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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:41 pm

Source when in one of ur post u become offensive 2 my parents and in another u tell me 2 f**k off u cant have much of a complaint if those and other posts r deleted.

If u dont think that is stepping over the mark then then i dont know wot is.

I like 2 have a bit of banter in this forum and i take as much as i give but im sure if i made those remarks about u or ur parents u would find them as offensive as i.

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Postby city » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:46 pm

Main_Source wrote:You needlesly deleting my post (and it was needless yeah) has kinda put me off this site a litle's like everything has to be controlled and who knows when someones post might unknowingly get altered.

Source, I'm very sure that none of the moderators would alter anyones post without leaving a note that he did so!
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Postby Main_Source » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:47 pm

Dont pretend that i've hurt your feelings...because you were the first one who talked about MY family in this website.

As for aparently talking about your parents...wrong, I breifly mentioned your family who I dont know and was simply a reply to you trying to act smart.

Drop the victim act.
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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:51 pm

Main_Source wrote:Dont pretend that i've hurt your feelings...because you were the first one who talked about MY family in this website.

As for aparently talking about your parents...wrong, I breifly mentioned your family who I dont know and was simply a reply to you trying to act smart.

Drop the victim act.

U said u were pimping my parents. Thats offensive. I never insulted ur parents. All i said was that i new ur father when he was in KOPA and paid him a copliment when i told u that he was a very respected and organinzed committee member.

There is a difference between wot u posted and wot i posted.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:04 pm

city wrote:
Main_Source wrote:You needlesly deleting my post (and it was needless yeah) has kinda put me off this site a litle's like everything has to be controlled and who knows when someones post might unknowingly get altered.

Source, I'm very sure that none of the moderators would alter anyones post without leaving a note that he did so!

Especially since it wasn't me who deleted it... if I had I would have put a note. Let me repeat, I am not a moderator for this section and have no powers to edit or delete posts... I only have that within the discussion desert that is the Cyprus-EU section.
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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:07 pm

Moose ur wasting ur time with Source. If u look at my previous post, Source has failed to give it an answer.

Would u not say that THAT was going 2 far.

If i made those remarks i would expect 2 b kicked off this forum.

Source should count himself lucky that he hasnt been banned instead of complaning.

Unfortunately, i dont think he knows when he steps over the mark.
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Postby Main_Source » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:17 pm

I failed to give an answer because I had more important things to anwer a telephone call lol.

As for you complaining about my 'rude-boy' ways, I didnt mention your paerents...I mentioned your family...who I dont know and could not be personal because I dont know them. It was a throw away reply to one of your boring "I think im smart" posts. Infact, can whoever deleted that thred put it back so people can REALLY see if it was that bad? As for family again, you were the first one who threatend to ID me or my dad or whoever on this once again, stop trying to act the victim. Im just giving you some of you own medicine but you cant seem to take it.

As for the whole point of this argument...Moose, can you put back the post you thought should have been deleted and let EVERYONE see if it was worth deleting? Like i said, i wasnt important but 99% of the posts made on this website aren't...

Its the fact that you thought you had to delete something for the sake of it I find ridiculous, just because YOUR forum you are supposed to moderate is boring. like I said, people letting power go to there head.

This website has REALLY lost credibility right now.
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Postby petethegreek » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:21 pm

Main_Source wrote:I failed to give an answer because I had more important things to anwer a telephone call lol.

As for you complaining about my 'rude-boy' ways, I didnt mention your paerents...I mentioned your family...who I dont know and could not be personal because I dont know them. It was a throw away reply to one of your boring "I think im smart" posts. Infact, can whoever deleted that thred put it back so people can REALLY see if it was that bad? As for family again, you were the first one who threatend to ID me or my dad or whoever on this once again, stop trying to act the victim. Im just giving you some of you own medicine but you cant seem to take it.

As for the whole point of this argument...Moose, can you put back the post you thought should have been deleted and let EVERYONE see if it was worth deleting? Like i said, i wasnt important but 99% of the posts made on this website aren't...

Its the fact that you thought you had to delete something for the sake of it I find ridiculous, just because YOUR forum you are supposed to moderate is boring. like I said, people letting power go to there head.

This website has REALLY lost credibility right now.

In ur post u said u were pimping my parents. What offensive remark did i make about ur father?
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:26 pm

Main_Source wrote:As for the whole point of this argument...Moose, can you put back the post you thought should have been deleted and let EVERYONE see if it was worth deleting? Like i said, i wasnt important but 99% of the posts made on this website aren't...

Its the fact that you thought you had to delete something for the sake of it I find ridiculous, just because YOUR forum you are supposed to moderate is boring. like I said, people letting power go to there head.

Happy now? Are you happy to be compared to Vanilla Ice? Since you requested that I repost what could have been construed as offensive to you personally, I will assume that you are satisfied with such a comparison.

As for my forum being boring, far from it, I find the Cyprus-EU dynamic fascinating. Hopefully once Alex L's article appears in the papers tomorrow, some more people will also find it so.
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Postby Main_Source » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:34 pm

No...I mean repost the post I MADE, not your Vanilla Ice response (which I found funny but I suppose if I made it, it would have been deleted) response to you mentioning the word rude-boy. Like I said, it doesnt mean shit but its important now because it shows an abuse of power by people being flipantly made moderators.

i DID think you would make a good moderator...but deleting someones post then leaving your own one on is a big mistake.
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