Main_Source wrote:With all due respect, I think admin has let off two many 'moderator' positions and this website is really losing it's appeal.
To be honest with you Main_Source, I agree that in the case of some areas of this forum, moderation is being applied too harshly. Since no-one ever posts in my allotted section, I'm not having to apply it at all

, but in the case of general chat, I think it's fair to say that the only posts requiring moderation are those that are deliberately offensive.
If the forum had a section on 'Moving to Cyprus' as everyone has been asking for, the remainder of general chat tends to be just that, very general and very chatty, therefore remaining strictly 'on topic' appears to be an unnecessary requirement. Obviously if a new member posts looking for information, it would be better to ensure that their enquiry is answered before launching into a discussion of Bro's (or your own for that matter) sexuality. But otherwise, this section has developed into its own little community.
I've noticed that some members are not posting as frequently these days, not sure if it's because it's summertime and they're away or because of the new rules on moderation. Let's hope it's the first.