tumbleweed pic, I've been looking for one of those for yonks...

Try reading my post Moose. I apologized, Source hasnt nor has Admin.
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Postby cannedmoose » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:19 am

petethegreek wrote:Try reading my post Moose. I apologized, Source hasnt nor has Admin.

Sometimes in life mate, you just have to turn the other cheek and move on
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Postby Main_Source » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:22 am

Obviously you have a filthy mind Admin because you must have thought they i was questioning Main Source's sexuality again. As I have already stated before I have stopped posted such stuff to Main Source.

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Postby petethegreek » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:23 am

cannedmoose wrote:
petethegreek wrote:Try reading my post Moose. I apologized, Source hasnt nor has Admin.

Sometimes in life mate, you just have to turn the other cheek and move on

So Source clears off. No apology. Thats fine by you Moose. What if he insulted YOUR family. Would YOU "turn the other cheek?"
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